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So after the lawyers, etc., what would be the result of an encounter with a LEO at this speed for a first time offender? Anybody with experience?
:puke: Aggghhhh, yes. I lived in Rochester, NY, girlfriend lived near NYC. Friday routine was to leave work, put a brick on the gas peddle, arrive at her house ~ 4 hrs later. I earned my ticket back in the early days of radar where the gun sits on a stand beside the road. I crested the hill and wondered what the little do-hicky was. I rang up 142. Cops way down the road pulled their cars across the road so I couldn’t run. Heck, I didn’t know if I could stop. Guns came out as I was standing the brakes. At some defined speed it goes from a civil infraction to a felonious endangerment infraction. Go directly to jail. Pockets empty, bank account empty – spent Thanksgiving in jail. Four days. Food wasn’t as good as home but I did have the place to myself. In the good ol’ days just before states linked computers together I was able to use a friend’s address in NJ where I got a NJ drivers license before I even went to court in NY. NY revoked my right to drive for 3 years and they burned my NY license. I learned my lesson but good.....................don’t get caught...................but, if detected stop.

As of January 1 this year in Oregon, the magic numer is only 100mph! Go to jail for a night, lose your license for a while, big fine, etc. etc. The scary one is if you get caught twice at 100+. You lose your license a rediculous amnount of time. And the cops are serious. It has been all the talk around my friends... That number is arbitrary and rediculously low...........but be warned if traveling through.

Why do you want to believe what has been proven over time. You can talk about unsubstantiated data but the proof is in the pudding. Get a GPS and then eat crow cuz you are wrong in your assumption. Most bikes are off as much as 10%. Take heed from some of the fasted LD riders in the country and on what they have reported speedo's are off. And why is it people want to report higher speeds than have been tested at the factory and on the track? Go figure.
Not sure where you are getting your (mis) information. While it is true that motorcycle speedometers are generally quite optimistic, it has been said a million times on this forum previously that the FJR's speedometer is relatively accurate. Generally only off a maximum of 2-3%. GPS verified.

For example, you can CLICKY HERE to see where 159/160 indicated gave a GPS true speed of 155. Right at 3% error.

Now, that being said, it seems that reports coming from 06 FJR owners indicate 06 speedometers are off more than the 03-05 generation, being closer to 5% optimistic.

Even so, the bike can't go a lot faster than 145 mph if it's stock.
Not sure how you came to that conclusion. As was stated above, every magazine test I have read showed top speed around 155.

Looks like this thread will be on its way to NEPRT soon. Very soon.

Whatever!!!!!!!!!!!!! Facts are facts and if you don't believe them then you are in denial.
Once again, you have failed the reading exam. I never said I don't believe them. What I said is that the information you have posted is not consistent with everything else I have read, and that I don't "believe" my speedometer is 10% fast.

Seeing as how you have insulted me on two different posts, the least you can do is provide the evidence that you are right. You are acting like its a fact, and I'm simply stating what I have read. You'll note that I have never made any claims that my information is a fact, have I?

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Why do you want to believe what has been proven over time. You can talk about unsubstantiated data but the proof is in the pudding. Get a GPS and then eat crow cuz you are wrong in your assumption. Most bikes are off as much as 10%. Take heed from some of the fasted LD riders in the country and on what they have reported speedo's are off. And why is it people want to report higher speeds than have been tested at the factory and on the track? Go figure.
Not sure where you are getting your (mis) information. While it is true that motorcycle speedometers are generally quite optimistic, it has been said a million times on this forum previously that the FJR's speedometer is relatively accurate. Generally only off a maximum of 2-3%. GPS verified.

For example, you can CLICKY HERE to see where 159/160 indicated gave a GPS true speed of 155. Right at 3% error.

Now, that being said, it seems that reports coming from 06 FJR owners indicate 06 speedometers are off more than the 03-05 generation, being closer to 5% optimistic.

Even so, the bike can't go a lot faster than 145 mph if it's stock.
Not sure how you came to that conclusion. As was stated above, every magazine test I have read showed top speed around 155.

Looks like this thread will be on its way to NEPRT soon. Very soon.
My GPS can say anything I want it to, though what follows is unedited. Do you believe that the 238 kph displayed on my speedo at the time was 1893.7 kph real?

The speedo on my '06 is off about 10% at the moment - obviously as the tires wear, that error will change - for the worse. There's about 2% spread just in tire wear.

And FYI, here are the numbers, garnered from the mcnews review online: Measured top speed......152.6 mph. (w/out hard bags, 148.9 mph w/bags) - I personally suggest that 3.9 mph isn't a heck of a lot faster at 145. Not sure it's a heck of lot faster even at 20 mph.

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Why do you want to believe what has been proven over time. You can talk about unsubstantiated data but the proof is in the pudding. Get a GPS and then eat crow cuz you are wrong in your assumption. Most bikes are off as much as 10%. Take heed from some of the fasted LD riders in the country and on what they have reported speedo's are off. And why is it people want to report higher speeds than have been tested at the factory and on the track? Go figure.
Not sure where you are getting your (mis) information. While it is true that motorcycle speedometers are generally quite optimistic, it has been said a million times on this forum previously that the FJR's speedometer is relatively accurate. Generally only off a maximum of 2-3%. GPS verified.

