2011 IBR - The Inside View

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"Thanks to the Interstate Highway System, it is now possible to travel across the country from coast to coast without seeing anything."

— Charles Kuralt

Given SPOT lag times, Jim's looking pretty decent here, I think....


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While I understand your points intellectually, I don't understand them at all on an emotional/competitive level. I don't remember much of any of the places I've been on the IBRs and other rallies I've been in. That's not why I run in these events. My intent has always been to challenge myself as hard as I could to win or at least place well. I can't imagine a more expensive and less pleasant way to sight see around the country than the IBR. Hell, anyone can plan a beautiful ride anytime they want; the IBR happens once every 2 years for about 100 people. Compete now, go sightseeing later.

This isn't meant to be a flame at all - just my own motivation and opinion.

- Tim
Just saying I'd rather challenge myself riding 1000's of miles to out of the way, off the beaten path places than to sit there and twist that for 1000's of miles on the interstate.

Agree 100% on that for sure ;)

Here's a theory. What if EVERY capitol is in play on the third leg?
This is what I was thinking - leg 3 all capitals open and in play - so if you missed one you can go back and get it - if you have time.

Get all 48 and get a super bonus. I do not see that as especually unfair or tricky.

Or they could say Hyder is in play again but for 25000 points

Who knows. All we know fore sure is that ther will be a winning route that requires a monster number of leg 3 miles.

Do I have this right?

3. Only Frens has 3/4 corners and Oregon going into Leg #3.
I think he'll be the only one with enough time to snag the big monster bonus they'll have ready for leg 3 (which will be a bunch more then the Hyder leg 1 bonus), AND still be able to have all four corners at the same time...

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better than that. he just said hes about 20 miles out. at 445p edt. i think hell make it in on time.

dave "Cdog" riley
Didn't I tell you that JF was my pick from the start?? Now it's gonna look like I'm just jumping on the bandwagon!

The J Team was 3 miles out and has been for an hour, so I imagine they are actually in the house.

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Alaska riders who get Key West on Leg 3, rather than the punishing schedule for Leg 2 might still be very handily placed. They can probably afford to miss out Carson City and Sacramento, because the Alaska bonus should outscore those two handily.

The sum of Carson City and Sacramento only needs to equal 4800 points to nullify Alaska. I see that as quite in range for what might be on the bonus listing for point values.
I'm also curious about my home town, Denver, and SLC. I wish I could see the leg 1 bonus listing. Judging by Tom's post, the "middle of the country" western capitols may be the keys.

Half an hour into the Checkpoint window, so I can tell you a few SPOT ID's to watch... :(


Cameron - AGAIN! - is rider #319

B.B. Neely - #908

French Wallce - #284.

I also show a SPOT still in the Atlanta region.... hopefully this individual has just stopped tracking.....

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why yes! you did! Twice Now even!!
OK, the page was stuck loading...Hey, I'm in Cowhampsha too ya know! Two tin cans and a string for ethernet.

So, some interesting things to be seen will be Frens' multi-IBR experience vs the Meese "animal" factor. Haven't heard much about Peek since Buffalo. Is he still a top-3 candidate? Will Meese's extra 4 hours in Maine bite him later? Is there anyone else quietly building a cache of points to make a run to the top of the podium? Can't wait for the Leg 2 scores!!

Photo updates from Jacksonville from my iReporters Sparky and Pebbles. Everybody seems in good spirits, most major maintenance completed and folks off for some well deserved rest until tonight


The Mountain Time clock appears to be an hour slow. I hope the owner knows that and makes the correction.

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Alaska riders who get Key West on Leg 3, rather than the punishing schedule for Leg 2 might still be very handily placed. They can probably afford to miss out Carson City and Sacramento, because the Alaska bonus should outscore those two handily.

The sum of Carson City and Sacramento only needs to equal 4800 points to nullify Alaska. I see that as quite in range for what might be on the bonus listing for point values.
I'm also curious about my home town, Denver, and SLC. I wish I could see the leg 1 bonus listing. Judging by Tom's post, the "middle of the country" western capitols may be the keys.
No, the Keys are in Florida. :p ;)

Sorry, just couldn't resist.....it's all this tension!

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