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  1. TruWrecks

    Considering a used 2008 FJR1300AE -- need help with issues?

    The studdering when cold is normal if you try to very slowly rev it up. Take off like it's a scooter. Bring it up to 1400 RPMs progressively. Not too fast, not too slow. It's a learned balance. The front tire would need to be ridden with 20-30 lbs the entire 3000 to wear it bald. That would...
  2. TruWrecks

    It happened to me too.

    Sound like the main power failed. Could be the switch. Now that it's completely dead they should be able to find the problem quickly.
  3. TruWrecks

    FJRF003.1: Ignition Switch

    I had my dealer check the VIN. Mine was done according to their records on 03/03/09. That was a few days before I bought it. They are going to verify it was done correctly and stamp the VIN.
  4. TruWrecks

    another PDX visit :)

    Hmm. If you guys wouldn't mind me joining I should be open on any of those dates. I may not be riding anything though until I can get something done about the 3 lumbar discs that are currently herniated and waiting for surgery.
  5. TruWrecks

    FJRF003.1: Ignition Switch

    Well, I just checked mine tonight and it appears it did not get the new switch guts before I bought it. I will be calling the dealer when they open tomorrow. Thanks to all who helped get this going.
  6. TruWrecks

    Finally pulled the trigger

    Welcome to the "Clutchless Collective". It's a blast playing with the gears and not worrying about the clutch at times. It doesn't make me like or dislike a clutch bike any more or less. Good thing, or I wouldn't like the Hayabusa that also sits in my stable. Cheers. B)
  7. TruWrecks

    Fender Eliminator (Coming Soon)

    Looks nice. If you ever ride in WA you'll need to put a plate light on it. WSP will stop you for that and they don't care what state you live in.
  8. TruWrecks

    Riding suits

    Another vote here for Olympia Motorsports gear. I have a Phantom suit. It's waterproof when it's all zipped up. I got caught in monsoon style rain last Spring. My neck was the only part that got the slightest bit wet.
  9. TruWrecks

    Engine Heat and saddle

    Little hint for everyone: THE SIDE PANELS DO NOT DIRECT THE ENGINE HEAT AT THE RIDER WHEN THEY ARE OUT!!!!!!!!!! Having the panels in will allow more air to flow closer to the rider. Having the panels out will direct more air away from the rider, making the engine heat more noticeable. Get...
  10. TruWrecks

    Auxiliary tank fitting - alternatives to buulkhead?

    Find a shop that know how to weld on fuel tanks. Take the tank to them and ask the shop to drill and weld a bung fitting so you can thread in a fitting for the hose. If you want it removed you can put a plug in it.
  11. TruWrecks

    British tourist perspective on harleys

    Animals seem to feel that the ground is moving beneath Yellowstone. Oh, that's right. There is a massive pocket of magma swelling up below part of that park. It has erupted a couple of times in the past and laid waste to most of the area that is now Western USA.
  12. TruWrecks

    need help on road trip

    Pilot Road 2
  13. TruWrecks

    Anti-vibe Bar Mount

    Have you tried softer grips yet? That can help isolate your hands more without affecting the steering mounts. To be effective, you would need to isolate the base mount and all bolt contact surfaces.
  14. TruWrecks

    New Direction for any war

    I'll go even though I'm not quite 40 yet. Give me an FN Scar 17, or an F2000, an I'll be good for a few thousand bad guys. I'm divorced so you already know I can ignore the yelling and screaming, I want to kill something, and I have a short fuse for ignorance. ;)
  15. TruWrecks

    which gps do I want

    I have a Zumo 550 and I really like it. I'm waiting to see it there will be another Zumo after the 660 that is actually an upgrade the the 550. The 660 seems to be a downgrade in overall.
  16. TruWrecks

    08 mirrow needed

    All Gen II mirrors are the same build, but different colors for each year. The AE colors are also different.
  17. TruWrecks

    Tool kit - what should I carry?

    +1000 Also a basic first aid kit, and some cash for places that don't take debit or credit. They are out there.
  18. TruWrecks

    We don’t need no stinking 6th gear in the FJR

    Maybe Pop's kid is over 20 and making his own money? My Busa is turning 3,800 going 65 in 6th. My FJR is turning 3,300 at 65 in 5th. 6th gear conclusion: Pros: More usable torque and lower RPMs at cruising speeds. Cons: More shifting, and shifting more often. Heavier transmission with more...
  19. TruWrecks

    another one down

    RIP to the rider. Prayers to his family. Use the front brake people. You have a much better chance of stopping or avoiding if you still have the tires on the road. The person that taught this man that technique should be ashamed of themselves.
  20. TruWrecks

    Anyone wear riding armor?

    That armor will be great for blunt trauma, but give you very little for abrasion resistance. It is not intended to be a total protection solution. A layered approach is what you want. I wear an Icon armored vest under my textiles. I wear a Teknic back armor under my track leathers.