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Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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  1. Griffon

    I'm sick of Facebook. I'm deleting my account!

    I had an account for a year or so. Then one day I couldn't login anymore, the only way to get my access back was if I provided my phone number. This was the last day of my Facebook account, and I don't miss it at all.
  2. Griffon

    Gen III OEM Comfort seat - Canada/France version

    Bought one too (the non-US version). Got a 25% discount coupon from my dealer to spend on accessories, so I grabbed the seat and a tank bag. Can't wait to give it a try, if the &/!$/& snow can go away...
  3. Griffon

    Happy Birthday RaYzerman19

    Happy Birthday Ray! Are you done with the shovel? I was supposed to fly to TO yesterday.... All cancelled... Now my turn to shovel tonight. Rich
  4. Griffon

    Split: Buying FJR in Canada & Importing to US

    You can get a 2015 ES in Quebec for $15495... With the actual exchange rate this is US$ 11333. Add $4000CAN for a 2016. Your price in Calgary was for a 2015 also? But then it's two additional 1000-mile days to bring it home.
  5. Griffon

    Canadians! Extended warranty

    My dealer told me I could buy the extended warranty before then end of the 1-yr base coverage for $1000. I assume this is plus tx, so $1150. I have until August to decide, but I've already made up my mind. I chose this bike over the C14 for its reliability and also because there are less...
  6. Griffon

    US / Canada Exchange Rate

    Had plans to ride the West coast this summer or the next one. Forget it for 2016, I'm going to Alberta and BC. Wanted to buy a Sargent... Forget that. I will most likely end up with an OEM Comfort seat. Still thinking about The T-Rex guards though. Yeah they're gonna cost more than I...
  7. Griffon

    Gen III OEM Comfort seat - Canada/France version

    Mcatrophy, great job with the pictures, thank you very, very much! That comparison helps a lot! Yep, I can see that they're about the same size, with maybe the front seat just a little bit larger going towards the rear. And I agree with you, they look good with that nice logo! It adds an...
  8. Griffon

    Gen III OEM Comfort seat - Canada/France version

    Mcatrophy: Thanks for the info. Yes, I would really appreciate if you could take a few pictures. When you say not any more comfortable, was it harder? I'm not a very big guy (153 lbs all wet) and I'm not sinking a lot into the stock seat, but on long runs it creates some discomfort. Looking...
  9. Griffon

    Gen III OEM Comfort seat - Canada/France version

    Hi Guys! I’m looking for another seat for my 2015. I have read a few posts about the OEM Comfort seat, in general people seem to like it better than the stock seat, so I may give it a try. Here in Canada the seats that are listed for the Gen III are part numbers 1MC-F47C0-80-00 (fwd section)...