05 FJR questions

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Mar 10, 2008
Reaction score

I took an 05 FJR (abs) for a spin earlier today. The power brought quite a smile to my face, haven't had one quite that big since my FZ1 :) . The bike has saddlebags plus the one that mounts in the center behind the rider. About 1000 miles on it, and they are asking 10,900 for it. The price is a bit high over NADA by about 1k, not sure if it's worth it even though it has super low miles.

Anyway, as I was test riding it with all the luggage options on it, including the bulky center rear one, I was at a stop sign turning left, and about 3/4 of the way through the turn, it felt like both wheels were sliding out from under me. I wasn't gunning it, just a normal acceleration/speed for turning. I am not use to riding with all these luggages options, and was wondering if this feeling might have been brought on by being more top heavy than I am use to?

Edit to change the puke green icon guy. Whoops missed that :lol:

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I ride an '05. I don't think what you experienced is normal behavior for the bike. Could have been underinflated tires or something in the road (oil, sand, white stripe paint, etc).

The rear luggage case is an add-on option that's prolly not included in the NADA value. Cost for the option is about $500 or thereabouts.

I took an 05 FJR (abs) for a spin earlier today. The power brought quite a smile to my face, haven't had one quite that big since my FZ1 :) . The bike has saddlebags plus the one that mounts in the center behind the rider. About 1000 miles on it, and they are asking 10,900 for it. The price is a bit high over NADA by about 1k, not sure if it's worth it even though it has super low miles.

Anyway, as I was test riding it with all the luggage options on it, including the bulky center rear one, I was at a stop sign turning left, and about 3/4 of the way through the turn, it felt like both wheels were sliding out from under me. I wasn't gunning it, just a normal acceleration/speed for turning. I am not use to riding with all these luggages options, and was wondering if this feeling might have been brought on by being more top heavy than I am use to?
Not sure if thats a good deal. I just bought my brand new, in the crate, 07 for 11,400. But if it has some accessories included, then maybe it's a good deal.

Maybe more top heavy than you're used to. Go back, check the tire psi and ask to ride it again. This will give you a second chance to ride the bike and also shows the seller that you're interested enough to come back. This may or may not help to negotiate the price if he knows you're for real.

It was the tires. Either the brand/model, or underinflated.

And that is a bit pricey. Without knowing more about the bike, I would say $8000-$8500 is more appropriate. Maybe $9,000.

Good luck.

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AND (since your location is not included in your profile) it depends on your state. A low mileage (under 7500 miles) out-of-state bike cannot be registered in CA.

Even so, the price sounds a bit high.

Thanks for all the replies. I also have a trade-in making things messy, so when I go straight NADA book, add a bit for extra luggage option mentioned above, I am getting a couple hundred more for my trade-in compared to all the other stores I have checked. I forgot to mention that it has one year left on the extended warranty as well. If I could go straight price, things would be easier, but my trade-in is dragging me down. I don't really want to go through the hassle of selling it myself, so I pay the trade-in penalty :(

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I had them check the tires, and both of them were low by 5 psi each. After going back for a bit more dealing and talking, I am pretty close to getting the bike today.

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If it's an '05, you have rubber that's probably getting close to 4 years old. Underinflation is the likely culprit, since it doesn't take being too low to dramatically influence the way the bike feels. But -- older rubber, especially when not yet warm from a few miles riding, could also affect the feel. Otherwise, that doesn't sound like a symptom generally attributable to this bike.

I'll also agree that the price sounds considerably too high, even though the miles are VERY low. Of course, you pay for them doing the trade in, but still. That price sounds more like what I'd expect for a '07 that isn't new.

I haven't heard anywone else mention this but, when I switch the suspension from hard to soft, in the soft mode it handles like it's going to wash out. All spongey to me. I click to hard and it handles like a dream. :sleepysmileyanim:

Maybe it's just me.... :weirdsmiley:

I have to agree with Bluesman... when it's soft it handles like it's gonna be a "washout", but when it's HARD it handles like a dream.

