622 Miles

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So do I get the squid, newbe dumbshit award for the bike dropped with the lowest miles.? I really hate that side stand.
Dude, everyone on the Forum's got one of those dumbshit trophies for dropping his FJR in the parking lot. Me, I've got, let me see now, two.... So don't beat yourself up (apart from the beating you already took by saving the bike :blink: ).

Now, every time I engage that kickstand, I wedge my boot up against it before dismounting.


And because I've done the same thing - with a different bike - I've developed a habit of putting my foot behind the kickstand as I put it down and keep it there after it's fully forward (on the ground) and as the weight of the bike is transfered to the stand. The idea is to make sure the stand is fully forward and locked at the stop after the bike has settled on it and prevent the bike from rocking/rolling forward on a partially deployed sie stand.


Thanks guys I was being carefull because of this forum am doubly carefull now. I hold my foot on it untill I know it is on it then dismount.

So do I get the squid, newbe dumbshit award for the bike dropped with the lowest miles.? I really hate that side stand.
Dude, everyone on the Forum's got one of those dumbshit trophies for dropping his FJR in the parking lot. Me, I've got, let me see now, two.... So don't beat yourself up (apart from the beating you already took by saving the bike :blink: ).

Now, every time I engage that kickstand, I wedge my boot up against it before dismounting.

Some even have it on video tape :derisive: .....

Now, every time I engage that kickstand, I wedge my boot up against it before dismounting.

I almost dropped my bike because my pants somehow hooked onto the kickstand and pulled it back as I was setting it down. I decided to apply as much stength as I could to keep it from dropping too hard and it stopped falling! I barely got it back up.

Since then, I never set the bike down without at least watching the kickstand meet the ground, but almost always have my boot holding it forward while I set the bike down.

as for "soonest dropped FJR" i'll leave that open. also, those wrecking while leaving the dealership will be excluded for obvious reasons.

my SiL wrecked his Daytona 600 within 24 hours. in that 24 hours, 200 miles was me riding it back from the town where he bought it, him riding it the 10 minutes to their appt, leaving it parked overnight, then wrecking on the 10 minute trip back to our place because he didn't like leaving it in the unsecured appt parking lot. total miles easily under 30 and total time ON the bike, easily probably under 30 as well.

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Good stories! I almost did the no sidestand thing the first day...but caught it in time so that only the exhaust pipe just barely touched. My back was rather sore the next day, it's a lot of bike to catch once it starts going over, no damage though and a good re-learning experience for me. I'm taking it easy on it right now to make sure I don't re-learn anything else the hard way! :rolleyes:


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