2009 Iron Butt Rally - Official Daily Reports

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For Davo and his family,

Rest in Peace. Our condolences and well wishes for the family and close friends. The LD community has lost a great man!

RIP Davo.

Sincere condolences to his family and loved ones.

I met him briefly at Spartanburg, and am so sad I'll not have the opportunity to meet him again.

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Davo and I met on one of my trips to Australia and we exchanged comments on posts when we both owned the same rides over the years. A great resource to the motorcycling world and a dedicated professional in the LD community, he served as an ambassador of goodwill.

That he has passed is unthinkable; that it happened wheile he was doing what he enjoyed, only slight compensation.

He will be missed.

My heartfelt condolences to his family and friends. May you be spared further sorrow.

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Heartfelt condolences to his family and friends.

It feels just like someone stuck a needle in my IBR balloon and deflated the whole online fun/frenzy. The question why this happened will linger for a long time. Was hoping to not have to read this devastating news this morning. From what I've read on the Aussi site he will be missed by many throughout the world.

RIP Davo


Following the IBR's is always such a great occasion. But right now I've got such a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach.

The news of Davo's passing casts a real shadow over the event for me personally.

I wish Davo's family condolences & prayers. He was doing what he loved and it's

a tragedy for his family and friends. RIP Davo

Regrettably, I never met Davo and only know him through what I have read of him the last few days, but he must have been a great man. I have always believed one of the best measures of a person was the impact on those around him and Davo seems to have touched/influenced many many folks.

Godspeed Davo, we'll see you somewhere down the road...

My deepest sympathies and prayers are for his family and friends...

First: Godspeed, Davo. Tight lines and clear roads for you.

Second: Quote by dcarverIs Greg Marbach's 200k+ mile *original motor and drive train* bike the highest mileage ever to complete the rally
Thane Silliker, too. He's got a fair ways past 300,000 mi. on his ST1100.

Third: Thanks guys, for letting me hang out here. This is my 4th rally (on line spectator) and I get the Jones really bad. You guys are going to wreck the FJR reputation on STOwners if you don't watch out. Cumon over, we like FJR's...really we do:)

I really do mean that Thank You, is good to be here.

From Davo's website

"My name is David "Davo" Jones and I came into this world in 1956, raised just south of Wollongong. I am who I am because the road is not always what we expect. As the road turns be prepared. Traveling down that road is what we were put here for, what turns we make along the road are up to us as individuals. Opportunities are always there, some are just either too blind to see or too scared to open that door. Grab that handle and rip it open, you will be the better for it. The more you fall the better you get at staying errect.

You are writing your own life story right now, is it what you imagined as a child, have you done what you wanted. Will you be happy one day when you read back on your life. Was it a good life. This is not a rehearsal, you have only one chance."

RIP Davo, you where hell of a man.


[SIZE=24pt]"we are all destined to die, some choose to live while alive" :: davo :: [/SIZE]

Iron Butt Association # 22575

RIP to a man who chose to really live.

I haven't had chance to look at his website properly yet but the above quote is right there at the beginning. Of course it's sad to lose a fellow motorcyclist but this man went out doing what he loved. He is not dying slowly of boredom in a barcalounger. Wish I'd had a chance to meet this man.

Prayers for his family and friends.

Well as I have to see in the local paper comments section online, people jump to whatever conclusion they want to. I have not seen Bob's response, or obviously the police report. When I worked in an area that covered crashes with forest rats. I personally did not cite unless the driver/rider did something overt like speeding that contributed. Not saying Bob was doing anything wrong, but the nature of this ride would indicate he MIGHT have been going a bit fast.
Just my .02
I am not a fast rider, and the citation is a citation given for *any* accident in that county. If you slide off the road because of ice, if you hit an animal, anything that doesn't deserve a larger ticket or where blame can't be placed on another road user. At least that is what the officer told me. If I were to guess, this is a way for the police to 1) make a little money to make up for the time spent on the accident scene and 2) To ensure at least something gets put in your record for the police to see for future stops. Get a lot of these kinds of tickets and maybe something is up with the way you drive.

