Possible Ride Tomorrow, December 31

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Just got home at 5:10 after pulling away at 10:15 this morning. Met Mr Martini at the dam (not damn) rendezvous at 11:30, and a few minutes later Sacramento Mike rolled up to surprise us (I was hoping we might get a secret surprise Sacramento rider). We had great weather and great roads, and no traffic--except that row of about 30 sport bikes we kept playing patty-cake with. Met a nice PoPo Sheriff deputy and ex-moto-officer for chatting by the side of the road (okay, at the bathroom). Had lunch in Calistoga, then headed home. A really great day! Thanks, Alex, Tim, and Mike!

Well that's iritating. The good pictures like the one Alex took of Hans, Mike and me as well as a pic of Alex showing off his french toast for lunch piled high with whipped cream, banana and kiwi are on my mini Sony camera. I'm pulling my hair out trying to find the cable that hooks it to my computer. Damn Sony for not using USB connectors and SD cards.

Anyway, I'll find that cable or go get another one so I can post them. I can post the pics I took with my SLR camera. Here you go! Happy New Years, guys!


My 2012 FJR1300 at Monticello Dam.




I would have really liked to make this ride. Shit happens. Next time.

tim welcome to the clan.
