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  1. Lee B.

    Garden City, KS

    and here is one for you.... I may be in Keokuk (sorry for the butchered spelling) end of the month. Any recommendations for lodging and places to eat, mom and pop, that are close to the lodging? thanks.
  2. Lee B.

    Garden City, KS

    this won't be much help but here goes....I did a google search on garden city and found a lot of non-chain sounding places. But I can't recommend any. that is one not so helpful thing. there is a forum member from Lakin, KS that might be able to help. that is two... In Ulysses, down the...
  3. Lee B.

    Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and Tennessee in two days.

    good informative report. thanks for taking the time to post it. glad your trip went well for you. did you make the Barber museum in Birmingham? I traveled that b'ham to tupelo, 78 and I liked that road fine. I've moved to a v-stream and for me it was a real improvement over stock. I'm 6-1...
  4. Lee B.

    Any Riders From Kansas City Area

    There'd probably be something in the area of St. Joe then east. Maybe a meet up in St. Joe. Further for you than me but least it isn't Springfield! I know what he means about Spfd....I went to college there and loved the area. Especially when you get south of spfd and east.
  5. Lee B.

    Any Riders From Kansas City Area

    I did a nice day's ride not too long ago...rode about 330 miles round trip and got about 1/3 of that distance in nice curvy roads. I'd be interested in doing it again with a group some time. General route: KC to Camdenton MO, via 71/7/etc. North to I-70 via SR135 after about 20 miles north...
  6. Lee B.

    Any Riders From Kansas City Area

    I guess I'm fairly calm and mellow...depending upon your definition. Around these parts you can't help but be calm and mellow given all the straight-aways. If you want to get together for a meet and ride let me know. are you N or S of the river?
  7. Lee B.

    2008 FJR1300a

    sounds like a pretty good deal if the bike is as it seems. You might consider coming down $400 so you can get the bike and the extended YES warranty for the same $10,750. If you got that I'd say you are getting a good deal. I bought new '08 in Aug for right under $12, before taxes, etc. If...
  8. Lee B.

    Windshield or Helmet

    Both my HJC and Nolan helmets, 3/4s, are noisy with the stock shield in any position and I'm 6' 1" with 33" inseam, riding with the seat of my '08 in the lowest setting. I recently benefitted from borrowing Spencer's (is that right, I hope?!) v-stream windshield and with both helmets it was...
  9. Lee B.

    SFO 2009 - Ride Report

    great vid. creepy soundtrack. loved it. but then I really like that movie...
  10. Lee B.

    Return leg

    that helps. I've definitely ridden out west more but not nearly enough to consider it all done. you're so right: so many roads, so little time!
  11. Lee B.

    Return leg

    care to elaborate on #13? got a friend who has ridden a lot of the west and will be riding east this summer for the first time.
  12. Lee B.

    How a front tire should wear

    every other mile I zig zag down the straight aways across KS to even out the wear!
  13. Lee B.

    Supporting the front of bike

    I did this and it works great.;hl=front++lift
  14. Lee B.

    motorcyclist struck by lightning

    I'd do the same thing you are supposed to do while hiking above tree-line: squat down in the lowest depression you can find and wait it out. I'd also remove anything metal from my person: keys in pocket, metal eye glasses, hiking poles, belt buckle, etc. Heard about a guy that was struck by...
  15. Lee B.

    Adjustable Fairing???

    I bought one for just under $12000 and they threw in a '08A! Seriously, my '08 was delivered with a little T shaped tool that hooks on a key ring. It may be for other things on the '08 but it works for that fairing adjustment. I recently went with an old fashioned key holder. The leather...
  16. Lee B.

    Teaching someone motorcycle safety

    one suggestion I have is that you not over do it. YOu mentioned 8-12 hours in the parking lot and I know you probably didn't mean a full day. Learning, even if you are excited about learning, is stressful and tiring. Teaching can be, too.
  17. Lee B.

    Slabbed it from KC to Outer Banks, NC over two days...

    good report! Coudy all day today so I got out on US50 to Otterville then did a loop up N and then down S to Cole Camp and on home thru Clinton/Harrisonville. 275 miles, 5 hours. Thanks again for your report, glad you arrived safe through the rain. Lee
  18. Lee B.

    An Audio Guy Tries to Make a Video

    thumbs up from me! make more. thanks for sharing!
  19. Lee B.

    Ear Fuze Discount

    I'll share my experience. The kit works well, the goop is easy to mix and apply, the final product fits well cuz it is custom and is fairly easy to put on and off. Before I did the goop I tried their buds and they sounded tinny like too much highs, compared to my stock iPod buds. So, I...
  20. Lee B.

    GEN II Plastic and Cowling Removal

    Lee, take the screwdriver and push down on the tab of the metal clip - essentially spreading it open - and then kind of twist out the panel itself. Again, go slowly, and don't force. got it! did it. just felt like that should be the way but with the "pin" made out of plastic I wasn't...