2007 FJR - 92 miles???

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I hope someone will rescue this poor waif of a motorcyle. Here is true love:

Q: Dear Jetman: Any reason for selling? It's like you drove it home and parked it. Jorgchiro Apr-17-07
A: I found a great Harley I want and my wife says if I want it, the Yamaha has to go.
I can't believe that the guy spent a bunch of money on a new bike, put fewer than 100 miles on it, and then decided he'd rather have something else. There has to be more to it than that. Perhaps he wasn't expecting the FJR to perform as well as it does and now he knows that a cruiser is a better match to his skills. I wonder if he had some sort of serious pucker moment during those 92 miles.

Hmmm, he says "Existing Yamaha factory warranty for 12000 miles." in the ad. Is Yamaha now putting a mileage clause in the warranty?

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Hmmm, he says "Existing Yamaha factory warranty for 12000 miles." in the ad. Is Yamaha now putting a mileage clause in the warranty?
as with the decision to jump ship so quickly, the guy's also clueless about the warranty. the oem is 12 months unlimited miles. for him 12,000 miles would be unlimited months.

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Hmmm, he says "Existing Yamaha factory warranty for 12000 miles." in the ad. Is Yamaha now putting a mileage clause in the warranty?
as with the decision to jump ship so quickly, the guy's also clueless about the warranty. the oem is 12 months unlimited miles. for him 12,000 miles would be unlimited months.
:eek: :lol:

I can see it now:

Seller brings home his new Yamaha and calls his friend over...

Seller: "You gotta check out my new bike!"

Friend: "I'll be right there!"

Friend arrives and sees the FJR

Friend: "Man! That isn't a real bike! You're gonna get squashed because nobody will hear you, not to mention that motor is way to small. I'll smoke you at the lights man."

Seller: "Oh man, really?"

Friend: "Yeah, don't think you can keep up with me when you ride that crap. Don't you want the confidence of knowing you can pretty much take anyone on at the line?"

Seller: "Yeah...Honey, I need a Harley like Spider's!!!"

Honey: "I told you that you should know something about bikes before you bought! Sell the Yamaha before you buy anything else!"

For those that don't know Spider, I'm sure someone here has that link handy.

Look at the positive side, someone will get a damn near brand new bike for a decent price. Wish the dude would have done this about two months ago, and I would be riding an 07 instead of an 05.

I suspect this seller was so thoroughly embarrassed after having shit his pants when he opened the throttle wide in first gear that he swore he'd never suffer such humiliation again.

Damn, you guys are harsh. Maybe the guy had some bad industrial accident at work, like he lost his arm in a meat grinder or got his tie caught in the office shredder, and can't ride now.

Well, okay, prolly not. :p

I suspect this seller was so thoroughly embarrassed after having shit his pants when he opened the throttle wide in first gear that he swore he'd never suffer such humiliation again.
Wait until he gets that Harley. He'll really be embarrassed as he sits on the side of the road as FJR's ride by and wave. Well, hopefully he won't have to suffer that kind of embarrassment.

Sorry for the second post....didn't see this comment. Shoot me.

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Nah, he will probably either trailer it to the Harley rallys and put 10 miles on it riding around the parking lot, or just ride it to the local watering hole and back :D

SSsshhhhhhh Keep it quiet guys!!! If my home refinance money hits the bank in time I'm bidding on this one. :rolleyes:

Some new owners are dissappointed in the FJR, finding it to be uncomfortable to ride - turbulent, buzzy, poor handlebar ergos and hesitant. I know because that was my impression. I really didn't like riding it much. I almost sold mine but decided instead to fix it. Now, after the usual minor and major farkles including a new seat, PCIII and various windshields, it is a different, much better and extremely enjoyable bike for me.

I believe there are two aspects to initial owner satisfaction. Some owners like/fit the bike's characteristics better than other owners and some bikes operate more smoothly from the factory than other bikes.

Obviously, YMMV.


Some new owners are dissappointed in the FJR, finding it to be uncomfortable to ride - turbulent, buzzy, poor handlebar ergos and hesitant.
And that's why he's getting a Harley?

Sure. He wants a Harley to be a Harley - those "features" are part of its charm. But, he doesn't want a FJR to be a Harley - and some might as well be.

Next time he wants a "sport-tourer" he'll get a BMW or a Triumph, or ...

