2008 FJR - shifting, gas mileage after break in

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Is it Beer:30 yet?
Jan 15, 2006
Reaction score
Eunice, LA
So, my 2004 FJR had 72,500 miles on it when I sold it in September...shifted super smooth, and made mid to upper 40s on gas mileage. When I bought my '08 model, was disappointed in the "clunky" shifting and low gas mileage figures. I knew it would get better with mileage break in, but seemed worse than my '04 had been. Happy to report that after my '08 hit 3500 miles, the shifting has gotten silky smooth, and my mileage on my last 2 tanks has increased from low 40's to mid-upper 40's. If I recall, my '04 finally "broke in" at around 4500 miles.

I know from reading other posts that there are other 2008 owners concerned about the shifting...if you have low miles on it, don't sweat it, it WILL get better with mileage.

So, my 2004 FJR had 72,500 miles on it when I sold it in September...shifted super smooth, and made mid to upper 40s on gas mileage. When I bought my '08 model, was disappointed in the "clunky" shifting and low gas mileage figures. I knew it would get better with mileage break in, but seemed worse than my '04 had been. Happy to report that after my '08 hit 3500 miles, the shifting has gotten silky smooth, and my mileage on my last 2 tanks has increased from low 40's to mid-upper 40's. If I recall, my '04 finally "broke in" at around 4500 miles.
I know from reading other posts that there are other 2008 owners concerned about the shifting...if you have low miles on it, don't sweat it, it WILL get better with mileage.
I went from a 04 to my new 08. Thought the 08 shifted fine. Gas mileage has been in the 40s on the road since day one. Probably 36-38 mpg in town. What does bother me is the high pitched vibes I get through the pegs and seat. My 04 didn't have them to this extent. I've got 3000 miles on it now. I'm hoping it smooths out some with more miles.


Funny how the same model bikes can be different. I find that the '08 is much smoother than my '04 was at highway speeds. I find it so smooth that I am constantly having to back off because I am running 5+ mph faster than I used to on the same roads with the '04.

Someone has posted a while back about his '08 being "better in every respect" than the '04. When I read it, I thought that there cant be that much difference in the 2 models...but I gotta say, now that the shifting has gotten smooth and the gas mileage is finally here, I have to agree with his statement. I find the '08 to be smoother, more comfortable, better handling, quiter...just "better" somehow. It feels more stable at speed, and just has a more refined feel to it.

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My 2008 AE has about 1500 on it. The milage is pretty consistant:










All using Chevron Regular and surprisingly the 35.85 was with mid grade.

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I have a 2008A and have gotten low 40's with various forms of trips. I run a spreadsheet that I keep track of mpg, cost, and any notes. Right now with 5200 miles, overall average is 42. Not bad in my eyes.


My bike sounds like it is the same as GPRIDER. This is the only FJR that I've owned and I have no intention of giving this bike up because it is sooooo fun to ride but I also feel the high pitch wine through the pegs and seat. The gas mileage has always been aroung 43 mpg even when I opened it up a little to get an idea of what it could do :yahoo: If this bike gets better after 3500 miles I don't know what I'll do next. :devil: I'm currently looking at about 3100 miles right now. I might have to wait till spring to find out. :angry:

I went on a group ride through east Texas a couple weeks ago and never went faster than 70. Mostly around 65. I got a good 48 mpg. At 9000 miles my 08 seems very smooth shifting. At slow speed through town I hear the clunk but the shifting itself is smooth. Glad to see Southern Cruz got the pretty black one.

My 08 has about 5700 on it and the engine is and always has been smooth up to about 85-90. Then a noticeable buzz sets in on the 'bars. The Grip Puppies help some.

Mileage has been pretty constant too. High of about 54 while doing an indicated 50 mph (45 max) on the Natchez Trace to a low of around 42 while cruising at around 80 on the interstate. Mileage hangs around 46-47 under my normal riding. All mileage figures calculated at each fill-up. The MPG on the display (reset at each fill-up) is very seldom off more than 1 from the calculated. Most of the time its within .5 MPG.

