2016 no turn signals/hazards

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Well-known member
May 5, 2012
Reaction score
I just did a valve check on my 2016. Now I have a 'check engine light', which I asked about in a separate thread...

Now - I just took a ride, and I have no turn signals front or rear, or hazard lights... which may be the reason for the trouble light (I haven't got the tools to read and reset the error yet).

Both the hazard and signaling fuses are good.

Left controls handle turn signals, right control handles hazards.

Any clue as to where some connector may have been undone during the valve check? Any other ideas? Doesn't seem like there should be anything under the tank that has anything to do with the turn indicators, but anything is possible.

I would have to guess that you disturbed one of the connectors under the tank, in front of the valve cover. Nothing else makes sense.

Okay, sports fans:

After pulling off every possible piece of plastic except the left side panel and the nose piece, I had my wife help me look at the darn thing. She is a whiz at finding stuff like this. But not this time.

Then I remembered the time was wrong on the clock. It had said 1:00 when I was riding the other day, and it was still saying 1:00 when I was working on it this morning...VIOLA!

Turns out the 'Backup Clock' fuse in the main fuse box was blown. Don't know why it was blown, but I fit one of the spare 7.5 amp fuses in there, and everything suddenly works.

Who wudda thot?
