I recently bought an Escort 8500 with blue display. Great detector! Can be reprogrammed later on if needed to allow it to detect new types of radar, just like the Valentine.
Problem for me is that I cannot hear the darn thing, even with the audio signal set to LOUD. I purchased a Screamer with the Escort, but am not sold on how practical it is, so the Screamer is not installed yet. I have a feeling that I will find myself getting annoyed around town with the Screamer turned up, flip the switch down (or worse and turn it off), then forget to turn it back up when I get out on the open road again. Don't think the cop will give me ticket for improper equipment because my radar detector was incorrectly set!
So I am still looking at the HARD heads up remote and other attention getting options. What I really want is something 100% wireless for my helmet that is audio and visual. Maybe something coming out later this month will work.
Sorry for rambling. Just thinking out loud about your question.