The shifting has improved a bit from new, but is still more "notchy" than I would like. Hoping it will improve with a few more K miles, but its a shafty so I guess some notchyness is normal...at least that's been my experience with the 3 Beemers I've owned. Overall, I'm a very happy camper. The more I ride it, the better I like it.....

I know from reading other posts that there are other 2008 owners concerned about the shifting...if you have low miles on it, don't sweat it, it WILL get better with mileage.

Thanks for the info,,, my first FJR ,,,, Seems to shift OK ,, don't care about the gas mileage,,,

Handles Great ,,, Runs Great ,,, Fun to ride,,,

Planning on a new seat over the winter ,,,, Best Bike I've had so far,,,

I did change the suspension setting per some info on the forum ,, which seemed to make it

handle even better,,,,,,,, :yahoo:

so happy to read this, traded in my 04 with 55K and thought i was going to regret it if these first 600 miles on the 08 are any indication. shifting clunkiness is a concern and the gas mileage is mid 30's.

funny that i do not remember a break in period for the 04 but was coming off a different type of bike.

so happy to read this, traded in my 04 with 55K and thought i was going to regret it if these first 600 miles on the 08 are any indication. shifting clunkiness is a concern and the gas mileage is mid 30's.
funny that i do not remember a break in period for the 04 but was coming off a different type of bike.

I know exactly how you feel. When I got the '08 and experienced the hard shifting, I was getting pretty nervous. The damn thing got smooth all of a sudden, not like a little smoother every so often, but from clunky to smooth within a few miles...weird. I am getting ready to turn 4K on it, and it is now as smooth as my well broken in '04 was. I think the '08 is getting a little less mpg in town riding, but better for hwy riding. May have something to do with the extra weight in town, and the taller gearing on the highway. Jury is still out on that one.

Anywho, glad I am seeing my mpg figures getting better!

Does the handlebar buzz get better over time? It's the only thing bugging me about this bike so far.

There is buzz on the '08, but I find it already better than on my '04. I loved the '04, but the buzz was a negative for sure. I can live with the reduced buzz on my '08, and if it gets even less, than that's just gravy for me :D

hey about the handlebar buzz. does not seem to be a big deal on the 08 compared to the 04 but it was there. i may have been looking for it i will admit. but check this out, i adjusted the handlebars to the forward setting (does not make much of a difference) but in doing so the buzz seems to have gone away?

perhaps re-torquing the two bolts has something to do with the buzz? i can't imagine that it is the forward setting. who knows maybe the factory toque on those to fasteners (the allen and the 17mm nut) attributes to the buzz.

heck i say give it a try for shits and grins if you have not done it yet. if you have changed the handlebar setting go back in and re-torque.

SouthernCruizer, thanks for the further encouragement on the shifting. I will be anxiously awaiting the smoothout! :ermm:

When I got my used '06 with 2K on it , the shifting was notchy and it vibrated like a Sportster when lugged down. Now with 13K it shifts smooth as silk and the buzz is gone. Mostly break in but a switch to Rotella 5w-40 synthetic made a noticeable diff. Ride like a girl and mileage is 48 plus.

My 08A (new in July) - just turned 6900 miles - bar buzz is greatly reduced when moving the handlebars to the #3 position (closest to you). I also have grip puppies - which help. But, by far, the biggest thing that helped was changing the front suspension settings. The factory settings are at "mush" - but if you make them a bit stiffer the "buzz" basically goes away.

There still is a bit of buzz (I drive about 70-80mph on the slab) - but that's how I know it's at 4K RPM... :D I don't even look at the display, I just "know" it's at 4k by the "sound"...

I have the 07 and mine was clunky at first and I thought the mileage sucked, but it got better around the 3000+ ish mark. On the road now I get low Forties (42...44) if I'm not passing everything in sight. Just crusing 55-65ish mph

If I drive with only mileage in mind, I mean really baby it and coast whenever possible, I have hit the low 50 mark, but that's not real riding. My goal is to see how high I can get the mileage AVG up to....kind of a game.

Around town I get in the mid to low thirties (33-35).

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