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Once got a wasp inside my jacket (through an opened collar). It nailed me about five times before I could pull over, stop and unzip my jacket.
My V-Stream helps deflect the bugs over and away from making direct contact with me.
Hit the Road Jack,

What kind of dog you got there?


I carry a small bottle with a paste made with baking soda and water for just such an occasion. It will take the pain out of a bee sting in seconds. Fortunately, bees aren't much of a problem around here this time of year.
Well thats down right mannly of you. Does your mom pack that up for you before you? :rolleyes:

Well, on my first long (600 miler) ride to stretch the FJR's legs, I had a nice surprise! Having the windscreen half way up and my visor open, a bug hit right above my right eye, proceeded to crawl under my sunglasses to the bottom part of my eye. I reached up to clear it off, only to learn it was a bee and it was still alive! It proceeded to dump its stinger in me :angry2: , before escaping. I road on home another 180 miles, but the next day, well, it swelled up like a Christmas Turkey!
LOL - welcome the club.. mine was a really fat upper lip.
Yeah, well there's clubs, and then there's clubs. Plus, too, there's wasps. Let's just say that you should never go riding in old jeans, you know, the kind with some, or all, of the crotch blown out. If you do, you might feel the strike, and then a very damn pissed off wasp very upset at the smeg he's now covered in stinging you well over eleventy times before you can stop your SR500E. Then, you might be standing on the side of the road, furiously pummeling your crotch. Then, with traffic now slowing to enjoy that show, you might decide that this freaking wasp intends to flat out KILL your dick. That's when you drop trow. Being Scots-Irish, I'd normally be a little reluctant to drop trow in public, but that swelling was so thorough, I really didn't care if traffic came to a stand-still.

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On my first group ride, I was barely street qualified. Some nasty stinging bug (likely a wasp) flew between my thigh and the tank. That thing was stinging me over and over again for all it was worth. With tears streaming down my cheeks, I cried into my helmet "keep the bike up, keep the bike up-William will make you sell the bike if you wreck!"

We finally arrived at our destination and lucky for me there was a park ranger office open who gave me some sting relief and benedryl since i have a mild allergy to stinging things. But I was so proud of myself for not wrecking :yahoo:

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