2014 Yamaha FJR1300 ES Bad Dash LCD Burned Display

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If some displays do it while others don't under the same set of conditions, then it could be a random a QA/QC issue and Yamaha should be taking care of it under warranty (and kicking THEIR supplier's ass). If the failure becomes prevalent, it becomes an issue for redesign followed by a voluntary recall along the lines of the early '06 speedo clusters. (or even the early Gen II altitude sickness) This is NOT a safety issue that will result in a mandatory recall unless speedometer or other systems are affected. Yamaha will do it in the interest of maintaining their reputation and to prevent future scuttling of sales.

It is not normal, nor is acceptable for a dash display to fail under normal operating conditions. Doesn't matter if it's LED, LCD, or CRTR. Just because it's a motorcycle and not the clock display in a car (which sees more than a little heat on parked in the sun) doesn't make it okay. It was a manufacturer defect, not much ado about nothing. Glad they fixed it as they should have. Thanks for posting in the first place Bryan.

I am a bit confused about the irritation some of you are expressing toward the OP. He reported the issue to us and to his dealer. He did not seem to be asking for help, he just wanted to inform us of this problem. Or am I missing something?
I lack the knowledge of Fred W and ionbeam to help diagnose the problem. I am too lazy to try and help if I did understand the problem. But I don't think that the OP asked for that anyway.

I am even more upset about ordering a new ES than ever. First it was soft paint. Then it was weak mirror mounts. Now the dash does not work. What a POS. I am going to start shopping for a Prius.
I haven't seen irritation. I have seen people bouncing ideas and experiences around in the face of slim information about the reasons behind the event.

It is not normal, nor is acceptable for a dash display to fail under normal operating conditions. Doesn't matter if it's LED, LCD, or CRTR. Just because it's a motorcycle and not the clock display in a car (which sees more than a little heat on parked in the sun) doesn't make it okay.
No displays have failed, that I am aware of. The display has gone dark when overheated and then recovered fully when cooled back off. As stated multiple times, this is a normal occurrence for LCD displays.

It was a manufacturer defect, not much ado about nothing.
We do not know that it was a defect.

We do not know that some displays do that and others don't.

We do not know that the display was not designed to operate within these parameters

We don't know that the OP's display is any different than any other 3rd gen display.

We really do not know much of anything.

Glad they fixed it as they should have.
Where did anyone say that it has been fixed? While the OP's shop said that Yamaha had agreed to replace his instrument cluster under warranty, that hasn't happened yet (at least as far as has been reported) And when it does, we don't even know for certain that a replacement screen will fix the symptom.

It was either a defect or a damaged screen. Yes, we know whether it was normal or not. LCD's are not all the same. Some are designed to last just long enough to get bought, as in a cheap toy. Others, such as those used in the automobile industry, and in the motorcycle industry, are designed to be more vibration resistant and heat resistant than one that might be used in a toy. They're expected to be, and they usually are. And the op posted a video riding away from the dealership after the factory defect (or perhaps, damaged screen, in any event, it was a failure of some type) was repaired. That's how we know. Unless it was a blatant act of subterfuge and he just wanted people to think it'd been fixed. Good point.

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It was a manufacturer defect, not much ado about nothing.
We do not know that it was a defect.

We do not know that some displays do that and others don't.

We do not know that the display was not designed to operate within these parameters

We don't know that the OP's display is any different than any other 3rd gen display.

We really do not know much of anything.
I am going to disagree with you Fred.

I have seen a lot of FJRs and found only one so far that does it. Interestingly, this past weekend doing Demos in Arizona I saw the first Super Tenere, a 2014, that did it, though not as bad, or dark as the FJR.

So far I haven't seen one 2013 FJR do it. Has anyone?

So based on my observations I am definitely going to say that most do not do it, and only a few do. I am also going to state my strong *opinion* that they should not do it. So if it was mine, and eventually I will have one, I wouldn't totally freak out about it, and I could live with it, but I would certainly attempt to have Yamaha fix it under warranty.

