28 years of riding and I finally crashed...

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No knew news to report on the motorcycle... still awaiting parts for the repair... Hopefully we'll get some news this week!

Here on the east coast the prognosticators are claiming that we'll have a mild Jan-Feb for 2011. I'll take it... Hopefully will have the bike back before the end of 2010.

Went to the Dr. on The 1st of December. They said that based on where the soreness is and how the ankle itself is still swollen that I probably have a fracture in the ankle. :angry2: I'm out of the walking boot, so I was a little concerned about that... They said not to worry, 2 weeks in it was what they'd have recommended anyway... Of course, yesterday walking to the shop (about 200 yards from my house) I rolled the ankle... :cray: Might be back in the walking boot!!

Injuries suck...

Josh, I'll take a look at that link... My business partner and I plan to ride out to Pikes Peak for the race this year... Last year he raced it, and this year he just wants to spectate...

Depends on my DE instructing schedule, but who knows. Might be able to make the dealsgap trip!


Josh, That's exactly where it happened. I expect to get the bike back within the next couple of weeks. Hopefully we'll have good weather to ride into the new year...I'll let you know when I get back in the saddle...And we can hook up for a ride!

Awesome. Check my buddy's website while you get better. https://miles-by-motorcycle.com/forums/discussion.html There is a thread there about a May trip to Deals Gap...you (and anybody reading this) may want in on the action. Never to early to start planning!

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My first street crash was in a left turn lane too. That has been 46 years ago but I learned that left turn lanes gather oil and fluid and nobody drives over it when it is in the center of the left turn lane. Therefore it sits and waits for a motorcycle to come hot to catch the light. I never ride in the center of the left turn lane as a result. It sounds like yours was much worse and that there was fluid everywhere. Hope you are healing well by now. My lesson...never trust a left turn lane.


Finally, after about 7 weeks, got the bike back today. Looks brand new with the fresh painted bags, and all the new bits. I'll install the clear bra and the silver stripe kit I got from PCA over the next few weeks...

This being my first motorcycle crash ever, I wasn't sure how I was going to react to getting back on the bike and riding it home. My ankle is still healing, but I wanted to ride it home anyway, even with all the sand/ snow melt junk from the snow storm a few weeks back. Although I wasn't playing Nickie Hayden, I felt comfortable immediately after getting out of the parking lot at the repair facility, and was fine the whole ride home... Those new heated grips, the Tour Master Suit, and the "appropriate" footware did the trick...

Man I missed this bike!


Hey Mike, Sucks you crashed.

Here's a link I found on Ankle Injury and Recovery. Hope you can find something there that will contribute to your plan.


Hang in there Bro.

Finally, after about 7 weeks, got the bike back today. Looks brand new with the fresh painted bags, and all the new bits. I'll install the clear bra and the silver stripe kit I got from PCA over the next few weeks...

This being my first motorcycle crash ever, I wasn't sure how I was going to react to getting back on the bike and riding it home. My ankle is still healing, but I wanted to ride it home anyway, even with all the sand/ snow melt junk from the snow storm a few weeks back. Although I wasn't playing Nickie Hayden, I felt comfortable immediately after getting out of the parking lot at the repair facility, and was fine the whole ride home... Those new heated grips, the Tour Master Suit, and the "appropriate" footware did the trick...

Man I missed this bike!


Hey Mike, Sucks you crashed.

Here's a link I found on Ankle Injury and Recovery. Hope you can find something there that will contribute to your plan.


Hang in there Bro.

man i wish i were you 4 days and already have withdrawels this too will pass im happy for you though :yahoo: i know that back in the saddle again felt good keep the clean side up

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