04 1150RT vs 06+ FJR 1300

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Well-known member
Oct 16, 2010
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Sacramento, CA
I sold my Vstrom and I am looking into one of these bikes. I have been a long time BMW rider and I have owned 2 1100RT's and a 1200RT. If I could, I would buy the 1200 again, however this is a different story. I can only afford a 04 1150RT. I have been eyeing the FJR as well. I am naturally attracted to 4 cylinder motors. Anyone here own both or ride both? Looking for opinions. My concerns on the BMW is reliability and I have never been the boxxers biggest fan. I bought the Vstrom to get away from BMW problems. The FJR intrigues me but the conventional fork, ground clearance and twitchy throttle that I have heard about keep me reserved. I had an ST1300 and I hated it. The suspension was awfull, the ground clearance was bad, the heat poured out to the point I had to stop and the tranny liked to catch false neutrals along with a host of other issues like the lean surge. Still having that bad experience in my mind, its tarnished my thoughts on japanese bikes compared to the beemer. I have noticed the FJR adresses some of the ST's shortcomings but still not sure. I am hoping some of you can share your unbiased opinions.

I am hoping some of you can share your unbiased opinions.
On an FJR forum? Riiiight. Good luck with that.

Pros: 145hp, won't ever leave you stranded by the side of the road with a smoldering final drive, doesn't break the bank to maintain, lots of farkles.

Cons: Alternator won't light a small city like the BMW, can get you a ticket in first gear and jail in 2nd gear, and doesn't take you to the dealer for service very often.

Uhh? I own an FJR 1300. I like it a lot, It just takes a lickin' and keeps on tickin', but I "am" prejudiced as I've been here for a long time. About BMW's, I know nothing. Sorry.

'scuse me though, and allow me a question? What was your beef with the V-Strom? I just bought one as a second bike. It is No FJR, but it's going to work for what I wanted it for.

Sorry I have only a biased opinion, I love my bike :yahoo:

Mine is a 06 and as usual had a fueling problem and a strong throttle spring.

I suppose all bikes have some quirks.

I've ridden the R 1200 RT, GS and 1300 GT, I think the FJR wins hands down.

I also rode the ST1300 back in 2006, a nice bike but not what I wanted.

I suppose a lot more people have done more mileage than me, but mine has done about 110,000 kms and hasn't missed a beat.

There is also a wealth of knowledge on this forum to top it off.

I am hoping some of you can share your unbiased opinions.
On an FJR forum? Riiiight. Good luck with that.

Pros: 145hp, won't ever leave you stranded by the side of the road with a smoldering final drive, doesn't break the bank to maintain, lots of farkles.

Cons: Alternator won't light a small city like the BMW, can get you a ticket in first gear and jail in 2nd gear, and doesn't take you to the dealer for service very often.
Hello cali_rider, Yes, I own both machines; 2003 FJR and 2005 R1150RT. Agreeing with Ignacio on the thrill of 145 horses, this 62 year "Old Fart" gets a big thrill every time I whack the throttle on my Miss Lucy Liu, My FJR. There is the final drive issue with a few machines; however, I'm Past President of 200 member BMW MOA Club #89 AZ Beemers and we have never had a final drive failure in our club; and our riders average 25K each year.

Maintenance is actually easier and cheaper on the BMW, if you can do your own Type 259 Boxer valve adjustments. I don't even attempt the valve adjustments on my FJR, I run my FJR down to Kendall at Casa Grande Yamaha for that job!!

The Alternator output is amazing on the BMW, the FJR has puny electrics. I enjoy my R1150RT for pleasurable cruising with my Girlfriend Donna; case in point, last weekend Donna and I rode to Reserve, New Mexico to visit FJR Forum members Tucson Joe and Wife Cecilia. The 750 mile round trip was so comfortable.

But, when I am riding with the Certified Whack Jobs on our FJR Forum (which would be Fairlaner, SkooterG, FJRONAMISSION, HotRodZilla and Patch 308) I want the incredible acceleration and top speed of the FJR; just so I can continue to at least see the tail lights of Los Locos Motocicletistas!!!

They're both fantastic long haul machines: Ingrid, my BMW, has carried me to Huatulco(Guatemala) and Lucy has carried me to Cabo San Lucas, Baja Sur.

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You posted a similar thread on ADV and the answers you got there are pretty good.

I didn't want to start a model flame war over there, so here are a couple of additional thoughts: Between the 2008 C14 that you also mentioned over there and the FJR, the FJR is a MUCH more finished bike and better choice. Between the Beemers and FJR is an apple and banana in being different experiences and you'll like one taste more than the other. I ride Beemers now & then as rentals, but couldn't see owning one like the old fart, as to me they are more of an appliance. We've also got a WeeStrom in the family and your old bike is a better get-around-town bike than the others you mention.

