I'm working on my rear fender, so my bike should look like this by the time I'm done. COOOOL...
The only water this bike is seen is from the end of a hose when is getting washed. I just don't ride in the rain.What are you gonna do about the wet dirt stripe your gonna have on your back?
you don't know what your'e missing...............that's how most of us wash our bikesI just don't ride in the rain.
Mike I love seeing the pictures of your bike that uncover just a small area. I always look at them and say to myself, "Damn what was he thinkin?" You never cease to amaze me sir. :specool:well here's mine
I do to. Lyman got some picts.i jus cut mine up even w/ the bottom of the plate. Looks pretty clean.. I hate the whale tail look
I work on tractors for John Deere. So smashed fingers and busted knucles is a common thing.How many middle names did Jesus have when you smashed that thumb?
***************************************Nice job!
So your turn signals are where???? Cali will site you in a heart beat for that. Don't give leo's a reason to pull you over.
More pix of the cut etc, would help us lame people (me) to see how to do it.
BTW - Great avatar.