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Where the fu*% are you guys riding that you think you need to carry a pistol?
I never considered carrying a pistol while travelling, mostly because of the various state laws I thought I'd have to be familiar with. Apparently, federal legislation is on the books that allows any individual to conduct interstate transport of a firearm as long as possession of that firearm is legal on both endpoints. That's pretty cool.



Good Question...

To answer it hands down and I'm not a Glock dealer or agent...I just carry one every day...

1. Get a used Glock model 19 period.

2. Why? Hands down reliable. Does not need to be extensivley clean nor lubed to fire reliably. Your wife will not be intimidated by the mild recoil. It's the all a rounder of guns. Many will dis the 9mm. I carry and shoot a .40 mod 22. The 9mm is back on target quicker and the ammo is cheaper if a municipality is not buying it for you. Don't buy into hype about stopping power ect... buy the 9mm and practice torso shots untill you can center punch a target using the front sight on instinct. Two-Three 9mm 124grain Speer Gold Dots to the upper torso of any human will ruin his/her day and take the fight out of them quickly.

ps if poss get the night sights.

I would advise two things;

Try it out before you buy it. and

Dont worry about price, cuz you're going to have it for a long time.

Another hand gun thread? What the fook is wrong wit des bikers anyways. Next it will be, "where do you hide your weed'? :dribble:

I know there are quite a few folks on here that are packin' and mouths start watering when the topic is guns. Looking for something decent under $400 (if such a thing exists). Cabella's has a selection of used guns, so, if I need to look more in the $400-$500 range (new), I might be able to find something gently used that would be in my price range. Just looking for something of decent quality to go plinking with that packs and field strips pretty easily. The wife will be shooting it, too, so, don't want something that will kick her ass with recoil.
:rolleyes: Howdy Randy,

Just came across this thread today so forgive me if you have already made your decision and purchase. I would like to add my .02. I worked at a gun store for eight years and have sold many firearms to men and ladies over the years.

First off, I noticed your wife will be shooting the firearm too.

You will get many members telling you to get this firearm or that one. If I may be so bold, throw all that well intentioned advice in the circular file.

Take a long look at your wife's hands and your hands, and I'll bet dollars to doughnuts there is a huge difference in size. What fit's your hands and is comfortable will not necessarily fit hers and be optimum for her.

I'll also bet the posts sent to you are from members that have hands that are different sized then the both of yours.

God made us all with different size hands and hand strength, what works for one person will not necessarily be the "magic bullet" for the next person.

I can't tell you how many men brought their wives and girlfriends into the store intent on buying the latest and greatest semi-auto with all the bells and whistles because it made the firearm desirable and "cool" to him "and by the way she will be using it too".

There is one major problem, and this isn't meant to be a sexist comment. Most females (80-85%) do not have the hand strength to operate the slide on a semi-auto, using either one of the two most conventional ways to operate the slide.

Some will say that she would be carrying the semi-auto with one in the chamber. Great, what happens if she gets the one in a million round from the manufacturer that misfire's or the first shot stove-pipes and she has to clear the round....and she doesn't have the hand strength to do that?

That semi-auto with all the bells and whistles just became a useless paper weight that may now be used against her by the perp when he wrestles it away from her.

I subscribe to the K.I.S.S. principal (Keep It Simple Stupid!)

Revolvers are the optimum carry gun for most females.

They might not be the sexiest thing, but they are dependable and just flat out work.

Studies have found that in stressful situations such as a gunfight, fine manual dexterity agility is degraded by quite a bit. You don't want to have to worry about you wife having to wick off a safety or mistakenly push the magazine release button (another sad mistake made in some gunfights by people who don't train consistently).

With a revolver, if you get the perverbial one in a million round that misfires, all you do is pull the trigger again, the cylinder advances to and fires the next round...K.I.S.S., no safety, no magazing release button, pull the trigger and it goes bang.

Some will say: "well the semi-auto has a 14 round capacity magazine." If you can't hit the target in the first two shots, what makes you think you will with the next twelve...or for that matter have the time to shoot off another twelve rounds?

According to F.B.I. statistics most shootings are well within 7 yards and the average number of shots is 1.7 shots fired.

There literally is no substitute for accuracy, caliber and speed are important, but accuracy is paramount. (I will save you from the disertation on bullet design, mechanisms of collapse, relative stopping power, velocity, wound channels, crush channels, penetration, over penetration and energy dump.)

All those stories you hear about the perp being hit in the finger by the "magic bullet" and it taking off his arm are exactly that; "stories".

One of the main reasons law enforcement went to semi-autos is they operate under a different scenario and that is one of "multiple assailant" scenarios (i.e., a bunch of gang-bangers). If you and your wife are trained in and keep your situational awareness radar on, you should avoid getting into that kind of situation.

So what does this all mean?

Go out with your wife to stores and gun shows and handle as many handguns as you can. Find out what works for you both, what fits your hands, does the trigger fit into the first joint of your index finger, what balances properly and aims well and naturally when you bring it up, is the trigger pull smooth and breaks well? The handgun that fits and works for you and your wife is the right one.

As far as price, what is your and your wife's life worth?

Just read a bunch more of these posts today..

