4 days round the Scottish Highlands

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Nice! Memories of my tour up to Inverness a few years ago (pre-FJR... on a Honda Deaville 650 with my lady).

Hey, do you know of any UK-FJR forums? I'd like to connect with more of our species here in this land.

Excellent ride report. We did a car trip through the same areas and those shots brought back a lot of memories. We spent a night at a cool B&B in Pitlochrie as my brother in law wanted to see a local distillery the next morning. Nothing like tasting wonderful single malts at 9:30AM to set up the rest of your day! Thanks for sharing. Midges = mosquitoes in North American speak, or are they a different biting creature?

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absolutely agree, that's some great stuff, thnx! many in the US have not seen the beauty of europe, I was fortunate to get to Germany and Sweden briefly, but it's always great to see pictures like that, just incredible.

Wow. Beautiful places, great shots. We're making long-term plans for a mostly-Scotland family trip next summer too, and this both whets my appetite for that and throws me into the pits of depression about not being able to ride while there. Those narrow little roads are just made for motorcycles. In fact, I suspect they were made only for motorcycles.

But thanks for the RR, George. Enjoyed it.

Great ride report! My wife and I plan to visit Scotland next year for our 25th anniversary. Did you have a planned route? I was thinking of riding, but obviously would have to rent. Any suggestions?
During school hols & busier periods I pre-plan the routes (to a degree anyway) and accomodation for peace of mind. If it is outside the main holiday period then I sometimes just go and see where I end up. Sometimes I camp, for this trip I stayed in hostels for £15/night. Could not face camping this time of year due to the midges... :angry2:

I can suggest plenty of places to see and good biking roads too, as for renting I suggest Googling, I have just had a quick look and come up with this...I don't know of anyone that rents locally though.


I'll ask next time I'm at the main dealers and let you know if they rent bikes.

What time of year you thinking of..?
Have not decided on time of year. Any suggestions? The only definite is that we want to go next year. Will start planning after NAFO next month.

Awesome pics of an area I never made it to (and I've been to a lot of places in Europe), thanks so much for sharing.

I think the mirror covers look great and functional for cold weather riding. I had also never seen the extra foot fairing that's in the Yamaha accessories, thanks a bunch for posting that interesting bit of info.

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Nice pics and a great report, thanks for sharing!!

On the mirror thingies - if you can find more info that would be great. If they function similar to the (VStrom) hand guards that some people put on to block cold wind and rain, well, then they look a LOT better then those. I'd be interested in adding them in the winter.
