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Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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  1. HilltownDave

    Hello from KY

    Welcome from southeastern PA!
  2. HilltownDave

    New member

    Welcome from PA USA!
  3. HilltownDave

    Taming the Beast

    Thank you, vzhq16. I should have been more specific. SHINY blue. (Rules out the latest models) Cruise control. (Rules out the gen 2’s) 🤷🏼‍♂️🤣
  4. HilltownDave

    Taming the Beast

    A blue 2016?? Let me know if you’re serious (and details like miles, etc.). My riding buddy is seriously considering switching from one of his Beamers to an FJR …but he likes blue. So that limits his choices.
  5. HilltownDave


    Welcome from Pennsylvania!
  6. HilltownDave

    Tech Day XXVII - October 5, 2024, in Marysville, Ohio

    Just put it on my calendar. 👍🏼 Too early to say whether I’ll be trailering or riding (or bringing the Mrs. for that matter) but I’ll at least return Ray’s 3/8 x 3” extension that found its way into my tool box last year. 😛
  7. HilltownDave

    I’m a new member

    Welcome from Pennsylvania, USA! I’ve got a 2007 (now being ridden by my son) and a 2014. 👍🏼
  8. HilltownDave

    New member, New FJR Owner

    Welcome from southeastern PA!
  9. HilltownDave

    Heading South

    Sapest, Thank you for taking the time to both capture and share such beautiful pictures and taking the time to supplement them with some well written commentary. And with those temperatures you’ve cited, I’m of the opinion I can check THAT trip off my bucket list! 😳 Here in Pennsylvania, with...
  10. HilltownDave

    Hello all. Newbe

    Yes, fine stable you have there! I need another bike like I need a hole in the head but a mint, red Vmax for the right price I couldn’t refuse. They are just BAD looking!!
  11. HilltownDave

    Hello all. Newbe

    Welcome from Bucks County!
  12. HilltownDave

    Physics of Cornering...and Recovering

    And to think I’ve been devoting all this energy into having the debate about what aftermarket seat is best when all I really need is Depends. 🤔 Two birds with one stone! 😃👍🏼
  13. HilltownDave

    Hello all !!!

    Welcome from southeastern PA!
  14. HilltownDave

    Hi Everyone

    Welcome from a grown up dirt bike riding farm kid in PA!
  15. HilltownDave

    I’m back!

    Bucks County, north of Philadelphia but very much rural where we are. There are a couple forum members from neighboring Montgomery Co too but we’re only casually acquainted. I ride mostly with one other person (besides my son who took over my ‘07 FJR) and we generally stay north and west of the...
  16. HilltownDave

    I’m back!

    Welcome back from southeastern PA! We had dirt bikes as kids we rode across fields to work on the neighborhood farms but I haven’t had a bike since I was first married 35 years ago. I plead the 5th as to riding on roads back then. 😉 Started riding legally just a few years ago at the age of 52...
  17. HilltownDave

    Does anyone ride between 6-7k rpm's?

    Personally, I always ride in the highest gear that is practical for the situation. I’m probably part of a small minority but rarely shift over 4,000 rpm and don’t linger in lower gears in the twisties. This is an intriguing conversation and I will be paying attention to other opinions. There’s...
  18. HilltownDave


    Welcome from PA! Have fun with the repairs. Have even more fun in the seat! 😃👍🏼
  19. HilltownDave

    My first FJR!

    Ah! You like to get your hands dirty! You’ll fit right in here. Just don’t get TOO discouraged if it doesn’t need much TLC to keep it on the go. These things are reliable. 👍🏼