For example, you can CLICKY HERE to see where 159/160 indicated gave a GPS true speed of 155. Right at 3% error.

Now, that being said, it seems that reports coming from 06 FJR owners indicate 06 speedometers are off more than the 03-05 generation, being closer to 5% optimistic.

Even so, the bike can't go a lot faster than 145 mph if it's stock.
Not sure how you came to that conclusion. As was stated above, every magazine test I have read showed top speed around 155.

Looks like this thread will be on its way to NEPRT soon. Very soon.
My GPS can say anything I want it to:

And FYI, here are the measured numbers: Measured top speed......152.6 mph. (w/out hard bags, 148.9 mph w/bags) - And I personally suggest that 3.9 mph isn;t a heck of a lot faster than 145.
New information posted in your response. For the record, all of my high speed runs have been without the bags on it, windshield all the way down, and me tucked in behind it. The run yesterday, in fact, is with a windshield 2" shorter than stock.

New information posted in your response. For the record, all of my high speed runs have been without the bags on it, windshield all the way down, and me tucked in behind it. The run yesterday, in fact, is with a windshield 2" shorter than stock.
Sorry, no new information in MY post. The original statement was that the bike can't go much faster than 145 STOCK and, it can't so can we please stop the arguments.
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New information posted in your response. For the record, all of my high speed runs have been without the bags on it, windshield all the way down, and me tucked in behind it. The run yesterday, in fact, is with a windshield 2" shorter than stock.
Sorry, no new information in MY post. The original statement was that the bike can't go much faster than 145 STOCK and, it can't so can we please stop the arguments.
The "new" information was that the bike is apparently faster without the bags.

By this post, you are saying it can't go "much" faster than 145 stock. If that is your stance, then I think the agruments will continue.

Sorry, no new information in MY post. The original statement was that the bike can't go much faster than 145 STOCK and, it can't so can we please stop the arguments.
For the arguements to stop, you will first have to stop making ********, incorrect assertions.


My GPS can say anything I want it to, though what follows is unedited. Do you believe that the 238 kph displayed on my speedo at the time was 1893.7 kph real?
And that all means exactly what? Are you trying to allude that my claim is false? That it is inaccurate? That I am lying?

Hope you're not trying to go there.

My statement, which seems to have upset some of the natives was quite clear - no ********, just a specific (and, in my opinion clear) statement that stipulated the performance of a STOCK machine;

I said that the bike can't do much more than 145 stock. Stock means 'as delivered from the dealer' and the dealer includes the bags and a standard windscreen.

I didn't make up the numbers, that's what the review states - and just so you know, even GPS has an error factor - it can be as much as 5% off at times.

There are ways to get a vehicle to go faster, the most obvious being to make it more aerodynamic . . . remove the bags, trim the windshield and duck behind it and more. Also, shed some weight, ride down an incline, benefit from a tail wind and so on. Then there are modifications and tuning, which can possibly eke out some extra ponies from the engine. But according to the review, 148.9 is max for stock with bags and that isn't much more than 145.


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Well, see there you go. Now you have given us some info.

But you see, my FJR was delivered without the sidebags. I had to wait an additional three weeks for those. So I guess that makes my STOCK FJR bagless. No?

Obviously we are splitting hairs, but to me a STOCK FJR can be sans bags. I mean, 80% of the riding I do on my FJR is bagless, so that is my STOCK condition.

So now we are up to 152.6 mph per MCN, which to me, is significantly over 145mph, like it all freaking matters anyway. But, since we are mindlessly debating this ridiculous subject..............

Cycleworld: Top speed of 154 mph Clicky Here

There were other mags that reported in the 153-157mph range, but you'll have to do your own research for any more.

And as for the GPS, sure it can be off, but generally, is highly accurate.

And as for the GPS, sure it can be off, but generally, is highly accurate.

Find a cop with a radar gun and he can tell you exactly how fast you were going -- they are exactly accurate. C.R.

OK - this is becoming meaningless unless we start talking Mach figures -


This is not a shopped picture - I did this in 5th gear while commuting from LAX to home last week. That's about Mach 1.65. (I wondered what that shock wave was ! ) :dribble: Glad I was wearing my Roadcrafter - it handled the friction generated heat abatement.

So - I guess the 06's are faster, eh? :p

(Now I get to research why GPS's will do this sometimes - I once did a backpacking trip showing my fastest trail speed (walking) as 762 mph. )

Find a cop with a radar gun and he can tell you exactly how fast you were going -- they are exactly accurate. C.R.

Except for the manufacturers stated possible error of 1-4 mph depending on whether in stationary, or moving mode.


Ummm...my GPS showed 145 with an indicated 150 on the speedo, and I still had close to 1000 rpm till redline, so I think 150-155 is realistic and probable (2004 model)


'04 FJR 1300

Oooooh.....another kick ass avatar (southercruizer) to go with this pointless thread. Nice one, dude.
