A Couple Of Geeks Do NERDS

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Yeah, it's a concrete corn cob. So?
Apr 10, 2008
Reaction score
Marysville, OH
So Sooze and I are geeks. And there’s an FJR gathering called NERDS.

Are you kidding me? How could we possibly resist! Let’s go!!


Friday the 12th. Sooze and I took a half-day off of work so we could get on the road. Just like last time we went to New England, our plan was to ride from Columbus up to Sooze’s sister’s place in Buffalo and visit with the family. Plus, Sooze’s sister’s son is a recent high school graduate who is bound for college, and they were having a little party for him.

All packed up, all loaded up, it was time to hit the road in the early-afternoon.


As we were heading out of town, we rolled by the Harley dealer where our buddy JC works. He was there because they were doing a “Stay-Cation” where they were letting people camp there since the dealer was a stop for the folks riding the Hoka Hey this year. So we scared the crap outta the cagers around us as I lit up the air horns on the FJR as we rode by.


Y’know, sometimes you see something on the road that really makes you pause for a moment. This was one of those things and one of those times – yes, it’s a 70-something Camaro that’s 4-wheel-drive. Yes, it says “Plum Crazy” across the rear spoiler.


In an effort to get us out of Columbus and through Cleveland before Friday-evening rush hour started ramping up, we hoofed it north and it wasn’t long before we hit state #2 for this trip. In, of course, road construction.


It wasn’t long before we were through that state and into state #3.


Shadow shot.


Getting there….


Somewhere along the way we had a Close Call. We were in a construction zone, just humming along, not too fast, not too slow, and were riding along with no traffic in the immediate vicinity. Up ahead we would be overtaking a semi in the right lane. As we got closer, I moved to the left lane. And then … I saw something in the road ahead. I slowed a bit and then it dawned on me – it was one of those damn orange construction barrels, on its side, rolling around between the right and left lanes!

I wasn’t too worried about hitting it with the bike, but I was worried about what the driver of the semi would do. Does he see it? Will he swerve right or, worse – swerve left? My Spidey sense was at full buzz and I covered front and rear brakes, grabbed a gear in case I needed to get outta there in a hurry, and moved way the left side of the road. Not the lane – the road (once I made sure there wasn’t any garbage in the pull-off lane). I eyeballed the truck waiting to see what he was gonna do.

The truck was a little bit in front of us when the barrel rolled directly in front of him. He didn’t do a damn thing so – WHAM!! – he hit the thing! Just as he hit it, I opened up the bike and got as far in front of him as was practical, because when he hit that thing, the sand in the base went poof! And the barrel itself popped up in the air, and I did NOT want to wait around to see where it landed. As we powered by the semi, Sooze saw the drivers face and said he definitely had a “OH SHIT!” look on his face. I’m sure I did as well.

Whew. That coulda been bad, but we made it through OK. Never had that happen before.

Sooze had to get a picture of this because (1) we stopped there; (b`) she always stops there on her way to her sister’s place; (iii) it’s only 30 minutes from her sister’s place and our brother-in-law always gives her crap for stopping so close to their place.


In case you were curious.


And it wasn’t long before we safely arrived and joined in the festivities.


A few pictures from the family gathering…

Sooze’s mom made a quilt for the soon-to-be college boy.


Sooze and her sisters. Put ‘em all together and look out – they all laugh the same.




As dark fell, a projector was put up and it was movie time. The movie of choice? A classic: “Fast Times At Ridgemont High.” Let me just say that I had a heckuva good laugh – the soon-to-be college boy was busy paying soccer and stuff with his buddies rather than watch the movie. Until the scene with Phoebe Cates in the pool. If you’ve seen the movie, you know the scene. I laughed out loud – all action by the yoots stopped and they stared. I wish I woulda gotten a picture of them right then.


So after working all week, and riding 300-some-odd miles, we called it a day and went to sleep.

Saturday, 8/13/2011

Our goal for this day was Brattleboro, New Hampshire.

Due to proximity (or lack thereof), Sooze’s family does not get all together very often, so when we all do, it’s nice to spend time just chatting. So, we didn’t get on the road very early, but that was OK.

Me and Sooze’s oldest sister.


There’s the college boy and my SIL & BIL.


In previous trips, we had only planned maybe a day in advance for our destinations. This had, at times, led to us being on the road longer than we wanted to be, and riding later into the day than we wanted to. So this time around, we had every night’s stay planned out.

Buffalo to Brattleboro ain’t a very entertaining ride, let me say. Yeah, we coulda gone off-slab and prolly gotten something to look at, but we didn’t want to be on the road late, and since we got a late-morning start, we slabbed it.

