06 OTD Pricing FJR1300A?

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Hello everyone,

OK so now that I have reading all the reviews and drooling over the FJRa-I want to buy one :ph34r: . My SV just kills my wrist and I would like to have the best of both worlds with the FJR. I was looking at the FZ1 but like the bags for putting stuff in and they come off making the bike look like a sport bike...good stuff

Has anyone seen an FJR in San Antonio, Austin, Houston for the 12K price range? I see that D&H and the Texarkana dealer have a good price but I don’t want to drive that far…

Bellflower Motorsports (Bellflower, CA)

$14400 OTD including Y.E.S. no waiting, no deposit :)

the FJR is Last time i ever put a deposit down on any car or bike


Where in Texas are you? Trust me, when I say that the dealership in Texarkana is worth the drive. I got mine there and took the bus from Friendswood... and then had a great break-in ride home. Tony and the boys at YamahaSportCenter will treat you right... now whether they have any more bikes is another issue....

13,286 out the door with tax, license, and a full tank of gas. no YES. sunnyside yamaha in washington state. we're up in the top left corner... :>)

PS - worth every penny.

shu - still smiling every time i swing a leg over :D

Gotta love this scoot....I didn't care what I paid....I just signed the papers and went riding. Of course they gave me a deal on it.....but, I didn't care....

Where in Texas are you? Trust me, when I say that the dealership in Texarkana is worth the drive. I got mine there and took the bus from Friendswood... and then had a great break-in ride home. Tony and the boys at YamahaSportCenter will treat you right... now whether they have any more bikes is another issue....

I am in San Antonio. The local dealer is not giving any breaks off the MSRP but was hoping an Austin/Houston dealer might make a good deal but it sounds as though YamahaSport center is the place, price/service. I will have to see what they have and see if I can schedule it unless I find something closer. thanks...

I am in San Antonio. The local dealer is not giving any breaks off the MSRP but was hoping an Austin/Houston dealer might make a good deal but it sounds as though YamahaSport center is the place, price/service. I will have to see what they have and see if I can schedule it unless I find something closer. thanks...

I rode from Austin to Texarkana and found that it wasn't much of a hassle (was 369 miles and took 5.5 h). It's definitely worth the price.

The dealers here in Austin aren't cutting any deals and don't have any bikes anyway...

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:D Why don't you dudes get real?? You all paid msrp or plus, quit crapping us up!!
yo redhawk,

since i didn't see the smiley face, i guess you really are accusing me and others of lying. why would i lie? i paid what i said i paid. i even gave the dude who originally ordered the scoot his $500 deposit back since he had changed his mind. when i got to the dealer, i owed exactly 12, 856. that's a total of 13,286, out the door with tax and license. i had to get a ride 250 miles to a small dealer on the agricultural side of our state, as opposed to the bigger cities around seattle.

i'm guessing there are regional differences. still, it seems like there are jerks everywhere, dudn't it? :p


Will be paying $14000.00 otd with the Y.E.S included. In southeast Ga. seems to be in line with most others. You guys that have bought from D&H that do not live in Alabama what,other than sales tax and registration,were you responsible for, anything ? Haven't signed the dotted line yet so just trying to determine if a 4 hour drive will be worth it. Thanks.

How much has everyone paid for the FJR OTD? Is delivery and setup considered included in the MSRP price?
I'm not going publish the exact price I paid, other than to say that it was under MSRP. Dealers do not pay Yamaha for freight. The set-up fee is what the dealer charges for assembling the bike. Documentation fee's are what the dealer charges you for filling in the paperwork. If you are paying sales tax, it is ok to have as much of the price listed as freight and setup because you don't pay sales tax on labor and freight. The dealer I bought mine from charged about $1000 for F&S, and took $1000 off the price of the bike. It saved me about $85 in sales tax.

That's why OTD pricing is more important although usually less accurate. My taxes and registeration came to $1100 in california. Subtract the $400 i paid for Y.E.S. that means the dealer sold me the bike around $12,900 (including all other fees). Not too bad, but not as good as a deal as some of you got. Another dealer in the area would not do anything less than 14700 OTD without Y.E.S.! The one i had my deposit with was willing to do $13800 OTD, but i just did not want to deal with them anymore.

Moral of the story? Shop around, it's worth it. Don't grind the poor slops down too much. You want them to be around when you take the bike back there for warranty and service....but don't take the dealer at their word either.

The one i bought the bike from spent 30 minutes trying to convice me to buy a non-yamaha warranty that was "better" for a great price of $800. I told him i wanted Y.E.S. at $380. He went and came back with great news! His manager approved the joe schmoe warranty for $500! What a bargain. Nope. I'll stick with the Y.E.S. for $380.

I finally said that for $400 it was worth buying it from him. If he didn't want my $400, i'd gladly purchase the warranty from another dealer that did. He sold me the warranty Y.E.S. warranty for $400, complaining about only making a lousy $50 on it.

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