The time has come. I bought this bike a year old with only 365 miles on it. I am a certified Honda cycle tech and have done all of the maintenance on it myself. It has had synthetic oil and Mobil1 filters every 3000 miles since the first service. The forks were serviced with new seals, bushings, and oil last year. Brake fluid and coolant were replaced then as well. The Michelin PR2s on it now are nearing the end of their lives but still have some tread left. Cosmetically, the bike is in great shape with only a few scratches on the pillion handles and a small ding on the end cap of one muffler. I have done the "Trooper Mod" on the mufflers so the bike is a little louder than stock but it is still very civil. The bike has a Power Commander installed and has a "smoothness" map in it now. It also has a passenger backrest that is easily removed if you like.
I love the bike and hate to sell it. It's just not necessary for my 6 mile commute, and the wife and I aren't able to ride together much any more with four young children. This bike has been the best all-around bike I have ever owned, and I have loved it the entire time. I'm located in central Ohio, and you can call or text me at (614)588-4075 or email [email protected] for more info and pictures. Thanks, Matt.
I love the bike and hate to sell it. It's just not necessary for my 6 mile commute, and the wife and I aren't able to ride together much any more with four young children. This bike has been the best all-around bike I have ever owned, and I have loved it the entire time. I'm located in central Ohio, and you can call or text me at (614)588-4075 or email [email protected] for more info and pictures. Thanks, Matt.