I saw this and asked Sooze to snap a picture of it – the Amsoil Great American Circle Track Tour 2011.


Cool-looking purple flower thingies along the NY Thru Way.


Eventually … finally … we got off the slab around Albany, NY.



Old tractors and old cars. I love stuff like this.


An old service station. Someday maybe I’ll buy one of these things and do something cool with it, like maybe a strip joint or something.


As we were riding through Bennington, Vermont, I realized that we were going to opposite direction on the same roads as when we rode through here 2 years ago, ‘cause I remember this place.



Now THIS is why we put up with the bore-you-to-tears miles on the slab. We had some warm, beautiful weather to enjoy riding in.


I think this is a cool-looking building.


Lots of rolling lush green pastures & fields, and barns.


And small New England towns.


For you classic-car guys, this is a Hemmings building. I think it is their car lovers store and Sunoco station. I’d like to stop there next time through and take a closer look – I remember my dad getting Hemmings from way back when I was a kid.


What does every small town have? Churches.


Reflections of Geeks.


While a bit touristy, Bennington is a pretty cool place.




As Sooze said, “It’s even spelled right!” It’s an inside thing.


We’re not in Buffalo anymore.



We rode along this creek for a while. It was very scenic with the rocks in there and the water rolling off them.


More small town stuff.


There are a LOT of places like this in these towns. Glad we didn’t try to keep count of ‘em all.



Aaaaand another church steeple.


Out of town, away from traffic, enjoying the XM tunes, twisty roads, and lush scenery. I didn’t go too fast, though – we saw a moose on the side of the road while up here 2 years ago, so I just had a good time rolling along.


What? You went through Bennington and didn't stop to take a pictures of any of the moosess?
Nah. Thought I'd leave 'em for you to accost and get incriminating pictures.


The roads sucked. So did the scenery.



There sure are a lot of Subarus in this region.


Another small-town church.


And again…


As we rolled into Brattleboro, we saw a covered bridge (which will turn out to be foreshadowing, but we’ll get to that).


After 300-some-off miles, we made it to our hotel. We changed, and headed down the road to a restaurant that we passed on the way in.

When we are on a road trip, when it comes to food, we try to stick to a couple of rules:

1. Small-town diners ROCK! If one is available, eat there.

2. Avoid chains.

3. If you must break rule #2, try to go to a chain that we don’t have at home.

So we went to a place called 99 Restaurant, which is a chain, but is one we do not have at home.

I had the prime rib.


And Sooze had a steak.


After dinner, we returned to the hotel and slept like rocks.

Sunday, 8/14/2011

Mile-wise, we had a pretty light day today so we slept in a little bit before getting on the road.

Crossing into Chesterfield, NH. Note the sign on the bridge span off to the right – it says, “Chesterfield, NH 1761 – 2011 Celebrating 250 years.” I don’t think we have ANYthing back home that is that old. Cool!


I had mapped out a route in the GPS to take us up to Laconia, NH, so that Sooze and I could get t-shirts for the HERD s-shirt swap. By chance, this route took us right by here, and it was race day so traffic kinda sucked.


Luckily it was just IndyCar. If it woulda been NASCAR, I bet traffic would have been much worse.


Parking = $30. OUCH!! At least they have ice and maple syrup to make it feel better.


Being a racing fan, I’d hoped to be able to see this track. I’m glad we were at least able to see it from the road.


Before long we were back riding along a body of water. This reminded us of a place we go to up in Michigan.


This was a little island in the lake. I imagine that if it weren’t an island, property values would not be anywhere near what they are on an island, you know? There were, however, some really cool looking homes out on that little island.


It was a nice, warm Sunday late-morning in August.


“Motorcycle Museum.” Anyone more local to this know anything about it?


Garmin really, really needs to get their crap together. I had made the address the waypoint and the GPS had the address for this place something like ¼ mile down the road. Stupid GPS’s’s’s’s’s.


Oh thank gawd! Now I know the secret of life!


It's aboot time you poosed yer ride report, eh? :yahoo:

It’s always interesting to pull up to a Harley dealer on the FJR because (1) the FJR isn’t made by the MoCo and (2) unlike most Harley riders, we ride in full-face helmets and full protective riding gear. So we get some odd looks, but I don’t give a crap. Everyone has always been nice as can be, and this visit was no exception.

As we were strolling about the place, there was a Jack Russell terrier running about the place. We kinda figured that it was a dealership doggie. We kinda figured wrong.

He was a riding doggie!

After getting our stuff, as we were on our way out we saw where he takes in the sites from – a bag strapped to the Tour Pack on a bagger! He was just sitting there, resting his eyes until his humans were ready to roll.


Back on the road.



Betchya you’ll never guess what this building is?


