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  1. FJRfarrier


    Thank you!!! I had totally forgot to write the name down! (Or anything else about the great app....) Pretty sure it was you that had told me about this at EOM..... But those nights in the parking lot kinda all blurred together.... I've got it now, and it will be put to use extensively in...
  2. FJRfarrier

    Wanted: John Ryan fender sticker

    I've got a sticker lady that makes anything I design - no questions asked. Real cheap price for the size of the sheet of stickers she can make. If I had a high quality copy of the design- I could get them made. Just an idea.
  3. FJRfarrier

    Hooterville 2016 - Oct. 6-9

    Alright. I don't usually do things with such short notice...... But someone elbowed me about this gathering. And heck, I've got the weekend off. So reschedule 2 days of clients.... And I'm in!!! Be there Thursday evening through Sunday morning. I'll be able to hit another state!! And...
  4. FJRfarrier

    I didn't fall down...

    I've been told "what happens on a bike trip, stays on the bike trip."
  5. FJRfarrier

    I didn't fall down...

    Some screenshots of the incident- taken from my Sena 10c video footage: shortly after it happened- getting off the road. You can see how much downward angle the headlight assembly has on it. And then the moment that Wayne is thanking the bike, and promising it he won't scrap it:
  6. FJRfarrier

    I didn't fall down...

    Hahaha!!!! You're a funny man...... (I'm never gonna live that down, am I?) Well, I didn't get a good look "under there"... But according to the rack on his head... He was a handsome boy deer. Or a very testosterone filled female....
  7. FJRfarrier

    I didn't fall down...

    It was nauseating to hear "I'm going down!" over the radio. That bad feeling in the pit of your stomach- creeping it's way up the back of your neck..... I was behind Wayne, and behind the truck, but was able to look through the truck, and still see his helmet. Upright. And then see the...
  8. FJRfarrier

    Coastal Adventure

    Another great RR, Pants. The pictures, the words, the images in which I am picturing in my head as you describe the ride.... phenomenal. Keep up the good riding- better luck with the fishing. :)
  9. FJRfarrier

    SFO 2016 - Oct. 27th thru Oct. 30th in Jemison, Alabama!

    Alright!!! EOM is done and over. And what an amazing weekend!!! I can now start looking forward and planning for SFO. Let's hope the same fun can be had.... but without all the bad incidents.
  10. FJRfarrier

    EOM 2016 Home Safe Thread

    Got home--> with a beautifully even number of 2,000 miles for the trip. Had a splendid time!! Weather was magnificent, friendships were great, and the riding was delightful! Thanks to everyone who helped to organize and put on such a good event. See y'all on down the road!
  11. FJRfarrier

    EOM 2016 Spot Tracker Links

    alright. I'm on the group page. 27F. and also THIS is my trip. Currently active. Having some not so good luck in Lexington, KY. I'll eventually get out of here and make my way somewhere. Totally winging it from here on out. Grrrrrrreeeeaaaaaattttttt.....
  12. FJRfarrier

    Adventures in the Wild Wild West - a Triple Ride Report - Red Lodge, NAFO, HW3

    Waiting........... And then you might as well add EOM to it.... Since that is next weekend........ Waiting............. Lol.
  13. FJRfarrier

    AIMExpo 2016

    Really!?!??! That will be a closer drive/ride!!! But, I still have plans to venture to Florida this fall.... :)
  14. FJRfarrier

    Adventures in the Wild Wild West - a Triple Ride Report - Red Lodge, NAFO, HW3

    awesome pictures Tyler!!!! You capture the fun and festivities so well. The essence of the group gatherings show up in your pictures... and it felt like I was right there smiling along with the others.... kudos.
  15. FJRfarrier

    Fellow Forum Member Hits the Big Time!

    hey! I recognize that guy! What is he doing in a CAR!?!?!? lol.
  16. FJRfarrier

    EOM 2016 - Registration and Info Update

    And yet I still get lectured to about not pulling over often enough..... something about bladder size, age, and a garden hose. I don't know, I'm too busy singing and downing the Dew Kickstart.... 😃
  17. FJRfarrier

    SFO 2016 - Oct. 27th thru Oct. 30th in Jemison, Alabama!

    I just got my leave approved for this trip! not that that was going to stop me from going....... it just means that I will still have that job when I return. lol using Pants' checklist.... I think I'm ready. lol. New tires going on next week, in preparation for EOM - Hopefully I still have...
  18. FJRfarrier

    I Just Felt Like Riding

    Well..... that was pretty awesome!!!! Your narration and Susie's pictures make for some great reading!!! Kudos!
  19. FJRfarrier

    FJR Tech Day XIII

    only if the neccessary people can still see straight by the time I get there, and haven't F'd up too much other stuff.....
  20. FJRfarrier

    El Durango Cinco

    well dang Bandit! that can't be all there is!!!! need more. need more. need more! looks like you had a great time, good rides, great friends, beautiful reunions, stunning scenery, and coming home with some real good stories. keep up the good work! I am looking forward to the next RR you...