06, Fastest FJR yet?

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Well-known member
Feb 8, 2006
Reaction score
Higher gearing combined with new air management, could this bike be the fastest FJR yet? If the bike ends up with a lower Cd it just might make use of the new taller gearing. I hope so, I wont use it but I want it anyway!!

Higher gearing ... fastest FJR yet? ... new taller gearing.
Sorry to rain on your parade, but the gearing is lower. The bike will accelerate slower.

Yo! Doggie who rides so little he forgets what his FJR looks like! :eek:

He said "fastest", not "quickest", so technically he is correct and its back to the doghouse with your tail between your legs for you. Only parade being rained on around heres is BadDog's.

As for the 06 being faster, possible, but I doubt it. It weighs more, and all those new nifty little vents on the front fairing will surely raise the Cd.

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The optimal gearing for top speed is when a bike hits its top speed at the engine's power peak. I think the pre-06 was pretty close to this, so I suspect the 06 will be over-revving in 4th and under-revving in 5th at top speed. But we'll have to wait and see.

The aero changes are likely to be inconsequential to drag - they're designed to improve internal airflow, not external. But again, we'll have to wait and see.

- Mark

I would expect the new bike to have cleaner air behind it with narrower bags and reduced low pressure area behind rider.

On a bike are internal and external air flow seperate? I think of all air flow as external on a bike.

On the other hand, it will be slower to accelerate...unless they found more HP, hey, I can dream...

Also, did that extra 1.3 inch of swing arm lenth bring anything to the table, again, longer and narrower bike may have cleaner air behind it? Im pissing into the wind over here :dribble:

It's a moot point, since the '06s will have the French de-tuned engines....

Don't look for the '06 to be faster. And it definitely will not be quicker by any means.

Despite the very slightly higher gearing, the significant amount of weight gain is certainly not going to help in the raw performance arena.

This doesn't mean the bike is going to be slow - obviously not.

But the earlier bikes will have the performance edge, no question.

Yo! Doggie who rides so little he forgets what his FJR looks like! :eek:
He said "fastest", not "quickest", so technically he is correct and its back to the doghouse with your tail between your legs for you. Only parade being rained on around heres is BadDog's.

As for the 06 being faster, possible, but I doubt it. It weighs more, and all those new nifty little vents on the front fairing will surely raise the Cd.
Hey jacknut, I ride every week. Wife only gives me a damn hour, so how fricking far can I actually go?? <_<

Anyway, I still don't agree. The '05 runs out of power, not gear at top speed. The taller gearing is only going to make it worse.

Between that and the extra weight, you'll run out of runway before you even reach top speed!


One thing is certain, the 06 FJR will be the finest motorcycle I have ever owned. Most of the bikes I've owned fall into the 'bottom feeder' catagory. Good Times....MOVIN ON UP, TO THE TOP, TO A DELUXE FJR IN THE SKY!!

And no matter top speed, any FJR will probably be fast enough for me.

Geez, you guys keep hoping to knock the the speed king 03 off its throne, but everyone knows the 03 is faster. Why do you think Warchild traded up? :bleh:

Everyone knows that 03 was the last year that the R in FJR sood for race. Since 04 it's stood for rooser which is Japaneese for looser. Looser because its been coming in second and third to the 03 ever since.

There's no shame in it guys. You have really nice copies of the real thing.

Doggy, doggy, doggy, doggy............. when you gonna git your tail out here to Arizona on a *business trip* What the wifey don't know, won't hurt her, and what happens in Arizona, stays in Arizona.

First of all, my main issue with your first post was your total ineptitude in the understanding of the word faster used by GAPS. Faster relates to top speed. But then you start spouting some kind of ill-informed blather about acceleration which is *quickness*. Apples and oranges my miles challenged friend. Surely the 06 FJR will be *less quick* (acceleration) due to the weight gain and taller gearing, but it *could* be faster (top speed) due to the taller gearing and changes in the Coefficient of Drag (Cd). Get with the program, eh? Capiche?

Anyway, I still don't agree. The '05 runs out of power, not gear at top speed. The taller gearing is only going to make it worse.
Uhhh.....Bueller? Have you actually been there? Some time in those astounding 2050 miles of yours?

When I have hit 155 mph on the several occasions I have been stupid enough to do that, my tach is showing over 9000 rpm. Now I don't know what inaccuracies might be present in the tach and speedo at that point, but assuming they are close, I am hitting my top speed past the peak power. So theoretically, slightly taller gearing could put peak of the power band right around a new higher top speed. Theoretically. Then there is the whole Cd thing which is totally independent of power and has a HUGE effect on top speed.

Ahhh.....nothing like a bit more mental masturbation.

Hey little dog, I got an idea for you. Why don't you change your odometer display to kilometers? That way it will read 3300, which is still pathetic, but might be good to boost your ego and confidence a bit. ;)

Just trying to help a brother out.


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Good stuff G-funny money. Now I don't know how things are done in Arizona, but I am quite certain the heat has affected your neurons' abilities to fire in correct sequence. Stick your head in the fridge and enjoy a few moments of clarity.

Now, I seriously take offense to your claims of my mileage challenges. I guess I can't blame you - it is my fault that my sig incorrectly reports my bike's mileage. A look at the current ODO currently shows 2140 miles. Now that oughta shut you up... :blink: I am practically in the league of the Iron Butters...

Anyhoo, let's take a gander at the dictionary for differentiation:

Fast: Acting, moving, or capable of acting or moving quickly; swift.

Quick: Moving or functioning rapidly and energetically; speedy.

Hmmm, a lot of overlap.

So I think it's safe to say that "Quicker" and "Faster" are left to the reader for interpretation. For example, if I said you were fast riding a lady, everyone would agree that it doesn't mean you're getting in more strokes per minute, just that you are a two-pump chump. Which of course, you are. ;)

Oh, and a quick spelling lesson is in order: It's 'capisce'.

Now, your neural dysfunction and premature tendencies notwithstanding, I stand corrected on the top speed thing. My garage queen hasn't seen the faster side of 110 mph yet, but I did hit 145 mph on a rented FJR and clearly the motor had more balls than I did. Nonetheless, you're right, the power peak is ~ 7800 (IIRC), so getting the engine speed closer would get the bike faster (assuming same Cd). Tail is duly located between the legs on this one.

So, this has been fun. I'll go ahead and try that mile -> km thing for a confidence boost. In the meantime, for your confidence why don't you go and pick up some of this?



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Hey jacknut, I ride every week. Wife only gives me a damn hour, so how fricking far can I actually go??
-time to tell wifey to let you have your balls back when you go for a ride! :D (sorry, BD you made that too easy ;) )

So, how far can you go?...lets see, in your case:

1 hr./wk x 52 wks @ 110 MPH 'BDs top speed' = 5720 miles/yr.

:clap: :haha:

Thanks there little doggy. Nothing like a good funnee to start the day.

Capiche: CLICK HERE my miles and word challenged friend

2140 miles? Wow! I am impressed. Progress!!!! That would be 3443 kilometers! :haha:

As for your dictionary you big geek, they obviously are not complete. :D I stand by the SkooterG highly specific modern uses of the words. Seems the rest of the world has some catching up to do.

<Sigh> Its lonely at the top.

Excuse me.........I need to go stick my head in the fridge............

Good googling!

Sorry - since you were so "technically correct" above I assumed you preferred that in language, too. I understand now - technically correct or slang - depending on your need to make an argument. You must be a lawyer?!?

@nusman: True dat, my man. I keep trying to find my stones but she has hidden them. Even when I do bust out for a ride, I can hear her nagging me in my head and it just ruins the ride...