Now THESE people HAD to have one HELL of a view!


And we cross another state line (we missed the state lines for Vermont and New Hampshire).



When / if you ride through Bath, Maine, on Route 1, there are a couple of things that are really cool so see. At least, it’s cool to a native Ohioan.

First, this stand. I remember this place from our last visit up here. They were HOPPING today! Note the line around the corner! Also note the damn traffic going the other way.


The place across the street.


And, this. You can’t see it all that great, but this is where US Navy ships are built. It’s pretty cool.


Not far up the road, we rolled into our destination for the evening. Camden, Maine.


I'm thinking you have lots of pix of the outside of churches, but non on the inside, eh?

Ain't it time to get your hapless soul saved, mi amigo? :rolleyes:

Our accommodations for the evening were at the Camden Windward House Bed & Breakfast. It’s a very cool place that is walking distance to town.



The house has been around since the 1700’s. The current inn keepers are both former NYC attorneys that wanted a change of pace and good place to raise their young’ns. They wound up here.


We purposely kept the miles short today because we wanted to have time to wander around town a bit and check out the town. So that’s exactly what we did.



The harbor at low tide.


These vessels offer multi-night trips. That’d be kinda cool… Hmm…



This was some kind of man-made waterfall thing. It was cool, but the sound of the water made me have to pee.


The building with the blue awnings was some kind of an inn. This is the main drag through Camden.


Sooze collects these things called The Cat’s Meow. They’re little replicas of various buildings. She got a couple of ‘em from Camden to add to her collection.


The other side of Cappy’s Chowder House. Kinda reminded me of the place where we ate when we were in Newport, Oregon, last year: The Chowder Bowl. Dang that was some good chowder.


We had already scoped out where we wanted to eat dinner: The Bayview Lobster Restaurant.


We sat outside. These were lined up outside the eating area.


A local brew and a cup of lobstah bisque. Mmm…


Being from Ohio, we don’t really have “lobster” per-se. Ohio lobsters are called “crayfish.” Well, one of the reasons why I wanted to come back to Maine was to have some real Maine lobster. Since I wasn’t really sure if I like lobster or not, I went with nOOb route and got a lobster roll. At this place, they just plop a bunch of lobster meat on a toasted roll and give you the option of melted butter or mayo on the side. Since I had no idea what I would like, the waitress suggested both. So that’s what Sooze and I each had, complete with slaw and sweet-potato fries.


It was pretty damn good!


Right outside where we were sitting, tickets were being sold for a sunset cruise on one of the boats. The boat returned from its previous cruise.



A passer-by was kind enough to offer to take our picture for us.


The name of this boat made me laugh.


You know your lobster is fresh when you see a dude from the kitchen run out and grab one outta this tank that was right by where we sat and ate.


Me saying, “Holy crapola they have big crawfish in Maine!”


One of our favorite waitresses at one of our favorite hangouts at home is getting married in Camden. Luckily there is a church in town.


Uhhh…. OK.


I tried introducing myself to this fella but he just gave me the cold shoulder. I think I need to get my eyes checked or something.


We strolled back to the room and relaxed a bit and wiped off the road grime. We strolled back to town hoping that the post office would have a 24-hour postage machine thing (I guess those haven’t made it to Maine yet) and wound up in Cappy’s for an evening snack and a night-cap.


We really liked Camden. It is a bit of a tourist trap, but we’d still like to go back and maybe spend a few nights in the area.

After leaving Cappy’s, we returned to the room and called it a day.

Now THIS is why we put up with the bore-you-to-tears miles on the slab. We had some warm, beautiful weather to enjoy riding in.


I think this is a cool-looking building.


Lots of rolling lush green pastures & fields, and barns.


And small New England towns.


For you classic-car guys, this is a Hemmings building. I think it is their car lovers store and Sunoco station. I’d like to stop there next time through and take a closer look – I remember my dad getting Hemmings from way back when I was a kid.


What does every small town have? Churches.


Reflections of Geeks.


While a bit touristy, Bennington is a pretty cool place.



This was the little town I grew up in. Spent a good part of my life in. I love it. It is really cool to see other people traveling thru and seeing there prospective on it. But if you could see it now after the huricane went thru is is destroyed. I can't believe the pictures of Bennington and Wilmington I'm seeing on Facebook. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

THIS is a great report!

Lots of pictures....seeing it through your eyes is a real treat. We don't have "old" buildings out here. Well, a few but they're made of adobe and are falling apart. Everything else is from the gold rush era, mid-1850s. It's cool to see the old houses, buildings and farm structures.

When you buy the old service station, you could use it to collect old tractors and cars....

Jist tryin' tun hep, :rolleyes:
