2007 Altitude Surging Problem - Members Wanted

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I'm probably asking this question too early, but I've got a PCIII on my '07 and am wondering whether I'll need it with the new ECU, or if the map will be right.

Any ideas?

THe secone dealer reported back that he couldn't find any Yamaha bulletin on the issue, does someone had the number of the bulletin?
Guys..... the reason the dealers are telling you this is because - brace yourselves - they are telling you the truth.

As of this morning (Oct 15, 2007), there is no TSB or any other announcement on YDS regarding this Altitude Surging issue. This is why many dealers are saying no such thing exists... because it doesn't.
The implication being that as soon as a TSB or similar announcement is out to the dealers (and I do recall someone reporting here that date to be 10/16 which is tomorrow), then the AS issue is officially for real and our dealers should have no reason to doubt our claims that our '07 is so afflicted. I am indeed hoping this to be the case as, unfortunately, my "Service Advisor" at my dealer yet believes this to be "one of those Internet rumour things" and says "[he'll] believe it when he sees it". Fair enough; I'm nothing if not patient...

Many of you don't realize just have much you have your dealerships at an advantage, because you are members of FJRForum.com. We will OFTEN have all the dirt on a situation well before the dealership network does. This definitely pisses the dealers off. And Cypress, no doubt. It makes them both look foolish in the eyes of the customer who does have the correct info.
If you all are "waiting" for a recall or anything of that sort, you're going to be waiting a looooong time. Got the AS problem? Then get to your dealer with it, get it documented, tell them they need to call Yamaha and get this addressed.
And if Yamaha won't number it....let's number it for them!

When you talk with your dealers if we all refer to it consistently as FJRF004: "Altitude Sickness" 06-07......and get them to read the notes. If they think that jewel of the thread is internet rumor....well find a dealer that does. Cypress will get the hint eventually.

We're a strong forum and if Cypress doesn't want to look foolish...maybe they'll try and embrace this forum as an ally instead of a foe.

Say it again with me:

FJRF004: "Altitude Sickness" 06-07

FJRF004: "Altitude Sickness" 06-07

[SIZE=12pt]FJRF004: "Altitude Sickness" 06-07[/SIZE]

[SIZE=18pt]FJRF004: "Altitude Sickness" 06-07!!!![/SIZE]

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Please remember that Yamaha Motors (Cypress, CA) are people just trying to do the job they are hired to do.

If you're willing to call to complain, be willing to call to thank them when it's resolved!

That's called being a good customer.


2007 FJR with 570 miles.

While riding to Kingman Arizona, elevation 2600 ft. from Bullhead City, AZ, elevation 520 ft. the bike started to surge while pulling a long grade. The higher I got the worse it became. By the time I reached my exit on I-40 the bike was surging very bad.

I stoped at a traffic light and bike idled fine. When the light changed I gently turned the throttle only to have the bike shoot to 7000 RPM. I clutched and slowly turned throttle again only to have it surge to 7000 RPM again.

Bike would hardley run. Shut down corrected problem.

Yamaha dealer contacted. IMO it is not safe to ride this bike in it's present condition. If balked by Yamaha then the Lemon Law comes into play. Members, it is just not safe to ride.

2007 FJR 1300A

570 miles.

520 ft. to 2800 ft. altitude change.

Became worse the higher I got.

Just about put my GF and I into the curb when it jumped to 7000 RPM.


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Are you saying that the people who have already 1) talked to Steve at Yamaha about this, gave him VIN etc.; 2) have already taken their bikes in numerous times to the dealer and complained about this problem; and 3) are on TruWrecks VIN list he forwarded to Yamaha also need to do a fourth thing: have their dealer call Yamaha?
Pretty sure I did not say that.

Pretty sure I said exactly this: if you have the surging problem and have not been to your local dealer about it, and have not discussed this with the Service Manager....

Since you have been to your dealer, and have talked to your Service manager.... then my post doesn't apply to you. It only applies to all those who have not done what you have.

I was told by Steve that people he talked with and the VIN's he had would be taken care of and shipped to the dealer specified. Is this wrong?
Sure hope not. Because this is the exact, same info that I know to be the process, for those individuals that Steve knows about.