Gen Is didn't do it. Gen IIs didn't do it. Gen IIIs shouldn't do it. It's a premium $17,000 motorcycle. Japanese designed and built. I expect it to work properly with only sporadic issues. Especially when brand new.

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And the op posted a video riding away from the dealership after the factory defect (or perhaps, damaged screen, in any event, it was a failure of some type) was repaired. That's how we know.
Where was that posted? I never saw it. It was never posted here (that I can see)

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It was a manufacturer defect, not much ado about nothing.
We do not know that it was a defect.

We do not know that some displays do that and others don't.

We do not know that the display was not designed to operate within these parameters

We don't know that the OP's display is any different than any other 3rd gen display.

We really do not know much of anything.
I am going to disagree with you Fred.

I have seen a lot of FJRs and found only one so far that does it. Interestingly, this past weekend doing Demos in Arizona I saw the first Super Tenere, a 2014, that did it, though not as bad, or dark as the FJR.

So far I haven't seen one 2013 FJR do it. Has anyone?

So based on my observations I am definitely going to say that most do not do it, and only a few do. I am also going to state my strong *opinion* that they should not do it. So if it was mine, and eventually I will have one, I wouldn't totally freak out about it, and I could live with it, but I would certainly attempt to have Yamaha fix it under warranty.

Gen Is didn't do it. Gen IIs didn't do it. Gen IIIs shouldn't do it. It's a premium $17,000 motorcycle. Japanese designed and built. I expect it to work properly with only sporadic issues. Especially when brand new.
With all do respect, Greg, your (negative) observations do not prove anything anymore or less than the original (positive) ones do.

I think the reason I am reluctant to jump on the "defective screens" bandwagon is because it takes a very unique set of circumstances to reproduce the problem. Even the OP had to shift the angle and position of the bike to maintain a few hours of direct sunlight on the gauges. And then the symptom goes away all by itself if you don't do anything and just come back later.

Believe me, if there really is a problem here I want to know about it, and have it fixed by the manufacturer as much as (maybe more than) the next guy. After all, I already have my money tied up in one of these bikes. I don't want it to have lingering, unresolved issues. But I also don't want a bunch of hype and wild conjecture to be the root of people dissing the bike.

As is usually the case, you are correct sir. He posted it on his website (twowheelobsession). I stumbled upon it, and that's the only way I noticed the thread here. So, again, as is usually the case, I learned of it all backward.

And the op posted a video riding away from the dealership after the factory defect (or perhaps, damaged screen, in any event, it was a failure of some type) was repaired. That's how we know.
Where was that posted? I never saw it. It was never posted here (that I can see)
You mean like Spiders Fred?? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
AJ, that's being just a little disingenuous of you....considering the rather large number of folks who DID have Spider problems (enough to warrant a full blown NHTSA recall). Perhaps you, my friend, simply are a member of the "Lucky Few" club.

However, a temporarily blacked-out LCD screen, which might prevent you from determining your fuel level or air temp for a few minutes, probably won't merit the same governmental scrutiny that a motor dying in L.A. traffic, or headlights failing at midnight on the Blue Ridge Parkway might.

Of course, I may have completely misinterpreted the meaning of your post. Could it have been you just displaying your typical "jackassery"? Should you have provided a smiley or two? Don't want to stir up any hard feelings.

Disingenuous? What the hell are u trying to say fish breath? I know I'm not the only one here had'a look that fancy schmancy werd up.

It's the FJR Forum for shitsakes! Keep it simple ya *******!

I just hope they have this problem fixed by the time I come back to this forum sometimes later next year. It's a serious concern. I may have one of these POS in my garage by that time.

Or, I could find another old beat up 05 for cheap and not have this problem......and then not show up for two years.

I just hope they have this problem fixed by the time I come back to this forum sometimes later next year. It's a serious concern. I may have one of these POS in my garage by that time.

Or, I could find another old beat up 05 for cheap and not have this problem......and then not show up for two years.
One can only hope:) :) :)

Or, I could find another old beat up 05 for cheap and not have this problem......and then not show up for two years.
We can only hope..

You fuker Ray!! ya beat me by like 13 milliseconds!

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