2-up problem - anyone else?

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Well-known member
May 3, 2006
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Fishers, IN
I ride solo 95% of the time, but my wife loves to ride with me when we can find childcare. We planned her biggest trip ever coming up on the 25th (1300 miles to North Carolina and back) and are trying to get the bike ready and found a big problem that will keep her from riding with me.

On the interstate (anything over 60mph) there is a very strange pulling on our heads. My head will get pulled hard one way and hers the other way simultaneously. It's a constant struggle to keep our heads still. I have never had this problem riding solo!

I use and love the stock screen, but hoping for a fix I just bought and installed a Vstream today...no luck. This is not a screen issue. Does anyone else experience this strange constant pull on your heads while riding 2 up? How did you fix it? If I don't find a cure in 8 days, I'm afraid our trip is not going to happen. :(


2006 FJR

stock everything, Yamaha top box (also tested with box removed - no change)

I'm 6'1" 205 lbs

wife is 5'5" 100 lbs

windshield doesn't affect the problem

always ride screen down (unless really cold) - heads are in a clean air stream

she's a great rider and stays right behind me and doesn't move at all

It sounds like you have purchased one of the very rare "SOLO" fjrs. I've heard of them but this is the first report of one in the continental United States. :D

I am guessing by your report it is "wind" related. Is this happening when around large trucks? Maybe the vortices thrown off by them could be the cause.

Since your heads are being forced opposite directions, is it possible that the helmets are part of the issue. Can you or have you tried at least 1 different helmet?

Er...maybe she should "snuggle up" closer!?!? :rolleyes:

Let's see what others who ride 2-up can suggest.

Can't really help you hear.

I have an 06 and ridden with my wife up to 90mph with a stock and V-stream sheild no problems.

I am 6'2 230lbs

wife 5' 4-5 150lbs

also have a top case (but its a FASTBAG)

so appart fom weight we are close in size.

I have a Scorpion EXO 400 she has a Fulmer???

STOOPID question. are your face shields down or up?

Maybe try a Rumble strip? (search for the recent thread)

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I have not had that problem 2 up but my wife complains of buffeting. I am going to try this if the windscreen does not work.

rumblestrip reviews

It sounds promising.

I have gotten lucky and Keithaba has loaned me a Ceebailieys windscreen, rifle tuning block and passenger foot peg lowring kit to try to help my SO. If someone on the board lives near you they may take your SO for a ride with thier setup and see if it is better.

This is a great forum and it has amazed me how people step up and help each other out.

I have a Scorpion EXO 400 she has a Fulmer???
STOOPID question. are your face shields down or up?
Yep, face shields are down. We both wear HJC CL-SP helmets. Since your setup is so similiar with no problem, I guess we try different helmets. That's a pricey fix...oh well.

I have experienced it too on occasion. Haven't had the wife along since adding my V-Stream, so I don't know how it is now.

But I agree that a 'Rumble Strip' will likely help.

It works as vortex generators to keep the airflow around your helmet from separating and causing the movement. A second helmet close to yours has it's own bow wake, which pushes against your helmet.

Cheap fix hopefully!

Discussed here: https://www.fjrforum.com/forum//index.php?showtopic=21356

It sounds like you have purchased one of the very rare "SOLO" fjrs. I've heard of them but this is the first report of one in the continental United States. :D
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I don't care who you are, thats pretty darned funny right there.

My Vmax had this issue non stop when I was 2 up on it. I Just got my FJR on Teusday and managed to convince my wife to go for a ride so I could see if there was a difference. I didn't have the problem at all untill I moved the windscreen into the full upright position. No I also have a Cee Bailey windscreen and not a stock one. With the screen all the way down, it wouldn't happen unless my wife turned her head a great deal to look at something.

I'd almost be willing to bet that the helmet shapes along with some other factors can cause/nullify this. Have your wife try sitting more upright using the grab rails to brace herself as well as tuck in on you and see if that helps at all. Also, change you speed to see where the problem starts. On my max, anything over 70mph would cause the bobble-head syndrome.

I've noticed this, but I just realized it was when I was riding two up. I rode about 125 miles (solo) yesterday and never noticed it. Every other time I have rode my girlfriend has been with me...hummmm might have me one of them solo FJR's :unsure:

Wife and I don"t have this problem. We ride together a lot.


me 5'6" 145

wife 5'2" ??? significantly less than me.

Scorpion exo 400 and exo200

stock shield Up or down,

Never a problem????

CL-SP was a bad helmet for me. Lots of wangin around. stuck out to far in front and was fitted wrong.

Wifes old helmet was a cheap something or nuther and It sucked too. But that was on the connie?


On the interstate (anything over 60mph) there is a very strange pulling on our heads. My head will get pulled hard one way and hers the other way simultaneously. It's a constant struggle to keep our heads still. I have never had this problem riding solo!
Very unusual symptoms there K2. I suggest you try removing the windshield and then go out and ride some more, just to see how this feels. Then based on your new results, you can make a better guess to your issue.

I'm not sure what can be causing this sensation while underway, as wind thats already behind you should really have no affect on the rider. Now if you're describing buffeting on the helmet of your passenger, then I could understand where you're coming from.

Are you and your passengers posture putting both helmets real close together, or are you both maintaining a reasonable gap? Are you both on stock seats or aftermarket? Do your helmets fit snug or are they loose fitting? Just looking for anything out of the ordinary.

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I have come across this problem also. The wife just moves her head around till it quits I guess. I can't see from behind whatever she does makes it go away.

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On the interstate (anything over 60mph) there is a very strange pulling on our heads. My head will get pulled hard one way and hers the other way simultaneously. It's a constant struggle to keep our heads still. I have never had this problem riding solo!
DH and I rode two-up this past weekend and I experienced what you are talking about. Felt like my head was being pushed around. It was kinda weird as I don't experience this when we ride two-up on one of our cruisers.

Not sure what the cure is for it though.

I have the problem with the stock shield UP. Can't quite get out of the compressed turbulent airstream. Put the shield DOWN and sat up straight to get OVER it - much better. I also had to switch from my 3/4 HJC to a Shoei RF1000 and -32db Earplugs to quite everything down. Some have even cut 2" off. The point is you sound like you are still in the stream. You gotta get under it or over it for stability. For reference I am 6' w/30" inseam so I sit high.

Is you wife's head higher than yours when you are riding? When I carry a pillion it has always been someone who is a little shorter than me (one of my daughters) and never had this problem.

I do not have this problem all the way to 137 MPH Indicated. I would first suspect the helmets

I know that if I turn my head at 105, the force on my neck it tremendous. If I keep my head straight and lean in a bit it is null.

I wear an Shoei X11 and my SO wears a Shoei RF1000. They are noisy helments but I use sound supression (music or plugs) and that is not an issue.

I would imagine, not knowing for sure, that your helmets would have ALOT to do with it. My previous helmet was a Rf1000 too. I will be getting a new helmet next week (a birthday gift I am not supposed to know about) that will have different geometry and I will see if I have any trouble.

Is there someone near you that will let you take a test ride with another helmet (borrow) if you are in the Utah area (sorry cannot see your profile while typing this) you can try my stuff no problem.

There could easily be a million things and I dont know many of them but the most logical, to me anyway, is the helmet.

I have never used anything but full face and I dont know what you use.

Perhaps going to Cycle Gear with your SO and asking them if you can take a helmet for a "test ride" explaining your trouble, Maby they will let you go for 10 minutes if you come in with a helmet liner (to keep their gear in pristine shape if you dont buy)

Anyway, Not I am just rambleing....... Random thoughts

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