nor do I know what “advice” you are referring to in the link;
It's not that hard to figure out: that link is to YOUR post, where in the last sentence, you are wondering if you should just go ahead and sell the bike.
C'mon, Warchild, there is no way in the world you could convince me you wouldn't be upset (raging irate ready to shoot?) if YOU were in my shoes
Oh, trust me, I know EXACTLY, PRECISELY what you are going through. Believe it.
Those forum members who have been in the community since the bike hit our shores know all about the Ticking Saga. My first FJR (2004 ABS) was a RAGING Ticker. And unlike the Altitude Surging issue, Yamaha essentially denied the ticking problem for several YEARS until enough of us banded together to work
WITH Yamaha to come to a real solution in the Fall/Winter of 2004/2005. This issue wasn't completely solved until the 2006 model year.
Contrast with this 2007 problem... you all had acknowledgment, diagnosis, and a DELIVERED FIX, all in less than 6 months!!! We would have killed for this kind of corporate response back in the day!
The way we went about it was not unlike the way TruWrecks went about it. We didn't just wring our hands and tell woeful tales. We got off our ass and
investigated the matter. We took surveys from affected owners. We collected and provided a wealth of anecdotal evidence. Then we took it to the next level..... I arranged to have my damaged components (exhaust valves and guides) sent off to perform brutally exhaustive metallurgy tests upon them to determine physical properties, chemistry makeup, Destructive Hardness Testing, etc, etc, etc. We had a very sophisticated Jet Propulsion Lab down in SoCal conduct this testing using their multi-million dollar test equipment.
And we shared every last bit of our findings with Cypress.
I know they used it, 'cuz I discussed the matter with some of their Tech guys. They added it to the growing body of evidence collected outside the FJRForum community. And it all got shipped of to Yamaha headquarters in Shizuoka, Japan in the spring of 2005.
And strangely enough, 2005 was the LAST year we have seen a ticking FJR1300.
Now, don't think there weren't times that I wasn't ready to ride down to Cypress and drive my Timex bike right through the front ******* door of the lobby, and set the sonuvabitch on fire. Because there were times. But.... what the hell good would that do anyone? And how would that help current and future FJR owners? So.... we hung in there until we got results.
You Gen II owners have a lot of members of this forum to thank for your silent cylinder heads. You're welcome.
As far as the FJR being a POS, nowhere have I said such.
*sigh* We need to work on that reading comprehension thingy. Please point out where I indicated
you did say as such. You can't, because I didn't.
I'm willing to ride anywhere to get the ECU.
Is that right.
Okay, tough girl, let's see if you're serious, or just blowing hot air.
Bring your ass to Washington state.
I will set up the appointment with Desert Valley Powersports (same guys that own I will call the Service Manager in the morning, and get the ball rolling to get a new ECU coming to their store in Prosser ASAP. I will PERSONALLY install this ECU in your bike for you.
I'll also get you a place to stay for the night, with your FJR parked inside a garage for the evening. We even feed you. How's that?
All you need to do... is PM me your full name and VIN number. That's it. I will take it from there.
Once we get you all hooked up, then assuming weather allows for it, you and I (and Ignacio, Lisa/Tobie Stevens, perhaps other regional forum members) can take a little ride up to Snoqualmie Pass to test out your ECU.
You will leave Washington state with your FJR free of the AS plague.
OK, momma, time to put up or shut up.....
Waiting on your PM..... B)