08 suspension linkage replacement

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It's a PITA to drive those bearings out. I fought it for hours but finally one. Somewhere I have a post. In the meantime, here's a great quote from Jeff Ashe

One more thing to watch for under there...That very forward-most pivot bearing is held centered between two aluminum flanges which are part of the frame itself. On the right side is a steel bushing that's a press-in fit. That bushing is responsible for keeping the relay arm centered between the flanges. If you strike something with the relay arm (like a speed bump in a parking lot), it can nudge the bushing out of place and allow the pivot bearing seal to rub against the aluminum flange. This will cause water and corrosion to set in, with eventual bearing failure imminent.

Make sure to inspect the relay arm for smooth rotation AND check for any presence of side-play. If it freely moves from side-to-side, then that bushing has probably been bumped out of place and needs your immediate attention.