2011 Hooterville 400

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A few pics from my ride down with OFace...looking east near LaCrosse.



Just south of LaCrosse on Chipmunk Road.


Great little campgroud we found.


Happy boy. :D


Getting ready for the ride...TripperMike, KSFJR, griff, builderwill & E.T..


More pre-ride discussion.


Bixby stop.


Karl always needing gas. ;)


Smitty & friends waiting inside the store.


After the ride outside the motel.




Eric injuries after his dog collision & sliding superman style...glad you had descent gear Eric, you are a lucky man.



Maybe it was your t-shirt that protected you. :)


Sorry I didn't take more, I was having way too much fun.

Thanks for all the work Mark & Smitty, it was an excellent event!!

I will be back. :clapping:

Thanks for the photos there Marc...it's nice to remember the weekend by.

Those photos you took on the way down on really stunning...great stuff!

Only took a few pic's, but here they are...





Smitty :p

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I only took a few pictures...

Catfish Kettle:



Queuing up for launch:





Hanging out:



That's all... :rolleyes:

I have a confession to make...

I accidentally drove off from the Bixby Country Store with out paying for my gas. I was distracted by my GPS giving me all the wrong directions then someone started talking to me, then everyone was suiting up and off we went. My Bad.

So, I called them this morning to get their address so I could send them a check. I said "Hi I accidentally drove off without paying for my gas" and the girl says to someone in the background "it's the guy who didn't pay..." I guess it doesn't happen that often. Anyway, they said thanks for being honest.

I sent the check this afternoon and our reputation remains intact. We may be Hooterville Hooligans but at least we pay for our gas...

Thanks Marty for taking the photos....looks like a hungry bunch at the Kettle. :rolleyes:

Also, thanks for making it right at Bixby...I can see how it happened. Good on you for doing the right thing. :clapping:

(Have a chocolate milkshake as a reward.) ;)

Marty, first step is to admit you have a problem... your weren't distracted by your GPS, you were thinking of milkshakes while inhaling a Snickers! Its ok man, we're all friends here...

Marty, same thing happen to me on one of our AR runs. :eek: When I called them I heard the same thing from the girl that I talked to. It's the guy that didn't pay for his gas Yesterday... <_< At least I have a good excuse, I'm old and forgetful...But you ....must have been thinking of the next milk shake.... :huh: :lol:

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We are your support group...only here to help.

Gary, when does that Steak and Shake go up? Might need a restraining order against a certain FJR rider...

Oh...and this is for Gramps and petey...who decided two years in a row to trust their gut instead of the gps. I'm thinking...go with your second thought next time...your initial gut instinct isn't working out. ;)

Gramps and petey's Tour de Gravel pit redux


Just joshin with you guys...had a great time again.

Good roads...great people...good catfish/bbq/milkshakes.


We are your support group...only here to help.

Gary, when does that Steak and Shake go up? Might need a restraining order against a certain FJR rider...

Oh...and this is for Gramps and petey...who decided two years in a row to trust their gut instead of the gps. I'm thinking...go with your second thought next time...your initial gut instinct isn't working out. ;)

Just joshin with you guys...had a great time again.

Good roads...great people...good catfish/bbq/milkshakes.
I had NOTHING to do with that...Gramps was leading and I followed like a puppy dog... :p

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Oh...and this is for Gramps and petey...who decided two years in a row to trust their gut instead of the gps.
I had NOTHING to do with that...Gramps was leading and followed like a puppy dog... :p
I see I've got petey riled up. :lol: I better stop now before petey kicks my Danish/Swedish/Scottish @ss. :)

...and gramps, not a problem. I say do it again next year...just as a lesson to those following you. :clapping:


We're all friends here so we can josh each other. The main thing is that nobody made any mistakes that sent them to the hospital...and that Eric survived his dog attack.

We all got a chance to ride some great roads on a nice sunny day. It just don't get any better than that.

...unless you're Marty...then you need the milkshake(s) as well.

I seen dogs... but no milk shakes... makes one wonder...
Speaking of seeing dogs, Eric did you ever find that kamikaze great dane when you went back for your bike?
No, and I found my way down into that creek looking for it. Found a couple more pieces of the bike.

The lady that housed my bike said it was a Great Dane. I called it a Big Black Dog.
