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Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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  1. natehawk750

    Garage Door Opener

    My garage door opener is connected to the wifi and I have an app on my phone... phone is mounted to handlebars. I believe there are add on wifi dongles that you can wire into your garage door motor if it's not already equipped.
  2. natehawk750

    2018 FJR AUX Tank Plumbing

    That's great Greg! I'm doing this... I'm not fond of the drilled bung gravity set up I have now.  @Canadian FJR This is how my BMW aux tank worked the great thing about this method is that as soon as your fuel gauge lines start dropping you know that your aux tank is 100% empty and can then...
  3. natehawk750

    Idiots guide to riding deals gap.

    Well it showed up this time so must have been something funky with my connection. Couple thoughts while watching this. 1. I'm glad to know that if I ever go off the edge it doesn't look  too bad. 2. The most painful part of the video was the last 2 minutes being completely slowmo. 3...
  4. natehawk750

    Idiots guide to riding deals gap.

    Video was taken down. Dang it I missed it.
  5. natehawk750

    Sena bluetooth wanted. SOLVED!

    Would anyone on here happen to have a sena bluetooth head set they'd be willing to sell? Thanks
  6. natehawk750


    Wow I just got mine of fleabay a week ago for $50.
  7. natehawk750


    What's this spacer thats been mentioned regarding the vstrom hand guards? I just Installed mine and found no issues.
  8. natehawk750

    Three Months With New FJR

    Glad that you're liking it Greg! I'm new to the FJR as well. Bought it with hopes of trying my hand in the rally world. I'm glad to see I'm on the right track with my set up in comparison to a rally vet.
  9. natehawk750

    How Many Miles Did You Ride In 2019?

    Yes I realized... FJRfarrier and I have had many discussions about this. Our riding seasons are almost swapped. I take off the summer because the heat and humidity is miserable and she the winter because of the cold and snow.
  10. natehawk750

    2019 Miles Report

    Geez you really are a CandyAss Association representative!
  11. natehawk750

    How Many Miles Did You Ride In 2019?

    9,142 miles for me... not to shabby considering I bought the FJR in April last year. I feel I haven't ridden hardly at all.
  12. natehawk750

    Pathfinder's 100,000 (Cert.) Miles in 1 Year Attempt

    I couldn't help but laugh when telling my wife... almost 125k this year and that's with missing an entire month of riding!  Awesome Job Tony!
  13. natehawk750

    2018 FJR AUX Tank Plumbing

    Awesome! Thanks Greg.
  14. natehawk750

    2018 FJR AUX Tank Plumbing

    I'm guessing everything is still operating properly with this setup? I might be plugging my tank and switching to this method soon.
  15. natehawk750

    Coast To Coast ( Atlantic To Pacific ) Nonstop

    I'm looking forward to watching this attempt and if there is anything I can do to assist then shoot me a PM.
  16. natehawk750

    Coast To Coast ( Atlantic To Pacific ) Nonstop

    Well considering I'm the youngster at FJR gatherings I think I'm off to a good start!😁
  17. natehawk750

    Pathfinder's 100,000 (Cert.) Miles in 1 Year Attempt

    I've heard rumors of another DECA attempt.
  18. natehawk750

    Coast To Coast ( Atlantic To Pacific ) Nonstop

    Sounds like about the time I'll be attempting my first BBG that happens to be along that same corridor between Baton Rouge and El Paso... I'll be riding BBG pace which is nowhere near record setting.