6th Annual Moon Shine Lunch Run

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Nov 23, 2005
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Tucson, AZ

And remember Terry's famous words.....

If you don't make it to Moonshine,,, you ain't a Motorcycle Rider,,, you're just a Motorcycle Owner!!!

2010 Moon Shine Lunch Run Clicky

Stats from 2009

From: Austin city limits (aclhammond) Dec-22 10:38 am

To: ALL (1 of 69)


Ok,,, so,,, this is a shade late,,, but about average for me... But,,, I wanted all to know where and how the money raised all went...

Thursday night at my house we served around 150 people… This is my favorite night as it really is a Family Gathering… If you show up to the Moonshine Run,,, you are family…

Friday Lunch was HUGE!!! Tim Yow came up with the site and took care of all the details and it was perfectly done!!! I never saw that many people get served that quick with good food in my life!!!

Friday’s ride through the “Tail of the Cow’ towards Terre Haute I am sure showed there are a few curves in Central Illinois…

Friday night at Richards was GIGANTIC!!! We filled the main room (((300))) and had people setting outside in the main Restaurant because of lack of seats!!! The added fun of watching Cape Fear Riders show up to get a picture with some “Tub of Goo” was fun for all too… Amazed at how many people come back year after year… And,,, it boggles the mind to think of all who ride 1,000 miles or more to be here too!!!

We had about 30 camping at the “Hammond Farms” and stories will be told for a lifetime from that!!! LOL!!!

Saturday was “The” day we all show up for,,, and this year,,, Mother nature was very very kind!!! We had the First Annual Charter Member Ruff Road Ride that took off!!! All riders seemed to love this route,,, and Don Scott gets all the credit for hosting this ride... This ride will get bigger and bigger each year,,, it really is that good!!!

The Main Moonshine Store Lunch Run Ride???

We had 700* people,,,

On 600* bikes,,,

From 39 States*,,, and 3 Countries*,,,

Eat a total of 1,119* Moonburgers...

Those 700 people on 600 bikes rode a total of 360,000* miles round trip from their home,,, to Moonshine and back!!! This is an average Miles per rider of 514.3* miles each!!! Per bike comes out to riding 600* miles total to eat a Moonburger!!! To make it a shade easier to visualize this distance,,, this is to the Moon,,, and ½ way back!!!

(((* new records set)))

To make this soak in to your craniums a little better???

Sturgis has a population of around 6,000 people...

Moonshine has 2...

We brought over 300 times as many people into Moonshine that Saturday than live there...

If Sturgis raised their population 300 times it would need to have 1.8 million people all inside the city limits on a certain day... Moonshine KICKED,,, Sturgis Arse!!!

Proudest fact for me is,,, if you take the total miles ridden to 5 Moonshine Run Lunch Runs,,, and don't even count the Pre-Pre,,, Pre,,, Post,,, and the Post - Post Moonshine runs??? We have rode around 1.2 million miles to the Moonshine Run,,, and knock on wood,,, no one has been seriously injured... We have had a wheel come off a bike last year at speed,,, and a guy slide in a turn in Colorado but,,, with 1.2 million miles total,,, that is amazing safety record!!!

Even though the T-shirts cost us about $1 more than the year before,,, we did not raise the price for the shirts… We gave $800 to the Casey Food Pantry,,, $800 to the Fire Fighters,,, $800 to the Crisis Center... $300 more than last year to each…

We have $3,000 to go towards the Mission work which includes the Children’s orphanage mission in Mexico… So,,, all in all,,, even though we raised less selling shirts than years before,,, we gave more money this year… A Tribute to all those who cared…

Thank you... You truly have made my dream a reality... And,,, this time,,, Reality is better than the dream...

Get Prepared for Launch of Moonshine Lunch Run # 6 Coming Soon!!!

Terry "Two Wrecks" Hammond


It's January, the bikes are in the garage all covered and warm in their fuzzy little blankies, hibernating, waiting for the first days of spring. When the Ice and Snow will be gone, and the gentle spring rains (or thunder storms) will have washed the road salt away.