Are you saying that the people who have already 1) talked to Steve at Yamaha about this, gave him VIN etc.; 2) have already taken their bikes in numerous times to the dealer and complained about this problem; and 3) are on TruWrecks VIN list he forwarded to Yamaha also need to do a fourth thing: have their dealer call Yamaha?
Yamaha WILL NOT, I repeat WILL NOT send an ECU to your dealer just because you are on the VIN list! You will need to talk with your Service Manager to get Yamaha to authorize the warranty parts order, and repair!

If you don't talk to your Service Manager, and they don't talk to Yamaha, you will NOT get an new ECU.

Do I need to be anymore specific? Does that clear it up for everyone?

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Are you saying that the people who have already 1) talked to Steve at Yamaha about this, gave him VIN etc.; 2) have already taken their bikes in numerous times to the dealer and complained about this problem; and 3) are on TruWrecks VIN list he forwarded to Yamaha also need to do a fourth thing: have their dealer call Yamaha?
Pretty sure I did not say that.

Pretty sure I said exactly this: if you have the surging problem and have not been to your local dealer about it, and have not discussed this with the Service Manager....

Since you have been to your dealer, and have talked to your Service manager.... then my post doesn't apply to you. It only applies to all those who have not done what you have.

I was told by Steve that people he talked with and the VIN's he had would be taken care of and shipped to the dealer specified. Is this wrong?
Sure hope not. Because this is the exact, same info that I know to be the process, for those individuals that Steve knows about.

Yamaha WILL NOT, I repeat WILL NOT send an ECU to your dealer just because you are on the VIN list! You will need to talk with your Service Manager to get Yamaha to authorize the warranty parts order, and repair!

If you don't talk to your Service Manager, and they don't talk to Yamaha, you will NOT get an new ECU.

Do I need to be anymore specific? Does that clear it up for everyone?
Makes perfect sense to me. My dealer is closed today however an email and follow up phone call tomorrow hopefully rectifies the problem.


When I had mine act up in July while in Colorado I came back and called my dealer and told them what it had done. I told them that others had this problem as well due to altitude changes and that they could not make it do it in SW OK. The owner called Yamaha and they told him they were working on a fix-this was in August.

I later wrote Yamaha a follow-up letter and sent it certified return receipt. I outlined my problems to the best of my abilities and described under what conditions it had acted up. I referenced the other bikes with the same problems on the forum and requested they contact me to see what could be done. I told them I was hesitant to sell the bike as I would have to disclose the problem and the resale would suffer greatly. They told me the fix would be out 10-01-7, and mine was fixed last Sat on the 13th. I have not ridden it yet to see if it is fixed, but truwrecks said his seems to be fine now.

Anyway, what I would do is go to a dealer and ask them to call yamaha. My reciept says flat rate hrs, code 90 bullitin and part number 908-91300-54-00. I would refer them to Brian at Yamaha as he was very upfront with me and always returned my phone calls promptly.

Are you saying that the people who have already 1) talked to Steve at Yamaha about this, gave him VIN etc.; 2) have already taken their bikes in numerous times to the dealer and complained about this problem; and 3) are on TruWrecks VIN list he forwarded to Yamaha also need to do a fourth thing: have their dealer call Yamaha?
Pretty sure I did not say that.

Pretty sure I said exactly this: if you have the surging problem and have not been to your local dealer about it, and have not discussed this with the Service Manager....

Since you have been to your dealer, and have talked to your Service manager.... then my post doesn't apply to you. It only applies to all those who have not done what you have.

I was told by Steve that people he talked with and the VIN's he had would be taken care of and shipped to the dealer specified. Is this wrong?
Sure hope not. Because this is the exact, same info that I know to be the process, for those individuals that Steve knows about.

Yamaha WILL NOT, I repeat WILL NOT send an ECU to your dealer just because you are on the VIN list! You will need to talk with your Service Manager to get Yamaha to authorize the warranty parts order, and repair!

If you don't talk to your Service Manager, and they don't talk to Yamaha, you will NOT get an new ECU.

