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  1. BioHazard

    The first AE recall???

    Yep, sure enough, I recieved my letter last night when I got home from work. The dealer here in Jacksonville FL never heard of it so I'm waiting for a callback from them...
  2. BioHazard

    The first AE recall???

    Dern it! I've got S/N 008. Bet I have a letter waiting on me when I get home from work...
  3. BioHazard


    I carry most of the time. Specially on both business and recreational trips. I seriously hope I never ever have to use it or even pull it out. But it's just like the old adage: It's better to have one and not need it than need one and not have it...
  4. BioHazard

    1st farkle added

    I'm looking into gettin some of these. What size are you using? the large or small?
  5. BioHazard


    I pack the Kimber Ultra CDP II. It's a small frame .45 ACP. It'll stop any crack crazed idiot. Guaranteed. I know it's out of your price range but really...How much is it worth, knowing you have a firearm which will work anytime and everytime you REALLY need it to...
  6. BioHazard

    Chatterbox v. Autocom

    THis is a bike to bike setup ------I've got the chatterbox for me & the little gal. THey work great but you MUST mount them to the helmet or rig a setup so the antenna is pointing up. At first we tried to velcro them to our tank bags. They worked intermittently. When both were positioned with...
  7. BioHazard

    Heli does it again!

    Yep, worked like a charm. Got mine yesterday and the ignition bolts were really not a problem at all. Just a couple notes and things I would do different... 1. I would have rerouted the throttle cables under the brake lines BEFORE I put the tank back on. A bit tight doing it with the tank...
  8. BioHazard

    Heli does it again!

    My triple clamp is on order... Did you have any problems getting the ignition switch out of the stock clamp?
  9. BioHazard

    The Ultimate Throttle Lock

    I have an Audiovox CCS100 sitting in an unopened box under my desk. I purchased it BEFORE I realized how much of PITA it was to install for the non-experts (me). You want to sell it? You beat me to it! :dribble:
  10. BioHazard

    2006 FJR1300 Heli Bar Update

    They told me I would recieve mine in about 2 weeks. I started looking at the stock triple tree and the dern ignition switch is mounted on the top tree with pressed on bolt heads. Just great... Looks like I'll have to drill out the heads then dremel a slot for a screwdriver to back the bolts...
  11. BioHazard

    2006 FJR1300 Heli Bar Update

    Ordered mine last night. Looks like an easy install & since the stock "adjustable" bars are my only complaint, I think $329 is worth a bir of perfection in this world. I'll let ya know how it goes also.
  12. BioHazard

    2006 FJR1300 Heli Bar Update

    :clapping: THis is very good news! I'm 5'6" and a 1 inch rear repositioning will shift my weight back to where in should be. I ride so much, I'll buy it no matter what the price (within reason....)