Automatic tickets are not unusual in police departments around the country. More often than not, the officer is required by the Chief or department policy to issue the ticket. Why would he want to get himself in trouble for you?

He did say that since I was very cooperative he would put that in the report and maybe that would help get me out of the ticket, but as someone here said, is it worth the fight? I don't believe the ticket would go on my NH record, and a long distance fight is a PITA. I will write letters etc, but doubt that will do anything.

Well as I have to see in the local paper comments section online, people jump to whatever conclusion they want to. I have not seen Bob's response, or obviously the police report. When I worked in an area that covered crashes with forest rats. I personally did not cite unless the driver/rider did something overt like speeding that contributed. Not saying Bob was doing anything wrong, but the nature of this ride would indicate he MIGHT have been going a bit fast.
Just my .02
I am not a fast rider, and the citation is a citation given for *any* accident in that county. If you slide off the road because of ice, if you hit an animal, anything that doesn't deserve a larger ticket or where blame can't be placed on another road user. At least that is what the officer told me. If I were to guess, this is a way for the police to 1) make a little money to make up for the time spent on the accident scene and 2) To ensure at least something gets put in your record for the police to see for future stops. Get a lot of these kinds of tickets and maybe something is up with the way you drive.

Automatic tickets are not unusual in police departments around the country. More often than not, the officer is required by the Chief or department policy to issue the ticket. Why would he want to get himself in trouble for you?

He did say that since I was very cooperative he would put that in the report and maybe that would help get me out of the ticket, but as someone here said, is it worth the fight? I don't believe the ticket would go on my NH record, and a long distance fight is a PITA. I will write letters etc, but doubt that will do anything.
I think your best approach, other than just paying it, is to hire an attorney in that county who works with the local state's attorney on traffic cases. That usually results in a less than moving violation which is not points against your license.

If the policy for that county is going to change, it will be because the locals complained, not people from out of state. I've seen it happen in NY. Give out enough tickets to people who don't think they did anything wrong and they squawk to their local politicians. That's when things get changed.

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Congratulations to all of the riders who completed the rally. And especially to the folks riding FJRs, even though you had a distinct advantage by choosing the best bike for the task. ;)

I really enjoyed following the posts both here and on the official IBA site. Since I know some of you personally it made the rally even more exciting to follow.

And thanks to everyone who participated in this forum. The timely information and enthusiastic discussion is a good part of the fun.

Is Greg Marbach's 200k+ mile *original motor and drive train* bike the highest mileage ever to complete the rally?

Nope. There was a BMW (yes BMW) that has over 500,000 miles on it that ran this year.

The BMW is not running the "original motor and drive train." As I understand it, the motor was recently rebuilt with larger cylinders, pistons, etc. That is not to diminish the accomplishment of finishing the IBR on that old warhorse.

I have always believed one of the best measures of a person was the impact on those around him and Davo seems to have touched/influenced many many folks.
My deepest sympathies to Davo's family and friends - I cannot even imagine the pain you are all going through to have had him taken away so suddenly.


Congratulations to all of the riders who completed the rally. And especially to the folks riding FJRs, even though you had a distinct advantage by choosing the best bike for the task. ;)
I really enjoyed following the posts both here and on the official IBA site. Since I know some of you personally it made the rally even more exciting to follow.

And thanks to everyone who participated in this forum. The timely information and enthusiastic discussion is a good part of the fun.
This too was my first IBR. I admire all of you guys/gals for the guts to undertake something like this.

While a dedicated BMW owner, the FJR forum was also a critical part of this fun. It has been a blast following everyone on the PC.

Thank you Warchild for putting me in the riders seat. I only hope that in 2011 we can all watch the SPOTS in their dance of splitting away and congregating on some predetermined point. Wish I could see an animation of such, and perhaps some SPOT guru can develop a short film and put in on YouTube.

Thank you FJR's for letting me participate on your turf.

God Bless you Davo. After listening to you on SSU, you were my personal favorite to win. Anyone who takes on a LDR in a country completely unknown is a braveheart. I KNOW YOU ARE STILL RIDING.
