My feewings are hewt.As previosly stated, my brother and I will be venturing out on our own. Otherwise I would be in group 1 all the way.(of couse, since I am not going in a group!)
I'm not advocating racing and you can go in group 1 if that's your style. Just had to bring it up, as I've been in groups where no passing was allowed and sometimes you can get 'stuck' if you know what I mean. 'Stuck' can prey on your patience, concentration, your enjoyment and your safety. It's always the polite thing to do to wave somebody on if you want to reduce your pace to your comfort zone that day, but some are shy and can get caught trying to keep up to the guy in front, realize they are out of their comfort zone... etc. I just didn't want to have anyone to be offended. It's also polite to stay behind and not push someone out of their comfort zone until there is sufficient straight stretch of clear road. It's all in the interest of safety. The pre-ride chat is good to see where you want to be in the group initially. Smaller groups easier to manage.Good question for conversation. Typically, it is considered the courteous thing to do in letting a faster rider by with a wave. For me, I will stay behind a rider until they acknowledges and waves me past. There is no way of reading what's going on inside that helmet in front of you - you don't know if he sees you, knows he's holding you up, etc. I would highly encourage everyone to take a minute and have this discussion in the small groups before you head out. If I see I'm holding someone up, I'll slide to the right, slow, and wave then around.
Do you guys normally allow passing in the group if the rider in front is not quite fast enough for you, providing the way is clear?
I was going to call you out on this one but decided to check it first. SOB your RIGHT!In Ontario, it is OK to pass if safe and you have a minimum sight line and you don't exceed the speed limit (oops).
Hey my bud Jim mentioned he'd like to check that place out. Might want to mention it to him if you make it.I can tell that I will not be ready for serious twisties. I'm considering a RTE over to Hillbilly Hotdogs, and my pace will be slow even for a lollygagger.
Yeah, petey's my roomy...just like old times in Hooterville.And WTF is this aboot petey coming up???
If we aren't passing on the curves (which we aren't), which side is the "outside"?Passing only on the outside on straightaways
If you can't change lanes to pass, then please don't pass. There be's a no clicking handlebar rule ya know. You're right, Heidi, it's all common sense so all can play and have fun.If we aren't passing on the curves (which we aren't), which side is the "outside"?Passing only on the outside on straightaways(I hope you aren't saying outside half of the lane ...yikes)![]()
I ride occasionally with a retired LEO here, and we've discussed a few times...... A cop will look at you if you do the double yellow or solid, and there is some fine print.... some language about minimum distances, and you can bet if you're more than 20 kph over, you're gonna get a talking to by the fine officer, and just pray for no paper at that point. You just admit up front, looked down and oops realized I was speeding so immediately backed off, explain that the traffic was light and the guy in front was dawdling below the limit, blah blah, while down on one knee. OPP are less tolerant, and no tolerance if you're on a 400 series highway (for other infractions).I was going to call you out on this one but decided to check it first. SOB your RIGHT!In Ontario, it is OK to pass if safe and you have a minimum sight line and you don't exceed the speed limit (oops).
36 years of patiently waiting for that solid/double yellow line to change. I feel like crying.
Course, the cops up here will likely pull you over anyway.
More "Common Knowledge" for most FJR riders I would hope, since most have(or had) other Bikes. Usually SportBikes I would guess.I'd think this is all common sense... but apparently not. lol!
Dave, you take yer crew over yonder...Scrapedup, Dave, Group 1, No GPS, will definitely be blasting my ear buds so forget trying to talk to me while we're ridin, have little or no sense of my speed, nor do i care, colored blind, especially when it comes to the color yellow, pretty much pass when ever I feel, I'd be more than glad to lead anyone crazy enough to follow me, my screen name pretty much say's it all. If it's any consolation I haven't crashed yet this year, but granted it is pretty early in the ridin season. PS. Thanks to everyone whose prayed for me, my double vision hasn't been bothering me that much, and I've not been wearing the patch over my one eye, unless it's really sunny, when I'm on the bike. Dastardly Dave #65MotoSeries
mine too. FYBMy feewings are hewt.As previosly stated, my brother and I will be venturing out on our own. Otherwise I would be in group 1 all the way.(of couse, since I am not going in a group!)