'06 - Bike heat report in 106F, 25% humidity

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Try riding with the lower panels in the OUTBOARD position. I think you will find it keeps the hot air off your lower legs. I find it is cooler with them OUT.

Maybe you could buy one of these and cut it up to affix to your legs?

Cool vest


Wanna buy a 06' ,under 500 miles on it ?Free replacement windshield. My wife & I like to explore dirt roads on tours. Just rode 20 miles of forest roads near home on the FJR. DAMN your lower legs get scorched at low speeds! Rode ST1100's on dirt for years. Loved it. Can't believe it but I'm looking at a BMW 1200GS on-off roader. The japs quit making a truely versitile sport-touerer.Dammit. This FJR is FINE on highways tho.Heat's no problem at speed. Corners great.

Rode around today, mostly freeway in 106 weather. Yeah, it was hot, wearing jeans, long sleeve shirt, full face helmet, gloves. Bike didn't seem to give off much heat, bars were just one over half on the road. Got home, turned bike off, opened garage door, when I started the bike bars were one from full, fan came on, bike quickly cooled to two bars above half, parked it in garage, put a fan to the radiator and waited for it to cool to one above half before I shut it off, kept the blower fan on the radiator. Even it the scorching heat, you don't want to stop riding this bike. Drank a lot of water and took a take a nap after, heat exhaustion.