But overall, the FJR just fits ME. Plus, with a large tank and 50 mpg I can go a looong way, then have fun when the road gets twisty. You'll just have to find one to try and see how it fits YOU.

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If you want a comparo with the ST13 (used to own one), the FJR has more lean surge issues and is just leaner all over. Can be fixed with a power commander. The FJR is 90 lbs. lighter, lower center of gravity, and much more flickable. Not to mention more horses on tap. ST is top heavy, nice touring range with that big tank, smoother, but just heavy.

IF I was going to own a Beemer it would be an R. The R-Beemers are easy to work on, a little more tame, and folks tell me the 1200's were smoother than the 1150's. But I am no Bemmer expert, better defer to that old fart beemerdons as he is an expert by definition. He's a really old fart now because he just had another birthday.

Expert.... Ex is a has-been, spert is a drip under pressure.

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Cali_Rider, Since you live in Northern California, why not rent an FJR for a day? I always recommend this when purchasing a "new to me" motorcycle.

For example, in October of 2004 my then Girlfriend Rena and I went on the Edelweiss Bike High Alpine Tour, I've actually booked this Tour two times.

I had reserved a BMW R1150GS, since I already was riding a R1100GS back home. However, EBT had switched to the 2005 model BMW's: So I spent 10 days on the then new R1200GS. My gal Rena teased me the first day that this was going to be an expensive trip, because I would buy a R12 when I got home.

But that wasn't the case, my R11 motor was smoother than the R12, and I just kept Mi Mexico Mule, my 1996 R1100GS. If in Arizona, come ride my FJR!!

I own a '08 FJR and an '03 1150 RT. Both bikes have aftermarket suspensions due to my gargantuan size. The silky smooth FJR power is much better than the 1150 but the FJR steers heavier than the BMW. I like them both; the BMW for longer rides, the FJR something shorter. If I feel frisky, its the FJR. If mellow, the RT.

The final drive issue is overblown. Yes, there were some problems with a few Beemers and most of the justifiable angst came from BMW's failure to support their product. In fact, I excluded BMW as an option when I purchased the FJR as a second bike for just that reason. You won't go wrong with either one.

I considered an 1150RT when I went looking for a bike a few years back. All the BMW's are nice and that nameplate will score points with the general public but I would choose the newer bike. An '06 FJR is still basically the same as a new model but there is quite a bit of difference between the 1150 & 1200 RT. One other consideration is if you will have a passenger much of the time which bike they prefer.

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I sold my Vstrom...I have been a long time BMW rider and I have owned 2 1100RT's and a 1200RT.

If I could, I would buy the 1200 again...

I can only afford a 04 1150RT...

I am naturally attracted to 4 cylinder motors.

Looking for opinions.

My concerns on the BMW is reliability and I have never been the boxxers biggest fan.

I bought the Vstrom to get away from BMW problems.

The FJR intrigues me but the conventional fork, ground clearance and twitchy throttle ...keep me reserved.

I had an ST1300 and I hated it... suspension was awfull, ground clearance was bad, heat poured out ...tranny ...false neutrals ...host of other issues ...lean surge.

...tarnished my thoughts on japanese bikes compared to the beemer.

...share your unbiased opinions.
It sure does sound like you like BMWs...? :unsure:

And, maybe?, are a little predisposed to not liking Japanese pretenders...?

Maybe a 4-cylinder BMW is where you should be looking...? :blink:

There appear to be several "mixed messages" in your request: It's hard to determine if you're really fed-up with BMWs -- "I would buy the 1200 again"; "I can only afford a 04 1150RT."

Then there's the comment: "I am naturally attracted to 4 cylinder motors" yet you buy (mostly) 2-cyl. bikes?

The 4-cyl. bike you had, you hated: "I had an ST1300 and I hated it" -- Honda's ST1300 has been around a long time and is, generally, well-liked and respected.

Personnally, I think an R1150RT is big old heavy truck-like thing with an old-fashioned engine, some goofy engineering, lots of finicky plastic and add-on-like parts (not to mention, ugly) that doesn't even compare with a modern, engineered-as-a-piece motorcycle -- like the Yamaha FJR.

Good luck with you dilemma/s.

(Oh, Happy Friday on the FJR Forum)

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I have had a BMW R1100, Honda ST1300, and have just gotten an FJR. The BMW was a nice bike but I was afraid of final drive issues and did not like that I had to drive 100 miles to get to the nearest dealer ( through Atlanta ). The limited number of dealers is a real bummer. The ST1300 was a nice bike but it was an 03 and did not have the electric windshield,heated grips, of ABS. It was comfortable and had plenty of power (for me). The real reason I got rid of it was that it was unstable anytime it was within 200 yards of a Semi while on the interstate. Very scary! I just got the FJR last week and so far I have not found anything to complain about. It's powerful,stable, and comfortable. I got the AE model and after a few initial rough shifts have found it to be absolutely fantastic.

I sold my Vstrom...I have been a long time BMW rider and I have owned 2 1100RT's and a 1200RT.

If I could, I would buy the 1200 again...

I can only afford a 04 1150RT...

I am naturally attracted to 4 cylinder motors.

Looking for opinions.

My concerns on the BMW is reliability and I have never been the boxxers biggest fan.

I bought the Vstrom to get away from BMW problems.

The FJR intrigues me but the conventional fork, ground clearance and twitchy throttle ...keep me reserved.

I had an ST1300 and I hated it... suspension was awfull, ground clearance was bad, heat poured out ...tranny ...false neutrals ...host of other issues ...lean surge.

...tarnished my thoughts on japanese bikes compared to the beemer.

...share your unbiased opinions.
It sure does sound like you like BMWs...? :unsure:

And, maybe?, are a little predisposed to not liking Japanese pretenders...?

Maybe a 4-cylinder BMW is where you should be looking...? :blink:

There appear to be several "mixed messages" in your request: It's hard to determine if you're really fed-up with BMWs -- "I would buy the 1200 again"; "I can only afford a 04 1150RT."

Then there's the comment: "I am naturally attracted to 4 cylinder motors" yet you buy (mostly) 2-cyl. bikes?

The 4-cyl. bike you had, you hated: "I had an ST1300 and I hated it" -- Honda's ST1300 has been around a long time and is, generally, well-liked and respected.

Personnally, I think an R1150RT is big old heavy truck-like thing with an old-fashioned engine, some goofy engineering, lots of finicky plastic and add-on-like parts (not to mention, ugly) that doesn't even compare with a modern, engineered-as-a-piece motorcycle -- like the Yamaha FJR.

Good luck with you dilemma/s.

(Oh, Happy Friday on the FJR Forum)
You made the assumption that I mostly buy 2 cylinder bikes. The majority of BMW's I have had are 4 cylinder. I have had K1200LT's, GT's, RS's (yep, I am using plural). I like the 4 cylinder motor by BMW but they just dont give me the flickability I like or the ergonomics of a upright sport touring bike. I would love a second gen GT but I cant afford it. If I could then I would even have this post as I find it a better bike than the RT and the FJR. My issues with ST1300 had more to do about the rest of the bike, like the suspension, the display, weight, limited clearance, aerodynamics. The issue I had with the motor seemed to not be entirely wide spread although I was not the only one with it. It was not becasue of a four cylinder engine. Do I like BMW's? Yes! Do I like their problems or response to issues? NO! I am not married to the comany or a brand loyal shopper. As for looks, I prefer the RT over the FJR, but I didnt come here to discuss looks. I can decide that for myself. If anything the ugly appearnce of the FJR's front end is a fault on my scorecard. I came here looking for opinions between these 2 bikes in terms of performance which appearantly you cant answer, so I am not really sure why you replied.

I have had a BMW R1100, Honda ST1300, and have just gotten an FJR. The BMW was a nice bike but I was afraid of final drive issues and did not like that I had to drive 100 miles to get to the nearest dealer ( through Atlanta ). The limited number of dealers is a real bummer. The ST1300 was a nice bike but it was an 03 and did not have the electric windshield,heated grips, of ABS. It was comfortable and had plenty of power (for me). The real reason I got rid of it was that it was unstable anytime it was within 200 yards of a Semi while on the interstate. Very scary! I just got the FJR last week and so far I have not found anything to complain about. It's powerful,stable, and comfortable. I got the AE model and after a few initial rough shifts have found it to be absolutely fantastic.
MY ST had the same aerodynamocs yours did. Even just going 90 mph was scary.

I own a '08 FJR and an '03 1150 RT. Both bikes have aftermarket suspensions due to my gargantuan size. The silky smooth FJR power is much better than the 1150 but the FJR steers heavier than the BMW. I like them both; the BMW for longer rides, the FJR something shorter. If I feel frisky, its the FJR. If mellow, the RT.

The final drive issue is overblown. Yes, there were some problems with a few Beemers and most of the justifiable angst came from BMW's failure to support their product. In fact, I excluded BMW as an option when I purchased the FJR as a second bike for just that reason. You won't go wrong with either one.
Thank you for the comparison. How do you find the comfort level between the 2? How do the vibrations in the grips of the FJR feel comared to the RT? Is the FJR suspension as plush as the RT's?

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I am always amazed by people that ask questions and then argue with the answer. If you want an unbiased opinion about the two bikes then ask somebody that doesn't own either one and is stupid. You won't like their answer any better but you might learn something about their bike and maybe go with that one.

Both of the bikes in question have loyal owners. I have owned both and worked on both for customers and IMHO the FJR is more serviveable with the exception of valves on the R bike. If you want a lot of bang for the buck go find a last year C10 Concours. Ask your question on that forum and see if they have unbiased opinions. If that doesn't work maybe a HD forum will work. :rolleyes:

I sold my Vstrom and I am looking into one of these bikes. I have been a long time BMW rider and I have owned 2 1100RT's and a 1200RT. If I could, I would buy the 1200 again, however this is a different story. I can only afford a 04 1150RT. I have been eyeing the FJR as well. I am naturally attracted to 4 cylinder motors. Anyone here own both or ride both? Looking for opinions. My concerns on the BMW is reliability and I have never been the boxxers biggest fan. I bought the Vstrom to get away from BMW problems. The FJR intrigues me but the conventional fork, ground clearance and twitchy throttle that I have heard about keep me reserved. I had an ST1300 and I hated it. The suspension was awfull, the ground clearance was bad, the heat poured out to the point I had to stop and the tranny liked to catch false neutrals along with a host of other issues like the lean surge. Still having that bad experience in my mind, its tarnished my thoughts on japanese bikes compared to the beemer. I have noticed the FJR adresses some of the ST's shortcomings but still not sure. I am hoping some of you can share your unbiased opinions.
Between these two, for even money, I would go with the FJR. Usually I am the guy here carrying water for BMW.

I really like the four cylinder BMWs, but I would pick the FJR over the boxer every time. The R1150RT will feel very sluggish compared to the 06 FJR.... at least that's my experience.

FWIW, don't currently own an FJR or BMW Boxer, but I did own both up until mid June this year. The boxer was a couple of generations farther along than the one you're considering, and it was still sluggish compared to the FJR.

I am always amazed by people that ask questions and then argue with the answer. If you want an unbiased opinion about the two bikes then ask somebody that doesn't own either one and is stupid. You won't like their answer any better but you might learn something about their bike and maybe go with that one.

Both of the bikes in question have loyal owners. I have owned both and worked on both for customers and IMHO the FJR is more serviveable with the exception of valves on the R bike. If you want a lot of bang for the buck go find a last year C10 Concours. Ask your question on that forum and see if they have unbiased opinions. If that doesn't work maybe a HD forum will work. :rolleyes:
I wasnt arguing with anyones reply except Chris's. It offered no value or insight into either bike, instead it only questioned my reasoning for posting here. The other aspect of his comment stemmed around looks. I have not debated anyones opinion between the 2 bikes.

I went and looked at both bikes today. I sat on both, ran both but couldnt ride them. The FJR I looked at was a new 2010. It seemed smoother than I was expecting. With all the talks about ECU issues and snappy throttles, I expected something less refined. I enjoyed sitting on it. I liked the height of the windshield relative to the rider. The bars were just a bit further forward than I like so a set of risers would probably be in order. While I can see where the FJR doesnt have as good of wind protection as the RT, it feels like it would be more than adequate and give better airflow in the summer. The display was impressive. Very clean, modern, easy to read and gives more information than the RT. I shifted the gears stationary and the gearbox was so smooth but enough of a notch to give feedback I was in the gear. The fit and finish was great and I liked the amount of under seat storage but the glove box was very disappointing. I dont keep alot up there anyway. The mirrors were great and in a good spot although I would have appreciated a bit more viewing area. Overall I was impressed and it edged it closer to the winner in my descision. My biggest drawback to the FJR came in suspension. While I didnt ride wither bike, the BMW felt more compliant while compressing the suspeneion, but I do appreciate the adjustment the FJR offers over the BMW.

So now a few questions for you owners. What would be different in an 06 or 07 relative to the 2010 I just looked at? What if I looked at a 2008 model? What options are there to improve the front suspenion of the FJR? How much power can I draw on an FJR for accesories? I will plan on doing heated grips, heated seat and a GPS. I would also like to run a heated jacket liner. I believe the seat would pull around 18 watts, the jacket, 100, the grips aorund 30 and the GS is pretty negligble. I alos would eventually look into some auxilary lights. Will the FJR charging system be up to that task?
