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Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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  1. Mr Martini

    hand cramp.

    My right hand goes numb after a while until I take my hand off the throttle and give it a shake. Then the feeling comes back. I keep my grip loose so it was the death grip issue. I realized it wasn't an issue with my hand, grip, leaning, etc. It was my new motorcycle jacket. It was too tight in...
  2. Mr Martini

    Great article for those who think riding is dangerous

    Great article. I'll have to pass that one along. Thanks for sharing.
  3. Mr Martini

    I'm offical!

    Aw, my 2012 already had 3 miles on it when I got it. I didn't get all zeros! :sadsmiley02: Congrats on the bike! Yeah, I'm waiting for the 2012 option to show up in the profile too.
  4. Mr Martini

    I OWN my FJR!

    Congrats Mike! Must be nice having that title in hand. I'm still waiting for mine to show up in the mail. :unsure:
  5. Mr Martini

    2010 or 2012?

    I'd have to put my vote on the 2012 but that's because I have the 2012 and am kind of biased. :D The 2010 isn't worth it for the price they're trying to sell it for. If you want to pay that amount, you might as well go to a different dealer that will order you a 2012 model.
  6. Mr Martini

    Where are the 2012 FJRs

    I hope you like the Corbin Smuggler. I finally received it and put it on last night. Wow, that's slick! I don't care to spend that much on another farkle but... yeah, still slick. Oh, and I received the reflective decals from Real Time Industries yesterday. Two days after ordering it! Damn, that...
  7. Mr Martini

    Where are the 2012 FJRs

    Woohoo! Man, I don't think I would wait for spring. I'd be tearing my hair out. :hyper:
  8. Mr Martini

    Where are the 2012 FJRs

    Wouldn't hurt. I worked the sliders and installation into my deal as part of purchasing the bike but I had to wait for them to order them. It only took them a few minutes to install and I felt better having them do it so they could get the torque just right. Only thing I've done is the sliders...
  9. Mr Martini

    Where are the 2012 FJRs

    Going to have another 2012 on the forum? Cool! :) Guess it's time to get "2012 ABS (N. America)" as an option for "Bike" in our profiles now... so I won't have to use "other." $500 over cost? Wow! I wish I got that deal. wfooshee: It just got it's first wash last weekend after 1300 miles. I...
  10. Mr Martini

    Went for a test ride today

    After trading in my Vulcan and riding off with my new FJR, I thought the same thing; "man, these handle bars are thin and hard!" I also had quite a bit of palm pain when I got it home even though it was just a 2 mile ride. It's amazing how quickly you learn the right posture to relieve the palm...
  11. Mr Martini

    Scala G4

    Yeah, you would think they would do a better job of documenting the fact each connection has its own volume level. Would be good to know from the beginning. Sorry, don't know about hooking up a radar. My current set up is: phone linked to Zumo. Zumo, iPod Touch and 2nd G4 linked to my G4. From...
  12. Mr Martini

    New Years Day Ride --- POST EDITED

    Oh my, I'm so sorry to hear this! I Hope he heals up soon. It can be very traumatic for everyone; victim and witnesses and I wish everyone involved the best.
  13. Mr Martini

    Possible Ride Tomorrow, December 31

    Found the cable. It's always the last place you look. Here are the last three photos: Now that's a decadent lunch!
  14. Mr Martini

    Possible Ride Tomorrow, December 31

    Well that's iritating. The good pictures like the one Alex took of Hans, Mike and me as well as a pic of Alex showing off his french toast for lunch piled high with whipped cream, banana and kiwi are on my mini Sony camera. I'm pulling my hair out trying to find the cable that hooks it to my...
  15. Mr Martini

    Possible Ride Tomorrow, December 31

    Thanks Hans, Alex and Mike! It was a pleasure meeting and riding with you guys. A few pictures are coming shortly.
  16. Mr Martini

    Scala G4

    FastJoyride, I'm about to make your day. The Scala G4 doesn't have a single volume level for everything you do. It remembers the volume level for bike-to-bike, phone, FM and GPS independently. Basically, each connected device can have its volume adjusted without affecting the level of all the...
  17. Mr Martini

    Possible Ride Tomorrow, December 31

    Okay, who did you piss off? :huh: I tried to message you and received "The member James Burleigh can not use the messaging system"
  18. Mr Martini

    Possible Ride Tomorrow, December 31

    Yep. I have it entered into my Zumo. I'm building the same map so I'll have it on me. I'll shoot you my cell now. It looks like Google Maps thinks it will only take me an hour to get there from my home as well. Fingers crossed. :)
  19. Mr Martini

    Possible Ride Tomorrow, December 31

    Okay. I should be able to make this. My goal will be to get to Monticello Dam at 11AM then. If I'm there first, I'll kick back and hang around until noon. If I don't see any FJRs pulling up to the dam I'll head off and follow the map you have planned. It looks like a fun ride and should be quite...
  20. Mr Martini

    Possible Ride Tomorrow, December 31

    Thanks for the comment, Tom! I do love riding around Napa but most of the time we're going up there in the car when it's time to do pick ups at the wine clubs. This ride might be just the ticket... especially since I'm booked and wouldn't be able to do the New Year's Day ride, which I'd love to...