Got my new Yamaha R 3 bike a week ago, It is a perfect bike for me as I am 75 years old. My reason to get it is that it only weighs 350 lbs and I can move it on the ground easily. It is totallay balanced and has very quick steering. tt will average 60 mpg . I have a 2006 FJ1300 AE that I rode in the 2009 Iron Butt rally, a 1996 Royal Star 1300, 2005 YZF-R1 which I have rode in AMA sanctioned race tracks a 1991 Honda ST 1100 and finally a Suzuki DL 650.
I am not bragging but I have loved biking since the mid 1950s. Enuf said.
I am not bragging but I have loved biking since the mid 1950s. Enuf said.