Now, onto your bike question... It's a bit more than some have quoted for their gently-used Feejers, but if it is farkled and it works as advertised on tv, and you love it... then it's a bargain. I did see some ads for 07's that were close to that price, almost new... but realistically it seems like the only big difference from a new bike will be heat mgmt, a few miles, and the color.

If you do it then congrats!!


I have to agree with Bluesman... when it's soft it handles like it's gonna be a "washout", but when it's HARD it handles like a dream.
Now, onto your bike question... It's a bit more than some have quoted for their gently-used Feejers, but if it is farkled and it works as advertised on tv, and you love it... then it's a bargain. I did see some ads for 07's that were close to that price, almost new... but realistically it seems like the only big difference from a new bike will be heat mgmt, a few miles, and the color.

If you do it then congrats!!

What is mucking everything up is the trade-in value of my bike. If I go off of the highest trade-in value I have seen from other dealers, then price of the bike would be around 10k. They are about $200 difference over what my ideal reasonable price was before I started dealing with them. The ideal unrealistic price involved them handing me cash, along with some pie.

I have to agree with Bluesman... when it's soft it handles like it's gonna be a "washout", but when it's HARD it handles like a dream.
Now, onto your bike question... It's a bit more than some have quoted for their gently-used Feejers, but if it is farkled and it works as advertised on tv, and you love it... then it's a bargain. I did see some ads for 07's that were close to that price, almost new... but realistically it seems like the only big difference from a new bike will be heat mgmt, a few miles, and the color.

If you do it then congrats!!

What is mucking everything up is the trade-in value of my bike. If I go off of the highest trade-in value I have seen from other dealers, then price of the bike would be around 10k. They are about $200 difference over what my ideal reasonable price was before I started dealing with them. The ideal unrealistic price involved them handing me cash, along with some pie.
Here's the deal: If you are really concerned about whether your getting a "good deal" then sell your bike yourself. You can do this before or after you buy the new bike.

If you can't afford the new one without unloading the old one first, and you aren't willing to wait until it sells, then bend over and take it you-know-where. The convenience of "trading in" comes at a very high price indeed.

What is your old bike? Can it be marketed and priced for a quick sale at more than the dealers are offering? If so, do it.

I have to agree with Bluesman... when it's soft it handles like it's gonna be a "washout", but when it's HARD it handles like a dream.
Now, onto your bike question... It's a bit more than some have quoted for their gently-used Feejers, but if it is farkled and it works as advertised on tv, and you love it... then it's a bargain. I did see some ads for 07's that were close to that price, almost new... but realistically it seems like the only big difference from a new bike will be heat mgmt, a few miles, and the color.

If you do it then congrats!!

What is mucking everything up is the trade-in value of my bike. If I go off of the highest trade-in value I have seen from other dealers, then price of the bike would be around 10k. They are about $200 difference over what my ideal reasonable price was before I started dealing with them. The ideal unrealistic price involved them handing me cash, along with some pie.

I own an '05 FJR that I bought new in fall of '04. It arrived with Bridgestone 020 tires. The bike has 12,000 miles (w/ about 1~2000 miles tread remaining on that original rubber).

The feeling you describe - that it wants to slide or wash out negotiating a normal turning - is NOT normal for that bike.

I think the overall advice given you by other forum members is quite good. The bike will handle more sharply with the suspension setting on hard at the rear. ( I don't use this setting unless carrying a passenger - MI roads being what they are!) Also check that the front suspension is not set too firm as the ride height, front to rear , could be adversely effected.

Ideally, when you sit on the bike the suspension sag should the same front and rear.

Also try tire inflation of 40~42 lbs front and rear.

Hope this helps! Good luck and please be sure to let us know how you do with this...a great bike! (right color too!)

All the best, J-DADDY

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If the luggage is empty while you are taking your test ride, it isn't going to change handling characteristics when turning a corner. Not even the top box... well, unless you're flying in upper/triple digits.

I vote that there is some issue w/ the tires... or you rode over something mid-turn that made it feels as if it were breaking loose.

Price sounds high. Good luck with your purchase, Heidi

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see this dent in the eBay ad for the 2005 w/ ABS:


He doesn't know where that dent ion front of the filler came from, but I bet I do. I'll bet that the gas tank imploded because the tank vent is somehow obstructed.

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