'03 Heat mods by Oldyeller

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The chromeit mods are the ones people seem to like the best, and the one I think is the most "harmful" to the bike.
This is also my opinion. I haven't done any heat mods to my bike. The reason? It seems to my technical mind that changing what has been engineered... even though not great engineering... is there for a reason & I'm not changing it.

I just don't ride above 90-95 degrees. This is the time that I want to be in my car w/ the air cranking, anyway.

I did the chromeit mods 2 years ago on my 05. Huge improvement and the engine does not run any hotter.

Well, I had a piece if deteriorated rubber hose fall off from under the tank and get stuck between the throttle stop and bellcrank. Heat is what caused it to deteriorate. My personal perference would be to go Yamaholic's route, but I don't have to commute and all of my rides are generally several ours long back road blasters. The only time I notice the heat is when I'm almost home so I'll just live with it.

Thanks for all the input - Some of it will most likely be put into practice - Others! Well It delves into the realm of personal taste!!!

Yes I reviewed the chromeit mods. What ever I have done there is easily removed should it not work. As for the lower chin holes - Yes I did notice an immediate warmth in the feet area for sure. This will be either put back to stock or re-modified to change air flow.

I agree with yamaholic - It is an airflow issue. How to get the hot air out!

By blocking the left side (see pics) all I am doing is forcing the air out through the fairing. Yes I did consider that heat won't readily escape between the frame and engine - We shall see how that get's dealt with. I did notice an immediate lack of warmth on the left shin (re: success?). And I don't notice a rise in Ops temp (2-3 bars when running around). But when the weather warms up I will see how quickly it heats up / cools down in traffic situations.

As for the right side fix (foam insert) - It made minor improvements but as soon as the fan kicks in I can still feel heat on the shin. More re-routing of air is possible there.

I like yamaholic's way of routing the air out the back - My initial thought was to use some small high-speed fans and some ducting to pull the air out from under the tank (This heat I have experienced when the tank was almost empty - Who loves hot, sweaty thighs?) - More thought is needed here.

I would rather play with things that can be put back to rights if it doesn't work.

All positive feedback on what works and doesn't work is greatly appreciated. Thanks for letting me join in the fun.


I made a cardboard template then cut it out of 30Gg sheet metal. The 2 flaps on the right slot into the frame vents.


Here is the piece in place. Unlike chromeit, I made mine curve towards the frame vents to chanel the air rather than just block it. I also ran a shield downward to chanel air down and out rather than sideways and out. All this was covered in reflective heat tape - probably more for looks and protection from rough edges (I don't have all the right tools to make it a clean and snappy job) rather than heat protection.


Close up of the tabs that hook into the frame vents.


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Some do, some don't trim/remove the inner panel. From what I recall, this modification seems to work in either case. Am I remembering correctly?
I read about cutting the left side inner panel. I opted not to. This seems to chanel air to the rad for much needed flow. I have yet to restrict flow to the rad - Why would I? OK I live in Canada - But on the west coast where it seldom freezes - Just rains!

Slight Mod to the chin fairing --

As seen on the original post I cut some air holes in my chin fairing. It was mentioned that this will "Drilling holes in the front plate like that will increase your engine op temps. They direct air upwards into the radiator. That's been proven."

This did not increase my Ops temp - I am also not sure how it will direct air upwards?

What it did do was increase the flow of hot air onto my feet through the lower end of the fairing. Fine in the winter months (I live in the Great White North) terrible in the summer.

I then added a small metal deflector with a downward curve inside the chin fairing. Air-flow is now directed down and along the bottom of the engine. As for Ops temp, while at highway speeds I get 2 bars. In town - she heats up to 4 and the ol' fan kicks in. This seems to be nrmal as all my other liquid cooled bikes did the same thing.

But there is a definate lack of hot air frying my right shin.

The next (tank heat) mod to be coming soon.

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