Abercrombie FJR
Well-known member
This guy is struggling! Go to the 9:00 mark if you get board of waiting for him to finally run off the road. Don't worry about the gore, the guy is going too slow by the time he hits the apex to hurt himself.
Ya, I don't think he's anywhere near ready for a track day yet. I would suggest a Basic Rider Course and learn the first day basics like counter steering before stepping up to a track day. Track days are great way to improve skills and knowledge but this guy is not ready to leave a motorcycle training range. I wasn't aware how hard or counter intuitive it is to be a beginner learning to ride a motorcycle until I got out on to a training range and coached new riders. This fact is proven even further while following veteran riders down the road and witnessing a lack of basic rider knowledge they would've obtained over a weekend by attending a Basic Rider Course of some type.The number of times he narrowly missed going off road or crashing it was only a matter of time until it finally happened. Glad he didn't appear to be injured but damn dude, go take a track day or two and build your skill before you hurt yourself or take out someone else.
Hmm? I'm no IT expert but it's still available to me. Maybe I posted the link wrong and others are unable to view it.Video was taken down. Dang it I missed it.
Yes!I was rather disappointed to see at the end he looked old enough to know better. Either old enough to know how to ride better or old enough to know that he needed more experience and training. He definitely looked old enough to know his limits.
Maybe, but it looks so easy on TV....Old enough to know better though...