Towing the Short Bus
Ok, Just got all the photos uploaded so I can tell this tale a bit more proper like.
Thursday we began arriving at the Comfort Inn in Casey, IL. It was spittin' snow when I left the house and the mercury had dipped to 33. I got checked in at the hotel and headed over to Terry's house. What a feed he puts on! There were brats, pork burgers, roasted tenderloin, cheesy taters, sloppy joes, tater salad, beans, and a whole lot of good company to swap lies and get to know. My camera batteries were dead as a door nail at this point but you will see in the pics to come that quite a few of the IBA crowd rode in as well as a good portion of the STOwners forum. Had a strong showing of Wings as well. I counted 4 FJRs for the weekend. (Good to meet y'all)
Friday morning dawned bright and sunny and the parking started to fill at the Casey Comfort Inn.
So the lying and tire kicking began.
Even the Ghostbusters made this shindig.
Round about noon Terry (the guy who kinda planned this thing) rode in.
And then Tim Yow of IBA fame held a little group hug to give us the plans for the day.
As planned we rode to the Cole County Airport for a Elephant ear sandwich.
This is an elephant ear sandwich.
After lunch Tim knew of a place, in Paris, IL, where old cars were being rebuilt and the owner said we could have a tour. He was working on a car that would run in a rally later this year. He had purchased another building in town that he was going to turn into a three story museum.
Allison V12 aircraft engine.
The rally car.
We headed back to the Comfort Inn from here via the only curvy (twisty just does not fit here) road in the area. Then as planned we all went to eat at Richard's Farm Restaurant. They had a buffet and a room all set up for just us. Very good food, even better new friends to hang out with. Richard's told Terry they served around 285 in our group that night.
Then it was back to the Inn to drink beer and swap more lies. The next morning dawned wet and cold. But the Comfort Inn was bursting. Riders from all over were still arriving. The day to go get a Moonburger had arrived. It rained, sleeted and snowed on and off all day but never stopped this hearty bunch, we rode on down to Moonshine anyway.
My feejer parked back behind the red Blazer and me walking into get a moonburger.
One of the rainproof crew with a couple of double moonburgers, man were they good.
One of the owners of the Moonshine store, eating the profits.
The other owner, Helen.
After the festivities quite a few of us went back to the Inn and partied the rest of the night away. We ordered in pizza and just hung out knowing that the next day would be all sunshine and the ride home would be more enjoyable. It was a good time and I hope to hang out with this crew again next year....if not sooner.
Thursday we began arriving at the Comfort Inn in Casey, IL. It was spittin' snow when I left the house and the mercury had dipped to 33. I got checked in at the hotel and headed over to Terry's house. What a feed he puts on! There were brats, pork burgers, roasted tenderloin, cheesy taters, sloppy joes, tater salad, beans, and a whole lot of good company to swap lies and get to know. My camera batteries were dead as a door nail at this point but you will see in the pics to come that quite a few of the IBA crowd rode in as well as a good portion of the STOwners forum. Had a strong showing of Wings as well. I counted 4 FJRs for the weekend. (Good to meet y'all)
Friday morning dawned bright and sunny and the parking started to fill at the Casey Comfort Inn.

So the lying and tire kicking began.

Even the Ghostbusters made this shindig.

Round about noon Terry (the guy who kinda planned this thing) rode in.

And then Tim Yow of IBA fame held a little group hug to give us the plans for the day.

As planned we rode to the Cole County Airport for a Elephant ear sandwich.

This is an elephant ear sandwich.

After lunch Tim knew of a place, in Paris, IL, where old cars were being rebuilt and the owner said we could have a tour. He was working on a car that would run in a rally later this year. He had purchased another building in town that he was going to turn into a three story museum.

Allison V12 aircraft engine.

The rally car.

We headed back to the Comfort Inn from here via the only curvy (twisty just does not fit here) road in the area. Then as planned we all went to eat at Richard's Farm Restaurant. They had a buffet and a room all set up for just us. Very good food, even better new friends to hang out with. Richard's told Terry they served around 285 in our group that night.

Then it was back to the Inn to drink beer and swap more lies. The next morning dawned wet and cold. But the Comfort Inn was bursting. Riders from all over were still arriving. The day to go get a Moonburger had arrived. It rained, sleeted and snowed on and off all day but never stopped this hearty bunch, we rode on down to Moonshine anyway.

My feejer parked back behind the red Blazer and me walking into get a moonburger.

One of the rainproof crew with a couple of double moonburgers, man were they good.

One of the owners of the Moonshine store, eating the profits.

The other owner, Helen.

After the festivities quite a few of us went back to the Inn and partied the rest of the night away. We ordered in pizza and just hung out knowing that the next day would be all sunshine and the ride home would be more enjoyable. It was a good time and I hope to hang out with this crew again next year....if not sooner.
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