07 IBR-FJRForum

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Well-known member
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
Brandon, MS
Was kinda wondering, since the IBR is only a short time away...........who, if any fjrforum members will be entering/participating this year?

I want to respect members privacy............to those who will participate but not wish to be identified. I was just kinda wondering and hopeing when this is over that we can congratulate those members who participated and maybe impose upon them (after there recovery) to post up a short report on the experience.

Just a thought........Ok........I'll shut up now.

I'll be making a post Monday or Tuesday about my participation including some resources to keep any eye on me and send me some good Mojo.

I don't know the exact count, but know of 7 FJR riders on this forum including myself riding the IBR.....and will let them come out of the closet if they wish. ;)

I'm in. 06 A I'm not sure if I'll be posting much, mostly cause I suck as a script. I don't have a star traxx or any other tracking device, however I will take any extra Mojo Matt can't use :)

One week until departure and I'm just about ready to leave. This is something new for me as I'm usually up the night before tweaking or packing. I'm not sure it's helping as I keep thinking there is something I need to do.

Mike Evans

Saratoga Springs, NY

I'm in.....
Mike Evans

Saratoga Springs, NY
Oh! Make that 8 FJR riders from this forum then! That only leaves two spots in the Top 10 for non-FJRs.......yeah right.... :rolleyes:

Look forward to meeting you Mike.

Iggy, You should have read Gypsy's post ....... Maybe you did :unsure: :unsure:
If it had been deer instead of bears...I would have worried and said something. Haven't heard of bear strikes on FJRs before.

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I'm not in, would love to be someday, maybe 2011 :)

I plan to go to the start and meet some folks. You'll need someone from Colorado to bring:


They don't sell that round here.

I'm in.............I think.

My ride is STILL currently at the dealer undergoing surgery. It's been one hell of a rollercoaster ride withi this dealer. Not one I ever hope to experience again. Which reminds me, it's time to call the service manager.........

Much to do before Wednesday's departure for St. Louis. Would sure be nice to have an FJR that I could actually be getting ready for the ride.

I am starting to get stressed out.

I'm in.............I think.
My ride is STILL currently at the dealer undergoing surgery......I am starting to get stressed out.
I guess I revise my 8 to something like 7.5....and ponder changing Spinny's avatar to one with his head about to pop off! ;)

Of course, I'm going to tease this guy unmercifully. Two bikes and he hasn't gotten one whole one yet to ride to St. Louis. I bet there are some local riders that would rent you one for about $10,000. ;)

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Better yet, skooter could just buy Effjay's pristine, low mileage '04. Heck, I'd even ride the damn thing out to AZ for him! ;)

Donald I am just curious why you think anyone from this group is going to the IBR? click
I.m planning on being there for the finnish camrea in hand. I'm sure I'll be able to get a few bear shots. :rolleyes:

I'm not in, would love to be someday, maybe 2011 :)
I plan to go to the start and meet some folks. You'll need someone from Colorado to bring:


They don't sell that round here.
Renegade, that might be more approperate for the finnish, but it better be lots more than a six pack. :drinks:

I'm in.............I think.
My ride is STILL currently at the dealer undergoing surgery......I am starting to get stressed out.
I guess I revise my 8 to something like 7.5....and ponder changing Spinny's avatar to one with his head about to pop off! ;)

Of course, I'm going to tease this guy unmercifully. Two bikes and he hasn't gotten one whole one yet to ride to St. Louis. I bet there are some local riders that would rent you one for about $10,000. ;)
I asked my bike if it would like to participate in the IBR, bike said sure lets go. I told it not me, SkooterG. Bike said no,no, that guy falls down a lot. :dribble:

What the fuke.................I'll out everybody. I don't think it's all that big a deal. If somebody doesn't like it, let me know and I'll remove you from the list.

The 2007 Iron Butt Rally participants from FJRForum are.........drumroll please..........

1) Ignacio - Matt Watkins - 2005 FJR

2) DougC? - Doug (NOT Dean!) Chapman - 2004? FJR

3) Beeroux - George Zelenz - 2005 FJR

4) SkooterG - Greg Marbach - 2004 FJR

5) Iron Maiden - Lisa Stevens - 2006 FJR

6) Big Chief Stinky Pants - Mr. Lisa Stevens - 2003 FJR (Guess who's the boss in this family)

7) ssfd110 - Mike Evans - ???? Didn't know you were running - look forward to meeting you Mike!

8) BIODSL - Paul Peloquin - 2003 FJR

9) Go Far - Dick Peek - 2006 FJR

10) Cal24Master - Tom Melchild - 2006 FJR

11) qkslver - Rick Martin - 2003 FJR

Any others out there?

12) Bob St. George? (is he a forum member?) - 2005 FJR

13) Alan Barbaric

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Make that 11
"But it goes to eleven............." :D

Done! How could I forget you?!?! I owe you some beer, or beverage of your choice, from your greatly appreciated assistance after my playa ballerina FJR decided to drop me and break my wing.

No doubt I'll be corrected shortly if wrong.........but I'm thinking the field is limited to 90???

If correct then the FJR has more than a 10% showing of fjrforum members!!

That aint too shabby :yahoo:

Good luck guys and gals.........to enter, much less finish is quite an accomplishment to say the least.

Shane Smith, a previous winner lives not very far from me. While I wish I could call him a friend, I can not--least not yet. He is an acquaintance and I have enjoyed his discussions on this subject. He seems to be a really great guy. Shane and I have some mutual friends.

I have learned to ask where we are going when asked to join along for a "short" ride. His tag frame sure looks nice.........I'll have to get a pic of it next time I see him. He attends our local supperclub meetings on rare occasion.

No doubt I'll be corrected shortly if wrong.........but I'm thinking the field is limited to 90???
It's an unknown number to me...and I think other riders. Historically, it's been in the 90 to 110 range. It's a number that tends to become public the day or so before the event....I think.

I'll bite.

When and where? I personally am at the beginning stages of planning one out of Central PA up through NY or something, but if there is another already being planned, I might be able to find the time???

Will you accepts stragglers?

I'll bite.
When and where? I personally am at the beginning stages of planning one out of Central PA up through NY or something, but if there is another already being planned, I might be able to find the time???

Will you accepts stragglers?
This list isn't of folks doing their first Iron Butt Association ride such as a Saddle sore 1000, but of people who are riding in the Iron Butt Rally

They won't accept stragglers, and you have to be chosen in a lottery in order to ride in the Iron Butt Rally. There are many of us (I heard over 1000) who put in, but only a few (approx 100) are lucky enough to actually ride in it.
