'06 - Bike heat report in 106F, 25% humidity

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Well-known member
Mar 30, 2006
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Fate, TX (30 miles east of Dallas)
...but at least the bike was only "rather warm", and the warmth was contained almost entirely in the shin area. My shins were warmer than I'd like, but not to the point where I wouldn't want to ride. I tried to notice any heat from the tank, but couldn't feel any through my dockers & Olympia mesh pants. My commute is mostly on the freeway (25+ miles), but I did do a few miles of 30-40MPH stuff after I got off the freeway.

I'd heard people comment on how the heat from an '06 didn't seem so bad in 90+F temps, so I thought I'd chime in with what I felt in 106F heat.

These are the days that test the ATGATT faithful. Sweat washes off; roadrash is forever. Thank God I have silver/grey gear. :)

Rode my 06 in 103 degree weather in shorts. Outside indicated temp. (on pavement) was 112. The bike radiated a huge amount of heat from the shin area. Was surprised that the frame rail just below the tank was so hot you couldn't keep your hand on it. Also, had heat rash on the inside of my thighs. Interesting bike. What were the pre 06s like in regards to the heat? I still think Yamaha has heat issues.

My 1200rs never feels anywhere near as hot as this Yamaha. I'm not even sure air cooled bikes radiate as much heat.

Should I not have posted this because I'm whinning, or is it just an observation that may elicit some intelligent responses and humorous asides?

Yeah....the only thing I have in relation with them thar limey's is I grew up on spam, too.

As you can see by observing my avatar, I am a minimalist when it comes to gear. On a first name basis with all the Emergency and Burn Wards in the Twin Cities area. My secret for dealing with the heat issue and Attgat naZis has been to build up the scar tissue. WeRd.

I find that when I ride wearing the RadSuit™ there is no cooling effect at all. In fact, the experience is not unlike that of being in a convection oven where you get cooked evenly, all the way though. While us snowmen up north don’t have quite the heat extremes you fireballs have down south and out west it still gets darn hot. I haven’t been perfect about ATGATT but it has been close.

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Rode my 06 in 103 degree weather in shorts. Outside indicated temp. (on pavement) was 112. The bike radiated a huge amount of heat from the shin area.<snip snip>

Also, had heat rash on the inside of my thighs.
When I rode yesterday indicated air temp was 106 on pavement since it was in the early evening. Your shin experience makes sense to me since my shins were definitely feeling some heat, though I had 2 layers of clothing between me and the FJR (Dockers and mesh pants) that made it quite bearable. Now, *to me* that heat didn't seem to be excessive at all, and part of me expected more in fact. I'm pretty sure that the fairings do more to encase heat than to dissipate it. (Please note: I'm not saying you're wrong, but that our conditions and expectations are/were different.)

If nothing else, I didn't feel any heat *at all* from the tank, and I didn't mind doing some lower speed stuff including stops and starts after getting off the freeway, which are the sorts of things that the pre-06 people have had issues with (notwithstanding the "what heat?" crowd). I've not ridden a pre-06, but I get the definite impression that the heat is tamed on the 06. No, not gone, but almost certainly better.

About the heat rash inside your thighs: Was that from the tank? Does your tank get hot?

The heat was either coming directly out from under the tank or from the frame rails. The tank does not get hot. I do have a Mag-Knight guard on the tank, but I think without this the tank would still not be hot. If I hadn't been wearing shorts there would have been no problem with heat. It did feel refreshing to "spread eagle" my knees every once in a while to cool off. Nothing but gaberdine between my boys and the great outdoors.

Not to get all ATGATT nazi, but my buds and I agree that more coverage = less heat getting to your legs. You're safer and more comfortable.

That's from 2 FJR riders (03 and 06) and a 04 ST1300.

You know whats strange its was 105 here yesterday and I burned my hands touching the framr rail.......................................of the kids trampoline out back. Go figure. And I mean it was so hot riding the lawn mower and the engine is even in the back and I still felt the heat wafting around me.

Does anyone think I have grounds to sue Dixon, I mean they knew I would have to be mowing the lawn in the heat, and they didn't put any heat sheilds on the mower.

Oh and the vibes are killing my hands. Anyone know if grip puppies makes something for a Zero Turning Radius Dixon mower?

This has been fun :yahoo:


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I run through Fate on a regular basis, I'm near Nevada.

I've been riding my 05 at least 60mi a day in these wonderful temps. Last year it cooked me, this year, it's not that bad. I should have the fz1 back on the road for next week, but the fjr's cooling system handles these temps better. My fan hasn't kicked on once during these temps. Can't quite hit that fourth bar, but lucky me, the traffic has been moving well. Maybe the +7 mod cooled mine down some.....

I had to look your town up - Nevada might be smaller than Fate! We still have a city sign that says that our population is 475, but that's from the 1990 census. When my wife and I moved here 2 years ago we instantly became statistically significant.

+1 on the cooling system. All these 100+F days in a row, and not once have I gotten home and had the fan be running.
