'08 News

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I know it's hard to believe, but I'm being 100% serious here.

Okay, here it goes...

Does anybody really believe there'll be ANY change in the '08? Other than maybe color?

If there are any changes, significant ones that is, you'll be able to knock me over with a feather.

I wouldn't be at all surprised to see the AE STILL Cerulean Silver, and the A goes from Black Cherry to Black. Easy to do...just leave the step out where the paint mixer adds a little red to the black base. Bingo, "NEW" color!

Just think it's too early in the model cycle for any significant changes, much less a "GenIII".

I know it's hard to believe, but I'm being 100% serious here.
Okay, here it goes...

Does anybody really believe there'll be ANY change in the '08? Other than maybe color?

If there are any changes, significant ones that is, you'll be able to knock me over with a feather.

I wouldn't be at all surprised to see the AE STILL Cerulean Silver, and the A goes from Black Cherry to Black. Easy to do...just leave the step out where the paint mixer adds a little red to the black base. Bingo, "NEW" color!

Just think it's too early in the model cycle for any significant changes, much less a "GenIII".

"Bold new graphics!"

Does anybody really believe there'll be ANY change in the '08? Other than maybe color?
Yup. I do.

Yammie seems to be on a two year cycle with the FJR. There were changes in 04 (after being out in Europe for two years), then changes again in 06. After the relatively significant changes in 06 I wouldn't expect anything major, but expect some new things none-the-less.

Time will tell. Thankfully, very soon.

Calm down, no need for speculation, three days and counting. No big wup.

08 will see no significant change, perhaps color and tweaks at best.

09 will see the end of the 1300 and a move to 1400 redesign, pulling the FJR closer to being a sport-touring equivalent of a Goldwing, with significant embellishments given to farkle reception and stock incorporation of SOME of the more commonly installed farkles today, a la factory version. They will take a chunk of what we envy about the Connie and put it through the Yamadog filters (don't get me on a Kaw vs. Yam engineering approach sidetrack again). Some of the better points will see an equivalent to some degree, as well as one or two new "James Bond" touches here and there. Yamaha USA recognizes the extremely warm reception and exceptional performance that the FJR's put in at any major LD rally like the IBR and will likely make baby-steps towards embracing and enhancing that image. Just don't be unrealistic...this is a corporate entity and there won't be any "clean-slate" chucking of the baby out with the bathwater...

My plan all along has been that I'll be ready to trade in my 06 on a 2010 model.

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In terms of major changes, I’m expecting the updated FJR to offer a different color and maybe a couple of minor tweaks such as increasing the amperage of the socket in the glove box :p I would strongly HOPE that Yamaha will address operational issues such as the throttle and FI management in the '08. Who knows, maybe Yamaha will go hog wild and offer a switch for the windshield auto-retract and a stronger spring on the side stand ;)

I’m a little surprised by the new Connie. Kawasaki had years to watch the whole sport tour scene develop, and then take dead aim at the field to knock them out. They had years to design a clearly better, perhaps industry redefining S/T machine. All the players had their cards on the table, Kawasaki had a chance to deal their own hand. While there are things to like about the new C14 they didn’t produce a clearly better, gotta have it motorcycle, I think they just produced a different shade of vanilla like all the other vanilla bikes.

Keeping with Yamaha's development schedule they have had a chance to look at the new C14, look into their crystal ball at Honda's ST future and perhaps deliver a class leading update that is a serious step above the rest of the field. I would love to see the next Yamaha update be hot cinnamon apple, not vanilla with real vanilla bean flecks for '09 or '10. I don’t mention BMW because I’m also hoping that any new Yamaha won’t compete at that $$$ level.

Speculation with absolutely no information or facts sure is fun :crazy:

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I'm potentially in the market to update my FJR to ditch some of the annoying heat, so I'm watching the FJR news with interest.

I've always admired the color of the '07 and my dealer has already pestered me about trading in my '04 <_< ...so that's a possibility as well.

I'm not sure why I'm letting myself get dragged into this.....

I humbly disagree with Skooter. Yami is not on a 2 year redesign of the FJR, its on a cycle where every two years they do minor tweaks, and every 4 years they do major changes.

The differences between the 02-03 and the 04-05 were relatively minor. They added a glove box, changed the front lights, the front rotors, and added the ABS option. I know the ABS option itself is a big change, but if you look at the 03's you can see the little stubs where the ABS equipment bolts to. This tells me ABS was always being looked at for the FJR, they just didn't have it ready for the initial release of the bike.

In 06' we saw major changes. The rear subframe was redesigned, linked brakes were added, ABS was standard, the rear swingarm changed, and the stator output was increased. These were all major mechanical and physical changes to the bike. There of course was also all of the cosmetic changes as well.