Then MOONSHINE, people gathering from all parts of th U. S. and Canada too.

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Registered and room reservation made. Now if all goes well in life, I hope I'll make it there. It's about 850 one way miles for me. I gotta be there for Thursday night at Terry's house. BTW, that dude pays for all that food for Thurs. night out of his pocket, so if'n you go, look for Tim Yow to make a donation anonomously since it would embarass Terry. He has a heart of gold, I tell ya.


Registered and room reservation made. Now if all goes well in life, I hope I'll make it there. It's about 850 one way miles for me. I gotta be there for Thursday night at Terry's house. BTW, that dude pays for all that food for Thurs. night out of his pocket, so if'n you go, look for Tim Yow to make a donation anonomously since it would embarass Terry. He has a heart of gold, I tell ya.
Yeah, we all try to get to Tim and get a little something back to Terry. You know Terry, he would never ask.

BTW as of today there's 300 bikes signed up, only 7 FJRs..................Sure hope you ride yours Doc, I'm starting to feel lonely.

In case anyone wanted to know.

Schedule of Events

*NOTE - Current as of December 31, 2009

Once again, this isn't just a one day event. The main event will still be Saturday April 10th, 2009 in Moonshine, IL, but other things will be planned during the 8th - 11th.

Thursday April 8th - Cookout

5 - 10PM is a cookout at Terry's house where you bring nothing. He furnishes it all for free. There will be Brats, BBQ, Pork Loin, Salmon and Shrimp along with side dishes, iced tea, coffee and peanut butter ice cream. Can't beat that, can you? Here is a Map to his house. *Note - The map shows the house number as 455. This is to show the physical location of the house. His house number is actually 410. I could let Terry step in here and explain this, but I'm afraid I don't have enough bandwidth and he may run out of gas telling you the story. Park out along Main Street as it is a "National Road" and the Casey street lights will really make this look so cool. Sign up/in will begin and and continue until noon on Saturday. If you don't sign up/in, we won't know you showed up.

Friday April 9th - Lunch, Ride and Dinner

10:30 AM, Sharp! The time may change, but Tim Yow is working on the plans for lunch and a ride.

Between 6:00 - 9:00PM, we will once again meet at Richards Farm Restaurant in Casey, IL. This place has great food and is always a great time socializing. We will once again have the almost legendary "Awards Banquet" during the meal. We will shoot for 7:00PM. It is a "Must Make" if at all possible! Here is a Map.

Saturday April 10th - Moonburgers!

Starting at 7:00AM, come by the Casey Comfort Inn/Moonshine Headquarters. Everyone come by and sign up/in. If you don't get signed up/in, you are not an official "Moonie"! Sign up/in will end at noon Saturday. Make sure you are on "The List" before it is to late. Here is a Map.

Free coffee and the sweet roll lady will once again be there selling delicious sweet rolls. She will be set up at the Comfort Inn. She donates her time, ingredients and all money taken in goes to the Moonshine Mission Fund. She will only be there from 7:00 - 9:30 AM make sure and get there early as these are GREAT. Make sure you thank her for all she does!

At 8:15 AM, there will be a "Blessing of the bikes" in the Comfort Inn parking lot. Thanks to CMA Chapter #836!

At 8:30 AM, the rough rode riders will take off in search of creek crossings and gravel/dirt roads.

We will start sending groups of people down to Moonshine with "guides" to get us all there starting around 8:35 AM and about every 30 minutes until the last group leaves at 11:30 AM. Remember, Helen will serve food until 12:30 PM or until the line finally dies out, but lets try and get ordered before 12:30 PM SHARP like Moonshine is famous for! If you go straight to the store, here is the Map.

Between 6:00 - 8:00 PM, the Firefighters in Casey are planning a meal for us.

Sunday April 11th - Breakfast

Between 7:00 - 9:00 AM, Terry is working on something different this year. I will post it as soon as he lets me know.

Sunday Church Service 9:00AM - Comfort Inn

We will have a very laid back and very short(10-15 minutes) Church service held by fellow bikers in the conference room at the Comfort Inn.

