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Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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  1. gearman

    How Tough is a FJR?

    Good to hear you're ok. Your experience sounds a lot like my recent oops. It seems it doesn't take much damage to total the FJR.
  2. gearman

    Is this an ugly bagger?

    Some may consider the Vision ugly, but it's a technological marvel compared to this thing...and a fraction of the price.
  3. gearman

    People who don't ride, don't get it

    You should have mentioned the danger of openly psychoanalyzing a total stranger and busting his balls over an activity which he obviously knows little about. ;)
  4. gearman

    Pirelli Diablo Strada "E" code

    Just some semi-worthless info to further muddy the waters. Pirelli's site lists the E series as having 1mm less tread depth and weighing .8lbs less than the standard Strada. I have a new, unmounted set with a rear E and the durometer is 69~70 rear / 65~66 front. For comparison, the Michelin...
  5. gearman

    I ordered a couple of CyclePump compressors last summer and no problems.
  6. gearman

    Calling all Michigan Riders guys are just sick! I've never seen such a twisted diatribe just to organize a ride. I think I'm gonna enjoy hangin out here :D .
  7. gearman

    Need a little decision help from FJR owners...

    Not having ridden the Concourse or owned a cruiser, my opinion may not be much help...but here it is anyhow. After a fair amount of research, I bought the FJR at the beginning of May. I needed something that was comfortable for a passenger as well as myself. I've ridden quite a few cruiser style...
  8. gearman

    To total or not to total...

    Has anyone bought their crashed FJR (or similar value bike) back from the insurance co? I'm just wondering what they might take for it. In my mind, if it's more than $1200 I'm gonna pass.
  9. gearman

    damaged paint with polishing compound

    I've had some degree of success removing...uh, make that diminishing...fine scratches using Kit™ Scratch Out®. Smells like banana.
  10. gearman

    To total or not to total...

    I'm leaning toward total, buy another 1st gen and the wrecked bike (if it can be had reasonable). Quick question: will gen 1 sidecases fit an '08? A local dealer has a new '08 without cases for 10K + t&t. The covers on mine are scraped up but otherwise they are fine. I can get them fixed for...
  11. gearman

    To total or not to total...

    They'll issue a check for the valuation of the bike (-$500 deductable). If you replace the bike within 30 days of settlement they will also reimburse the sales tax and title fees based on the valuation of the wrecked bike...or at least that's how I took it.
  12. gearman

    To total or not to total...

    Yes it is, but black cherry is dead sexy!
  13. gearman

    To total or not to total...

    Related post Talked to the insurance adjuster today. The FJR is so close on repair cost/value that they left it up to me. If I take the total loss route and buy another bike within 30 days ($500 deductible-they reimburse sales tax and title costs) I will just about break even on the purchase...
  14. gearman bad

    Yeah, it was bugs. That's my story and I'm stickin to it. :rolleyes: I guess when you consider all of the things that are outside of your control, this recreation can be a little risky...but so can climbing a ladder to clean out your gutters or driving a cage to the store to pick up a loaf of...
  15. gearman bad

    That's probably what's gonna happen but my aging bones are gonna protest. I've become kind of spoiled by the FJR. I am hedging my bet though. In the event the verdict is total loss, I'm looking at another '05 this weekend.
  16. gearman bad

    I guess I never considered that. I'm glad we have some gals on here, because sometimes us guys are pretty clueless about this sort of thing. She has been a little nicer to me this week, but to tell you the truth, it's a little spooky. ;)
  17. gearman bad

    Oh yeah, those tubes are is the radiator. Most of the exterior fairing panels are toast and the fairing stay and windscreen bracketry are likely tweaked. The windscreen and sidecase covers are heavily scratched. As an extra bonus, the rear rack has a big piece missing and there's a...
  18. gearman bad

    Thankfully, I walked away without a scratch. I was riding in Western Maryland Saturday and managed to find some greasy pavement...which led to an encounter with a ditch...which led to this: Hopefully it can all be resolved riding season is short here. :glare:
  19. gearman

    ...yeah, so umm... bought an FJR today...

    Congrats and enjoy. There ain't nothin quite like that "new bike" smell.
  20. gearman

    Relay Arm Service

    I don't know how the 2nd gens bolt up, but I had to make a bushing to slide between the ears and another with a flange in order to duplicate the fit of the oem shoulder bolt. I should have made extras. My bad.