You will never get good results using a ball mount and arm. No GoPro has stabilization. To use them you need them on a vibration free and rigid mount like on the tank or center body or clamped very securely and close to a side part.
I just got back home from a few days up too - tons of vids going up over the next few weeks - great roads!
LOL they did the same for me - in the end they wasted $30 in shipping - even sending an empty package once...I told them they need to have a talk with the kid in shipping, guess they didn't listen.
I told them what I did and that they will be getting a lot of orders for the parts - hopefully to give them a heads up to order more of the backordered parts to stock.
Might want to make sure it's the basket you need/have and not the boss - I know I transposed the terms myself a few times...The boss is the part all the plates go in. The basket is what that whole assembly goes in.
Beautiful pics and scenery! I would love to be back there on a bike sometime! I found myself saying - yup I know exactly where you were standing - for most of them lol
Yep the vid is more for those that have never picked up a wrench for sure (I make sure that's clear in the vid too). If you know the procedure already the only important part for you will be bending BOTH tabs instead of one and you'll be good! Skip to the end few minutes to see it in action if...