Times might get tweaked. Well, this is Moonshine and as far from an organized schedule as possible... LOL!!!

:yahoo: And remember Terry's famous words.....

If you don't make it to Moonshine,,, you ain't a Motorcycle Rider,,, you're just a Motorcycle Owner!!!
I would like to make this; have friends both North and South just a bit and can stay at either, but it's just trying to schedule it in/prioritize. I've tentatively agreed to Wheaton's Appalachian run (which I really want to do!) plus there are other MC events I'd like to do including the IBA National Meet in August, so this run would be a quick one if at all...

I hope to make it tho and see some of you there!

Moonshine extended weather forecast.


No Rain, No Snow, No Sleet.

I really don't know if I can handle this, it just isn't right. :dribble:


Apr 08 Mostly Cloudy

Hi: 61° Lo: 46°

Mostly Cloudy. High 61F and low 46F. Winds W at 12 mph. Air Quality: NA, UV Index: NA



Apr 09 Partly Cloudy

Hi: 68° Lo: 50°

Partly Cloudy. High 68F and low 50F. Winds W at 11 mph. Air Quality: NA, UV Index: NA



Apr 10 Sunny (Clear)

Hi: 62° Lo: 41°

Sunny. High 62F and low 41F. Winds NW at 7 mph. Air Quality: NA, UV Index: NA



Apr 11 Sunny (Clear)

Hi: 66° Lo: 46°

Sunny. High 66F and low 46F. Winds SE at 7 mph. Air Quality: NA, UV Index: NA



Apr 12 Mostly Sunny

Hi: 67° Lo: 54°

Mostly Sunny. High 67F and low 54F. Winds S at 11 mph. Air Quality: NA, UV Index: NA


I won't be hard to miss. I'll have the Black Cherry 07 with a Blue top box with a white strap and plate from Minnesota. Maybe I should put some black duct tape on it so I'm not so conspicuous, Naw

I just got back today and had a great, if short, time! I stayed in Robinson as a Best Western as my friend, Hoagy Carmichael, lives there. We had a group of us that met there and rode up Friday night for the meal/get together (I was #30 of the LD award riders).

Met again Saturday morning for blessing of the bikes, then rode over to Moonshine. I left fairly quickly after that as I had my OEM front tire - flat wore out - on the trip up. I tried 2 Yamaha dealers (including the one in Casey) with no luck. I headed back earlier than I wanted to and found a great dealership in Evansville, IN that put on a Continental while I waited.

Looks like Moonshine is now on my list of "must do" annual events. I saw a few other FJR's (there was a sh*%load of ST's!), but only talked briefly with one guy at the Moonshine as I was about to leave. I got screwed up going out of there and did ~4 miles on gravel roads before I hit good pavement and connected to IL 1 to Vincennes and US 41 South to Evansville and on to I-24.

The FJR did great on the trip, but man, that throttlemeister just ain't gettin' it!! I have a AVCC but haven't installed; looks like that needs to get a higher priority on the farkle/install list!

I did 2230 miles per my odo round trip from my house.

Had a great time! thanks for posting up Airboss! It was good seeing you again. And Griff, thanks for letting me tail behind you!

I left Moonshine about 10:30 and was home at 8:00 (550 miles). Learned a lot about myself over the weekend. Great time.

Good to see you and Griff again Truvy, wish we could have spent more time together, guess Griff was in a hurry to get to those twisties over in Brown County. I did that trip Friday :yahoo: .

Nice turn out this year, the end of the lunch line got lost in the woods.

There's always a few surprises, why even my Ole' buddy Mac showed up on a brand new KLR instead of his 30 year old beemer :dribble:

I just don't know how to explain Moonshine, if we get in our way-back machine and go back to the 60's and call moonshine a happening that would probably come the close, but not quiet.

Next Year April 7,8,9

CYA There

I got home Monday about 11:00am. Great trip, great weather, Kansas was not as bad as usual, met and talked to a couple other FJR riders at Moonshine and at the Comfort Inn in Casey. This was my second Moonshine run and plan to do it again!!!
