06 front brake rattle

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Well-known member
Feb 23, 2006
Reaction score
Saint Cloud, MN
OK so here’s the deal. I took my bike in for its 600 mile service a couple of weeks ago when I left the dealer I hear a rattle, I didn't think much of it because they installed the bags at the same time and just figured the bags rattled a bit. When I got home I removed the bags and the rattle was still there. I tried to trouble shoot it with no avail. Back to the dealer it went. They couldn't find it either though the tech said he could plainly hear it. He was about to pull apart all of the plastic, when I asked him to ride over a bump while I stood next to I and listened. I could then tell that the noise was coming from the front break assembly. This noise is pretty loud as I could hear it 1/2 city block away as the bike rode over a bump. We found that the pads on both sides can be easily rattled with you finger. The noise completely goes away when brakes are engaged. The dealer tried to tell me that it is a characteristic of the bike. I'm not buying it! I told them that if the pads cannot be adjusted to NOT RATTLE, then it must be a warranty issue. They are calling Mama Yamaha now to see if others have reported this type of issue. The funny thing is that this noise didn't exist before I brought it to them, but of course they will not acknowledge that. So the question is: Are there any other 06s with sloppy front break pads or just mine.


edited for spelling :p

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That ain't right... the distance between the pistons and the pads should be next to nil... and the distance between the pads and the rotors should be pretty small as well. Unless they changed significantly from the '05s, the pads slide down into their spot fairly tightly... did you pull the pads out and inspect them? Is there a backer plate on each one to distribute the pressure from the pistons? I know I have a bitch of a time with mine getting them lined up just right to get the pads back into the calipers whenever I remove them.

There were initial posts about 06 brake rattles and it was determine that this was due to the "floating brake pads." However, I have never heard mine rattle while driving- i have heard an occasional clunk while moving the bike around the garage- but I certainly wouldn't be able to hear it a block away!

You're brakes should not be rattling. After letting go if the front brake lever, the pistons should retract ever so slightly due to no positive pressure being applied. They should only retract enough to accomodate the spinning rotor and may even drag a little. How does the rotor look? Is it both sides? Could it be warped or perhaps not snug all the way around?

Is your front brake lever tight? If you've got air in the lines, it could possibly cause the pads to retract to far and be loose. Its kind of a long shot, but its possible I suppose.

There were initial posts about 06 brake rattles and it was determine that this was due to the "floating brake pads." However, I have never heard mine rattle while driving- i have heard an occasional clunk while moving the bike around the garage- but I certainly wouldn't be able to hear it a block away!
ditto john's comments on my 06. sorry i'm not smarter about the answer, but it is not TYPICAL of 06's as far as mine is concerned.

now if you want to talk about it being a gnarly, top-heavy, tip-toe beast to maneuver in the garage, i'm TOTALLY with you on that one...

good luck,


No problemsa with my '06 rotors. I do get a tick at times when at low speeds, but I think it is just the inline four noises and it goes away....

At walking speeds I've never ridden a more top-heavy bike, but sweet with some revs!

Wish I could be more help.

I have been told by the sevice maneger that its all normal for 06 model because of the floating pads. :rolleyes:


The only rattle Wonky has are the marbles I left in the glove box. :blink:

Your brakes shouldn't rattle.

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My brakes "rattle" too. When I roll over a bump or into the driveway at slow speeds I hear it. Not real loud. But a little. I just figured it was a quirk of the bike.

The only rattle Wonky has are the marbles I left in the glove box. :blink:

Your brakes shouldn't rattle.
I would bet yours do. Go out to the garage and push on the bottom of the pad, they'll move.

This does not have anything to do with floating brakes. The floating brakes refer to the way the rotors are mounted, not how the pads are mounted in the calipers.

I just ended an hour long phone call to Mammayamaha, after having the break pad tensioners replaced (it made no difference). They told me that the breaks should not rattle (duh). They told me I should seek out another dealer to check it out. So, I am asking for some advice on good mechanics in MN. I had been previously taking it to Moon Motorsports in Monticello, but they last told me that all of the 06s are like that and I should just deal with it. :angry2: I really love this bike I now have just over 8000 miles and have grinned all the way. I wouldn't bother with this accept that a rattle can be a sign that something isn't working properly. If the bike always rattles I might miss something important that needs attention!

Just finished reading this string, here's my put FWIW:

BMW's ( I had one once) have a reputation of rattles in the front floaters - but mostly due to the attachment fasteners wearing which are replaceable.

I have an 04 FJR w/ABS and have no such rattle...I know you are speaking of an 06 , but it's hard to believe that this is normal as the dealer suggests.

Going to another dealer makes a lot of sense

ABS system in the front has a clunck, felt and audible even while moving around the garage but no rattle as you describe, especially from a distance. Hope you find the problem. Not too many variables there to go wrong. You might want to check the torque on the front axel as mine almost came off the first week I had it! PM. <>< :blink:

I just figured it was a quirk of the bike.

I would bet yours do. Go out to the garage and push on the bottom of the pad, they'll move.

Mine have rattled since day one on slow, rough surfaces. I was alarmed at first, but they work so well it's not an issue. The service manual shows a "brake pad spring" which apparently doesn't work too well.

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