06 yamaha tall shield in 95 heat

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Well-known member
May 12, 2006
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Orange Grove TX (Corpus Christi Area)
anybody have a ride report with the yamaha tall screen in 90 + temps-been 95 hear lately will be seeing 100 + soon=please include your height and shield position-getting ready to order one I thought the V stream was the answer but didnt work for me

I live in Sugar Land, TX just up the road from you. Rode the bike yesterday around the rain storms. I still get plenty of air with the tall screen. The rain kept the temperatures right around 90 but I was comfortable as long as I was moving. I am going to get a jacket that flows a little more air.


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I live in Sugar Land, TX just up the road from you. Rode the bike yesterday around the rain storms. I still get plenty of air with the tall screen. The rain kept the temperatures right around 90 but I was comfortable as long as I was moving. I am going to get a jacket that flows a little more air.

I live in Sugar Land, TX just up the road from you. Rode the bike yesterday around the rain storms. I still get plenty of air with the tall screen. The rain kept the temperatures right around 90 but I was comfortable as long as I was moving. I am going to get a jacket that flows a little more air.

CaryB whats your impression of rider comfort of the tall compared to stock? I have no good position with the stock shield. I tried a vstream but it was to hot and looked to big. It also give me a headache on the left side of my head (unknown reason) but it did it every time I used it in the raised position.

I really like it. I think the air is really clean off the shield at all levels. I'm kinda tall at 6'3" so I can't get completly behind the screen but, I'm okay with that. After all, the bike is not a Goldwing :D

In summary, I would buy the screen again. It is cheap compared to other after market screens. It looks like it belongs on the bike.


anybody have a ride report with the yamaha tall screen in 90 + temps-been 95 hear lately will be seeing 100 + soon=please include your height and shield position-getting ready to order one I thought the V stream was the answer but didnt work for me
The V-Stream as a summer shield? Not likely. Try it next fall/winter and see what you think of it. In 100+ temps you'll need to sacrifice a bit of "quiet" for better airflow. If you're looking for a single shield that will do everything, then all I can say is good luck. I've owned just about every windscreen known to the FJR community and have come to the followings conclusions. #1 - What works for someone else doesn't mean it will work for you. The only way (unless ya just get lucky) to find what works for you is to lay your money down and try as many configurations as you can afford till you come upon the "answer". #2 - I'm convinced that ya need not one, but two windscreens. One for summer, one for the cooler months. Hopefully you'll come upon the right solution before you go broke!

I put the Yamaha "tall" screen on my 2007 FJR two months ago. I took it off a few weeks later when it started warming up. Not enough airflow to keep cool in the summer for me. I am only 5'6" tall so even when it is down all the way I don't get much airflow. It is a lot quieter for me when in the full up or down position. I will put it back on in the fall when it gets cooler.


I put the Yamaha "tall" screen on my 2007 FJR two months ago. I took it off a few weeks later when it started warming up. Not enough airflow to keep cool in the summer for me. I am only 5'6" tall so even when it is down all the way I don't get much airflow. It is a lot quieter for me when in the full up or down position. I will put it back on in the fall when it gets cooler.Gary
Thanks to all for replys-I am thinking I may cut down the tall screen 1 or 2 inches and try that as it appears the air is cleaner to start with than the stock. I am 5/11 and have noisy rough air in all positions with the std 06 screen. I am starting to think that riding with no screen may be better than stock. Vstream was quiet but had traits (heat,effected handling,large size,head and neck ache in raised position and others) I didnt like that canceled out the still air.

I run a CB +4w/+2h/w-flip on my 07. Me likey a lot!

Was 97F yesterday and HIGH humidity. I'm 5'10" and the shield functions well in all climates. It's as close to an all-season config as one could hope for.

Yes, you pay a lot more for a CB. But it's a cut above anything else out there in quality, clarity and aerodynamic "cleanliness".

Sorry, you didn't ask about the CB, now did you! Going away now...

I run a CB +4w/+2h/w-flip on my 07. Me likey a lot!
Was 97F yesterday and HIGH humidity. I'm 5'10" and the shield functions well in all climates. It's as close to an all-season config as one could hope for.

Yes, you pay a lot more for a CB. But it's a cut above anything else out there in quality, clarity and aerodynamic "cleanliness".

Sorry, you didn't ask about the CB, now did you! Going away now...
Jeff-Thanks for comment-trying Yammie next because of the price and more stock appearance if that doesnt work I was looking at the CB after that. I like the fact you can order different sizes with the CB dont want a Goldwing ride just smoother air without the buffeting.

I just cut 5 inches off the top of my std 07 screen. I'll get a +4 taller once it starts getting cooler. I'll decide between the Yam, Cal Sci, Cee Baileys and V-Stream at that time.

The cut down screen allows for alot of fresh, clean air, to keep you cooler in the summer. You can also raise it up a bit and get the air off your chest. The air flow has no turbulence at alol and if you are wearing ear plugs with your helmet its dead quite.


I'm 6'2" BTW, if that makes a difference to you.


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