I personally predict minor cosmetic changes to the bike, but no major mechanical or performance changes. No 6th gear, no engine size increase, nothing like that. Maybe something like adding cruise control and heated grips on all models, LED lights for the brake and rear turn signals. Minor stuff like that. Major changes like a engine size increase or 6th gear or physically larger bike will come in 2010.

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I don't see anyone taking into account the older models that were not imported. They started in 2000? The 2003 USA models looked just like those. So really, they have not done a major redesign for 6 years. Am I right?

Yup! no change between gen I & II 'cept paint...... Where you been her? :focus: Pun intended.

:Edit; re read yer right. Just adding to the whore count so to quote scab.....Bite me!


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I don't see anyone taking into account the older models that were not imported. They started in 2000? The 2003 USA models looked just like those. So really, they have not done a major redesign for 6 years. Am I right?
You are basically correct, though it's worth noting the changes implemented with the 2006 model were rather substantial.... bodywork, clutch/throttle, swingarm, linked brakes, etc

But the basic powertrain and layout has not substantially changed.... even though we have seen changes in the fueling, ECU, etc almost every year.

I don't see anyone taking into account the older models that were not imported. They started in 2000? The 2003 USA models looked just like those. So really, they have not done a major redesign for 6 years. Am I right?
You are basically correct, though it's worth noting the changes implemented with the 2006 model were rather substantial.... bodywork, clutch/throttle, swingarm, linked brakes, etc

But the basic powertrain and layout has not substantially changed.... even though we have seen changes in the fueling, ECU, etc almost every year.
It seems the most significant changes other than cosmetic for Gen II were:

Shorter exhaust valves (was this the tick fix?)

No longer recycling gas to tank from FI rail (cooler tank)

More adjustable front forks

Longer Swingarm

Heat rerouting/venting

adjustable handlebars and seat

of course, yccs on the AE

Oh yeah...Linked brakes

The rest was just plastic and metal parts, one of my favorite being reducing width by 1" at the tail section/sidecases. So are we due for a rework like this in 2012 or 2010, or??? I sure dunno, but I'd wager a beer that we won't see a major rework in 08

It seems the most significant changes other than cosmetic for Gen II were:<snip>Shorter exhaust valves (was this the tick fix?)
Maybe? I guess time will tell? Actually, only the exhaust valve guides were changed for Gen IIs.

All tickers had them 'ovalled' so they're the obvious culprit.

Gen I & Gen II head assys, in. valves, in. guides, and ex. valves are all the same (at least by part number).

It seems the most significant changes other than cosmetic for Gen II were:Shorter exhaust valves (was this the tick fix?)

No longer recycling gas to tank from FI rail (cooler tank)

More adjustable front forks

Longer Swingarm

Heat rerouting/venting

adjustable handlebars and seat

of course, yccs on the AE

Oh yeah...Linked brakes
Plus the slightly taller final drive ratio that pushes the 4.5K buzz above FJR Cruise Nominal in 5th.

( Of course, this settled once and for all that the 2006s (blue) are the fastest.)

My dealer told me that Yamaha will be offering an optional cappuccino maker to the '08 to help the Iron Butt Rally riders. :bleh:

My guess, essentially pulled out of my butt, is the changes will include: color, standard grip heater, ECU fuel management to get rid of high altitude surging and maybe tire pressure monitor.

You know, all I really was curious about was is whether anyone had gotten the scoop from last month's dealers' meeting, as in a release date for the 'o8 info...and I got that pretty early on...didn't really want to start a thread on what features we think will show up on future models...we do that way too much. Starting a pointless neverending goes against everything das Schwein believes in...

Edit: Okay, read my initial post again and see where the confusion was. Shame on me for inviting a pointless, never-ending...bad pig, bad pig

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The '06 introduced two changes addressing the exhaust valve ticking.

First, they provided a different valve guide for the exhaust valves. Before, the intake and exhaust valves all had the same guides.

Second, they provided a different oil seal for the valves. One could speculate this new seal lets a little more oil flow down to the valve stem/guide interface.

It doesn't appear that the exhaust valves were changed in '06. That change occurred earlier in the '04 model.

<snip>It doesn't appear that the exhaust valves were changed in '06. That change occurred earlier in the '04 model.
All FJRs (even '03s) have the same part number for ex. valve in the parts list (at least now) -- was there an earlier part no. that has been (now) superseded for all? The parts list still shows the earlier part no.s for guides & seals (for pre '06) -- will they be automatically superseded with the later part no.s when ordered? Or, does one need to order the later numbers? Is there a disparity, here (in parts catalog)?

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