I recently bough me an S&W Airweight .38 spl +P...

It shoots both reg .38's and the +P which is a hotter round.


Airweight = lighter.... heavier is harder to conceal and your wife wont' carry it

Hammerless... you pull the trigger, there's no hammer to pull back or get caught on anything... I can put my hand in my purse, jeans pocket or backpack and fire right thru it.

.38 because they dont' make a 2" barrel in .357

also .38 wadcutters are a good practice round, but I carry hotter rounds... I figure that if I actually ever have to use it, it wont' make any difference what round i've got... the adrenalin will take over.

.38 wadcutters are also easier to practice with and get used to, and if you have friends that target shoot, you might be able to get reloads for practice..

I also bought the laser sight grips for it... 2 reasons... first, it's way cool.... second... if someone sees that red beam on them, it might be a good enuf deterrent I wont' have to shoot.

Ok, the .38 S&W might be a sissified weapon, but...

I shot for 2 years on a military pistol team... the .45 ACP is my favorite.... but it's too big for me to conceal.

Ok, if I lived in Texas I'd wear my .45 Long Colt Hammerli revolver with the 7" barrel.. but that's not an option where I live...<G>

If size wasnt' a problem, the black .12 ga Bernelli with the 18" barrel would be just fine.... <BG>

Nothing sounds quite like the sound of a pump!

So I got something I can carry in my jeans pocket or a purse. Works for me.

Main thing... whatever you get, PRACTICE!

Kinda like riding....


Lots of diverse and cool handguns discussed here. The best way to find the gun that fits you is to shoot the guns. The local range I go to has rental guns availabe, for a few dollars shoot what ever strikes your fancy.

I pick up some new and/or improved model to try two or three times a year, if i had to buy a new gun today it would be tough decision, theres a lot of very sweet models on todays market.

The thing is, the gun I keep going back to is the S&W model 10, .38, 4" standard barrel, date of manufactuer 1952.

You have probably made a purchase by now, but whatever you may have bought, make sure to put in the time to become proficient with the gun. Bullets aren't magical, like they seem to be on TV. I shoot competatively, and I am constantly amazed at how people think shooting is easy. It is a skill, and needs to be learned and practiced. For what it's worth, when I am in full competition mode I shoot about 30-50K rounds a year.

You have probably made a purchase by now, but whatever you may have bought, make sure to put in the time to become proficient with the gun. Bullets aren't magical, like they seem to be on TV. I shoot competatively, and I am constantly amazed at how people think shooting is easy. It is a skill, and needs to be learned and practiced. For what it's worth, when I am in full competition mode I shoot about 30-50K rounds a year.
So.....like how many of you carry concealed weapons on your bike? How many of you have actually used them?

Jus' askin'

So.....like how many of you carry concealed weapons on your bike? How many of you have actually used them?
Jus' askin'
If we told you, you might go looking for it, and then it wouldn't be concealed now, would it? And I hope I never have to use it... :assassin:

I once read from Masad Ayoob (Look him up if you don't know who he is) that the second you fire a gun, even if you are 100% in the right, you should plan on spending 10K in legal fees. That is just one reason I hope I never have to drop the hammer on someone.

I once read from Masad Ayoob (Look him up if you don't know who he is) that the second you fire a gun, even if you are 100% in the right, you should plan on spending 10K in legal fees. That is just one reason I hope I never have to drop the hammer on someone.
Yep, that's exactly what I was told in my CHL class... just nominal court/lawyer fees associated with clearing the lawful discharge of a handgun will run you that much.

I once read from Masad Ayoob (Look him up if you don't know who he is) that the second you fire a gun, even if you are 100% in the right, you should plan on spending 10K in legal fees. That is just one reason I hope I never have to drop the hammer on someone.
Yep, that's exactly what I was told in my CHL class... just nominal court/lawyer fees associated with clearing the lawful discharge of a handgun will run you that much.
How much are funeral costs these days???

Money well spent, imho!!

You have probably made a purchase by now, but whatever you may have bought, make sure to put in the time to become proficient with the gun. Bullets aren't magical, like they seem to be on TV. I shoot competatively, and I am constantly amazed at how people think shooting is easy. It is a skill, and needs to be learned and practiced. For what it's worth, when I am in full competition mode I shoot about 30-50K rounds a year.
So.....like how many of you carry concealed weapons on your bike? How many of you have actually used them?

Jus' askin'
I carry most of the time. Specially on both business and recreational trips. I seriously hope I never ever have to use it or even pull it out. But it's just like the old adage:

It's better to have one and not need it than need one and not have it...

I love my Kimber.

RE: 9mm

It's the dogs dangles!

It much be. After all, the US went to it as the primary service pistol back in the 90's (iirc). But... wait... there's a new RFP out for a replacement service pistol and one of the major requirements is that it be in .45 ACP. Seems Unca Sam forgot his lessons from the .38 that Ole Slab Sides replaced when the Moros kept coming after being hit multiple times with a punk assed round. Also seems that they are re-learning that just because NATO picked the 9x19 doesn't mean that it serves its intended function as well as a good 1911A!


BioHazard - Good thing you pack. With a hat like that, you may need it.

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