42 years ago today

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Was in the 6th grade when the principal called all classes over the P.A. to the flagpole at the school office and then told the assembled school a few minutes later that JFK had been shot in Dallas.

9th grade Civics class. Male teacher with tears in his eyes told the class. We were all stunned, I remember welling up with tears myself. Seemed like an end of the world scenario. JB

Enjoying the first few months of being 3 years old. Cluelessly happy back then. I miss that.

2nd grade (8 years old).

Don't remember the teachers name. But remember a teacher entering the room and whispering to our teacher. A girl on the front row started crying. Our teacher said something to the effect of, "Children a terrible thing has happened. President Kennedy has been killed." Some other kids seemed really shaken. I remember wondering why they were upset since they didn't even know the guy.

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Ummm, I wasn't born yet. In fact, my parents were both in high school. Since they were probably dating about that time, I guess I had the potential to become a reality, but we don't really need to be talking about my parents sex life on this here FJR forum. :rolf: :eek:fftopic: :rolf:

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3rd grade in Arlington TX.

Clearly remember that my second grade teacher was near the book depotistory having gone to see the Pres go by. She called the school before the news broke so we knew early. Also clearly remember being let out early for recess and standing watching nearly all the girls standing around in groups crying and most of the boys in a large group making gun noises while chasing one boy. I was sure the world was crazy even at that early age. Nothing in the 42 years since has done much to change that impression.

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6th grade, no cartoons all weekend. The worst part is he nailed the wrong Kennedy. ;)

Ohhhhhhhhhh YT, where are you???

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I was in Junior High school, working in the health office. I was the first, at for an hour or so only kid to know about it. They told me not to tell anyone until they made a p.a. announcement. Like the dork I was, I obeyed. I went to geometry class and told the teacher he would have to cancel the scheduled test but I could not tell him why. Something about the look on my face made him cancel the test. We all sat there for five minutes then we all heard the announcement.

I was a senior in high school and in the Principle's office discussing an application for one of the State's universities. One of the teachers came running into the office with the news that he had been shot -- no details -- but it was thought to be serious. An hour later it was confirmed that he was dead and everyone in the school knew it. We had basketball practice after school just like nothing had happended. I thought that was a poor decision on the coach's part but looking back on it, the distraction, even for just a few hours, was probably a good idea.

Sitting in my Mom's womb... waiting another 4 months for the egg timer to go off so I could stretch my legs and have a look around.

Watching cartoons and pissed off that Popeye got interrupted. Heck, all three channels were gommed up and little Matty was upset. Keep in mind this was pre-school age...

Sitting in my grandma's living room on Lowery Street in Troy Hill, a berg of Pittsburgh. Having just returned from a stressful day of kindergarten, I was enjoying a piece of grandma's freshly baked 'real' German apple strudel and a glass of 'mook'. I remember my Aunt bursting through the front door announcing the news. The look of horror and shock on their faces remains with me to this day.

Damn, I miss my grandma's strudel... :(

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In class in the 7th grade at Columbus Jr. High School in Canoga Park, southern California. I don't remember what class that was, though I have a visual image of the specific classroom and a recollection of it being sunny and either late morning or early afternoon when the principal announced the assassination attempt over the speaker in the room. I believe there was a second announcement later that the president had died.

I think that was the first time that the real world intruded into my 11 year old consciousness (I was a year ahead all through school). Even though I have some recollection of the Cuban missile crisis and talk of bomb shelters, I don't think I knew enough or took it seriously enough to have it sink in; President Kennedy's assassination was different.

On the grassy knoll. Just kidding. I was six, in first grade. Department of Defense school in Germany. Pirmasens, I believe. Near Kaiserslautern.

I still recall the teacher anouncing the president had been shot. I wasn't sure what all the fuss was about, but I knew she was upset.

Speaking of ignorant bliss while mildly hijacking the thread, a buddy of mine and co-worker was backpacking from September 10th - 15th, 2001. Never heard a thing about the news. When he got home it was like "What?". Now back to the regularly scheduled topic....

A junior in High School, just finished a business class when the announcement was made. Went with some friends and helped the principal lower the flag. As with Exskibum, I can still picture the still, sunny day (much like today, lower 70's) in Central California.

I suppose that this event is much like Dec. 7, 1941 was to my parents and grandparents, a moment frozen in time and etched on our memories.