Do I need to be anymore specific? Does that clear it up for everyone?
OK that is exactly what I was asking. Warchild added a new requirement, that the dealer had to call Yamaha too. So now I need to ask the service manager to specifically call Yamaha, and make sure they do it. I had told them to expect to hear from Yamaha, they said they had heard nothing. Just because I did all the other stuff does not get me a new ECU, even though Steve said it would. I am beginnning to really hate these Yamaha people.

The issue for most of us (who already contacted dealers) is how the hell can we know if our dealer called Yamaha???

I talked directly to the owner myself a few weeks back, but no word yet. Guess a call to Steve (Yamaha C/S) is in order so he can shed some light. He said to me he'd personally call me when the fix was ready. Well, I know it's ready and no call either. Maybe he meant when it was my turn. Only one way to find out. Later.


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Maybe he meant when it was my turn.
Who knows, perhaps he meant exactly that.

Or, perhaps some other factors external to Steve and completely out of his control - supply pipeline issues, component delivery issues, component shortages, etc, etc, etc are the real culprit, and he is doing as much as possible.

Or maybe it's something else, something altogether different.

Who knows....

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Just to add my 2 cents....

I called Yamaha Cypress (Steve's number and extension) yesterday, and got passed to a lady FJR "product specialist". I asked what specific course of action I should take to get my ECU on my 07 FJRA.

She told me that my dealer had already called and that I still need to wait until they get the official bulletin out to the dealers (I assume via web). That should happen this week although she thought it would happen last week too.

The point is that the dealer has to have the bulletin number in order to charge the warranty service.

The guys that already have theirs installed, I assume were done so on special consideration by Yamaha. That's s a big plus in my book. I can wait another week or two - it's just nice knowing it's being handled.

Thanks to all of you squeaky wheels that helped expedite the fix.

My dealer has contacted Yamaha. I was told that the person at the other end was balking that there was not a problem. He then instructed her to visit this site (link provided) and read away. Told her he had 16 pages of printed complaints from other FJR owners experencing the same issue.

I'll wait for a reply. Yamaha has a 24 hour turn around for a call back I guess. My dealer also told the person that given the problem that the bike was not safe to ride. I agreed. (of course) Told him if Yamaha did not address the problem the bike would be left at the front door. He agreed again.

I'll keep everyone advised of my endevor.


I just got a call from my Dealer. He called Yamaha Tech support and was told there was NO fix for the problem yet. That it would be at least a month before they would have a fix for it. I'll be picking my bike back up tomorrow I guess. As far as Yamaha customer support, it would be nice if they would do what they said they were going to do. The lady I talked to said I should call her when I took the bike to the dealer and she would call them and tell them what to do about the problem. I did call her yesterday and today, and have only gotten the message machine. I left her the info as to where my bike is and they have heard nothing from her.

The service manager was nice enough to give me a ride home when I took the bike in, and he's picking me up in the morning so I can bring it home. I have no complaints about the service deptartment at the dealership at all.

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No fix for the problem yet? Well they put a new ECU in my bike as detailed above last Saturday. I would call Steve at Yamaha at 800-962-7926, take option #2 on the phone system and ext 7488 or talk to Bryan at Yamaha at the same number. My take on this is that they are ramping up to do a service bulliton but that it has to work its way thru the corp maze at Yamaha. Another option is to write them a letter-be professional of course- detailing the problems and ask them to contact you. Send it registered and with a return reciept. Have a dealer that you want to do the work name ready in case they ask. Anyway, both government and corporations are slow due to layers of management and this probably has something to do with it. Also I would think that they had to run it buy the EPA as you are dealing with emissions control. Anyway, mine has the new ECU and seems to run fine, but I will not know for sure until I go to the mountians next year or if the weather holds maybe this weekend.

I just got a call today. The official bulletin has been released. The parts are on the way to the dealers.

I just got a call today. The official bulletin has been released. The parts are on the way to the dealers.
I got a call as well. The dealer said my VIN was included. Hopefully that means '06 owners aren't left out in the cold.

Edit (can't believe I forgot this): Tru - Thank you soooo much!!!!

Edit2: They didn't say when they'd have it (could be a while) but called to get my info so they could order it. I'll report back when I've had a chance to run the canyons.

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