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Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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  1. M


    Just thought i'd throw this out & see what others here feel about this: I notice that when scanning my mirrors, that i get too much of me, the rider, in the view & i have to move my arms in to get get a better view behind me. Seems to be more so on the right side mirror. If iI try to move...
  2. M

    popular gps

    I use the garmin 2730, its a bit pricey, but, imho worth every penny. It really works super well.
  3. M

    One of my employees got a DWI...

    At my company, we pay an outside consultant, who specializes in things of this nature & our rights as employers. If you like I can run your situation by him & see what he says. I'm also in new york so it may or should be aplicable to you. Just let me know if you want me to ask him.
  4. M

    Louder Horn any recomendations?

    I'm looking for a louder horn for my FJR AE. Does anybody have any input or recomendations ????